The new LA Lighthouse name. :(
Yeah. He wasn’t the only one.
Lots of people died helping others evacuate. You can’t go and single out anyone just because he’s more famous.
He should get something else, like a plaque or some new item named after him. But not a landmark as if his death was different than any other. Everyone is the same before Grenth’s eyes.
The reason it should be called Phoenix roost is because LA rises again from his ashes like always.
How is Phoenix, a creature that is known to rise again from the death, not linked to the history of Lion’s Arch?
Lion’s Arch have been destroyed multiple times, and every time it have risen again. Just like a phoenix.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Yeah. He wasn’t the only one.
Lots of people died helping others evacuate. You can’t go and single out anyone just because he’s more famous.
He should get something else, like a plaque or some new item named after him. But not a landmark as if his death was different than any other. Everyone is the same before Grenth’s eyes.
The reason it should be called Phoenix roost is because LA rises again from his ashes like always.
I can’t argue with this logic. I suppose the sentiment about rebirth is equally fitting, considering LA’s history. Looking forward to the update that brings the new city about!
How is Phoenix, a creature that is known to rise again from the death, not linked to the history of Lion’s Arch?
Lion’s Arch have been destroyed multiple times, and every time it have risen again. Just like a phoenix.
I voted for Pheonix roost because of this exact reason. It being rebuilt is practically a tribute to the people of LA by itself.
How is Phoenix, a creature that is known to rise again from the death, not linked to the history of Lion’s Arch?
Lion’s Arch have been destroyed multiple times, and every time it have risen again. Just like a phoenix.
I voted for Pheonix roost because of this exact reason. It being rebuilt is practically a tribute to the people of LA by itself.
Same, that’s why I voted for Pheonix roost as well. Because despite being destroyed many times, Lion’s Arch rises again and is reborn anew.
All the names had merit. I liked the Beacon one as being more generally applicable and suggesting hope offered to all who sail into the harbor, myself, but I don’t think a single one of my voted choices made it.
Though I can’t remember if I voted for Lion or Festival, as I dithered so much on that.
Two things.
Phoenix roost is a terrible name for a lighthouse. It’s not some bird’s nest, it’s a lighthouse.
Everybody and their cat will write it wrong like pheonix and it will kitten me off every time.
Two things.
Phoenix roost is a terrible name for a lighthouse. It’s not some bird’s nest, it’s a lighthouse.
Everybody and their cat will write it wrong like pheonix and it will kitten me off every time.
They could put a phoenix in there you know, or have it look Phoenix like We had Phoenixs in GW1 anyways so they exist in the game. Time will tell, but i liked that name better than the other two! Course, thats your opinion and this is mine~
I have 8 80s, and on each one I played through the entire personal story. Not once in the eight times through LA did I ever notice Tracy McGrady or whatever hanging out with his kid in a building shaped like a phallic symbol.
A phoenix rises again and again. A Grady is easily forgotten.
Crystal Desert
I remember Grady.
A phoenix is a bird, though, and if they wanted to they could put a phoenix (golem or hologram) up on top of the lighthouse, constantly flipping, in symbolic defiance of the Elder Dragons.
That would be cool.
I think there’s a superstition connected to the lighthouse, or one of the lighthouse atleast. I can’t remember it clearly, but I think it’s about the lighthouse being the symbol of LA’s resilience, that the lighthouse survived numerous attacks and catastrophes.
Two things.
Phoenix roost is a terrible name for a lighthouse. It’s not some bird’s nest, it’s a lighthouse.
Everybody and their cat will write it wrong like pheonix and it will kitten me off every time.They could put a phoenix in there you know, or have it look Phoenix like
We had Phoenixs in GW1 anyways so they exist in the game. Time will tell, but i liked that name better than the other two! Course, thats your opinion and this is mine~
Those seem to be based on
I also voted for Grady´s lighthouse. But i understand why majority choosed Phoenix Roost: lighthouse like symbol of hope merged with phoenix’s ability to rise from ashes. And its similar to LA, which is rebuild after every catastrophe.
Let´s hope that old bear at least get plaque in Field of the Fallen next to Meep the beloved Moa.
Btw. i think name should be Lion Roost because that lion at Lion’s Court is much better in rising from ash then Phoenix.
Btw. i think name should be Lion Roost because that lion at Lion’s Court is much better in rising from ash then Phoenix.
I know or at least hope you are joking. That lion statue has actually been broken longer than it has been in game repaired and working.
I just picked Phoenix Roost because I didn’t want to glorify any specific person of any race since LA is a multi cultural hub now.
I’d rather just have broad generic names.
Best NA rallybot on EU
I remember that Grady!
Crystal Desert
I have 8 80s, and on each one I played through the entire personal story. Not once in the eight times through LA did I ever notice Tracy McGrady or whatever hanging out with his kid in a building shaped like a phallic symbol.
He was a permanent fixture of the southern end of town. He gave out speed boons if you managed to wander his way. He’s the type of NPC that is otherwise faceless and easily forgotten, like a named merchant.
I think the appeal lies in the fact that we identify with him to some extent. Grady was just a citizen, not military, not a member of one of the orders or the lionguard, and probably ill-equipped to take on Scarlet’s hoards. Despite that, he gave his life to help evacuate his neighbors and warn off any incoming merchants away from the harbor. He was not someone that had to remain – he had no one to answer to and he was in over his head. At his level, you didn’t see many examples of heroism.
At the other end of the spectrum, you have some people who faked their deaths.
He was a permanent fixture of the southern end of town. He gave out speed boons if you managed to wander his way. He’s the type of NPC that is otherwise faceless and easily forgotten, like a named merchant.
I think the appeal lies in the fact that we identify with him to some extent. Grady was just a citizen, not military, not a member of one of the orders or the lionguard, and probably ill-equipped to take on Scarlet’s hoards. Despite that, he gave his life to help evacuate his neighbors and warn off any incoming merchants away from the harbor. He was not someone that had to remain – he had no one to answer to and he was in over his head. At his level, you didn’t see many examples of heroism.
Up until this naming contest i didnt know who he was! Why? I wasnt actively playing at the time the battle of Lions Arch occurred. It wouldnt surprise me if most(At least the ones who missed the Battle of LA.) players didnt or dont know who he was/is. Especially the newer players. So while he appeals to the players who where there, my assumption is that, those who werent there have no connection to him. Its a shame about his daughter(After i read what he did) for her to be so consumed by hatred though.
Do agree about his heroism and such and would like to see a plaque put up at the new lighthouse with his name on it and the things he did before he died, its not much, but its better than nothing and for sure would let newer players know who he was and what he did for the people of LA at the time. ^^
I’m not big on the name either so i will forever call the lighthouse Bob. Its a much better name than Phoenix Roost.