The real problem of Living Story? (rewards)
Of all the things wrong with the living story – gear isn’t one of them. They have released a lot of gear/weapons.
No, they haven’t. If you compare it to other MMOs, they haven’t released full armor sets where we can earn them via dungeons or pvp. In other MMOs, you can earn full sets of armor by obtaining the next tier. GW2 has only had one full set of armor (Sky Pirates update), but only purchased via the Trading Post.
Of all the things wrong with the living story – gear isn’t one of them. They have released a lot of gear/weapons.
But how do you access them? A subscription MMO would introduce a dungeon (similair to Cof or TA) and would have players actually play the dungeon to earn their equipment. Maybe they would have daily quests specific to the content which would allow them to progress more slowly towards the same dungeon rewards. Instead, GW2 removes the rewards from the game and places them into the store. The dungeon (Aetherblade Retreat as an example) now only offers one unique reward at a very low drop rate. Everything else it rewards is fairly generic RNG crap of which players collect plenty of throughout any area of the game. Maybe a better system would be to implement the same weapons in store and in the game, but give the in store ones slightly better particle effects or something. I don’t think stripping the game’s content down just to make the store more appealing is a very good system for the player.
Players like to have something to play for. The current system of implementing weapons in the store every month is removing a great opportunity to give players something to play for. Instead we have meaningless achievement point grinds.
I must say that I feel as if rewards are somewhat lacking overall in this game. I definitely agree with he OP
I dont need more back items, I dont wear any that have been released. The only decent addition was fused guantlets, but’s about it.
they want to keep the new skins rare, so it is heavy rng to get them. i dont like it.
No, they haven’t. If you compare it to other MMOs, they haven’t released full armor sets where we can earn them via dungeons or pvp. In other MMOs, you can earn full sets of armor by obtaining the next tier. GW2 has only had one full set of armor (Sky Pirates update), but only purchased via the Trading Post.
Tier? I guess you’re talking about WoW which is subscription based ($15/month) I’m looking at a 3 full sets of armor in the TP now for 800gems ($10). That beats your subscription based game for cost easily. They have also released the Aetherblade weapons, jade weapons, flame weapons, fractal weapons all easily obtainable (maybe not the fractal).
Perhaps what they should do is have rare drop in living story dungeons like the flame backpack but instead have it drop a piece of armor or the chance at a weapon. Would that be enough?
No, they haven’t. If you compare it to other MMOs, they haven’t released full armor sets where we can earn them via dungeons or pvp. In other MMOs, you can earn full sets of armor by obtaining the next tier. GW2 has only had one full set of armor (Sky Pirates update), but only purchased via the Trading Post.
Tier? I guess you’re talking about WoW which is subscription based ($15/month) I’m looking at a 3 full sets of armor in the TP now for 800gems ($10). That beats your subscription based game for cost easily. They have also released the Aetherblade weapons, jade weapons, flame weapons, fractal weapons all easily obtainable (maybe not the fractal).
Perhaps what they should do is have rare drop in living story dungeons like the flame backpack but instead have it drop a piece of armor or the chance at a weapon. Would that be enough?
And that’s the problem. This gear isn’t earned. It’s just bought with gems or real money. Keep in mind, i’m talking about Living Story gear only. I want to actually earn it via dungeons or world events. I don’t want to earn only one piece, but full sets. For instance, the Karka Queen event could’ve dropped tokens to obtain a full set of gear, but we don’t get that. Instead we get things nobody cares about.
I agree HUGELY here. I want armor that is cool looking and meaningful as rewards. The low level game is lacking severely in this area, and it appears that much of the end game is also lacking actual reward. I understand that armor sets exist for tokens and such, but the actual act of downing a boss of some sort, or completing a particularly difficult dungeon and then being rewarded on that spot with an interesting piece of armor or weapon still far outweighs the current system.
No, they haven’t. If you compare it to other MMOs, they haven’t released full armor sets where we can earn them via dungeons or pvp. In other MMOs, you can earn full sets of armor by obtaining the next tier. GW2 has only had one full set of armor (Sky Pirates update), but only purchased via the Trading Post.
Tier? I guess you’re talking about WoW which is subscription based ($15/month) I’m looking at a 3 full sets of armor in the TP now for 800gems ($10). That beats your subscription based game for cost easily. They have also released the Aetherblade weapons, jade weapons, flame weapons, fractal weapons all easily obtainable (maybe not the fractal).
Perhaps what they should do is have rare drop in living story dungeons like the flame backpack but instead have it drop a piece of armor or the chance at a weapon. Would that be enough?
And that’s the problem. This gear isn’t earned. It’s just bought with gems or real money. Keep in mind, i’m talking about Living Story gear only. I want to actually earn it via dungeons or world events. I don’t want to earn only one piece, but full sets. For instance, the Karka Queen event could’ve dropped tokens to obtain a full set of gear, but we don’t get that. Instead we get things nobody cares about.
i understand what you are saying, but Anet still need to make money from this game and without subscriptions the gem store is the only way.
Or would you like it if you paid $15 a month and items dropped off the boss like the chest of world bosses. As in one guaranteed drop per dungeon completion. Soulbound and random.
Or dungeons bosses do drop items BUT the drop rate is very rare. So at least there is a chance of getting what you want depending on how much you want to grind it out.
What IS unrealistic to ask for is a guaranteed drop and no subscription. How does Anet make money to keep this game if that scenario happens. I’m open to suggestions..
The current rewards are underwhelming.
Titles, karma jugs, silver/gold, blue & green quality items, etc., just doesn’t cut it. Almost all these can be obtained in game already via normal gameplay without Living Story.
The only worthwhile items are minis and back-slot items, but seriously, is that all there is to look forward to in GW2 from now on?
Why do we only get one item per Living Story dungeon? A pair of gloves? Really?
Gear obtained via Trading Post? Really? Let me earn these via in game dungeons or world events instead.
Aetherized Weapons? Okay, finally something good, but where are the new armor sets?I really want to come back to GW2, but everytime i do, i don’t feel rewarded for doing so, and then i stop playing again.
It’s not called Living Rewards. Play and enjoy the story and entertainment
The current rewards are underwhelming.
Titles, karma jugs, silver/gold, blue & green quality items, etc., just doesn’t cut it. Almost all these can be obtained in game already via normal gameplay without Living Story.
The only worthwhile items are minis and back-slot items, but seriously, is that all there is to look forward to in GW2 from now on?
Why do we only get one item per Living Story dungeon? A pair of gloves? Really?
Gear obtained via Trading Post? Really? Let me earn these via in game dungeons or world events instead.
Aetherized Weapons? Okay, finally something good, but where are the new armor sets?I really want to come back to GW2, but everytime i do, i don’t feel rewarded for doing so, and then i stop playing again.
It’s not called Living Rewards. Play and enjoy the story and entertainment
There are more rewards than content in most patches. Most patches have the illusion of content through lots of recycled achievements and grind achievements. Then they get you to repeat a mini-game several times. The story is minimal.