PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
Here me out about this, but when reading another thread, I had an epiphany about the entirety of the updates dealing with Scarlet in some way up to now. The following theory (also in that thread) is below, and I daresay if I’m right, it explains EVERYTHING.
Everything is leading towards the next personal story releases. Reasoning behind this…
A. Frost and Flame: Scarlet’s Alliance was not only testing how well various villainous factions would work together, but also how various races would. Testing the waters for a bigger force, if you will.
B. Dragonbash: Scarlet set out to destory the Lion’s Arch council, considered to be the most competent of all the governments in Tyria. This would weaken Tyria considerably, since there’d be nobody who could easily rally the other governments together.
C. Queen’s Jubilee: Scarlet set out to kidnap/kill Queen Jenna, the only person who could keep a peace treaty going between the Charr and the Humans. With her out of the way, the two races would war again, leaving them divided against the bigger threat, the dragons.
D. Twilight Assault: Here she revealed she knew something about Caithe nobody else knew, something that she never wants out in the open. Caithe is known to keep secrets close to her, and doesn’t reveal them easily. Since nobody is supposed to know about this, it means Scarlet can somehow get information nobody should be able to have.
E. The Tower of Nightmares and The Nightmare Within: She created an alliance that has spread a poisonous toxin far across Tyria, which while causing hallucinations, could easily prevent people from mentally fighting back somebody from taking control of them…
F. The Nightmare Within: She shows more knowledge about everybody than should be possible. She knows Marjory’s past, Kasmeer’s past, Rox and Braham’s pasts, and even the player character’s past, taunting us with everything we’ve ever done in the personal story. This shouldn’t be possible, unless she has eyes and ears everywhere. Something you wouldn’t expect from anything other than an Elder Dragon that controls something that can be everywhere…like plants.
Add all this together, and it’s confirmed…she’s working for the Elder Dragon of the Jungle, Mordramoth. Gentlemen, I daresay next year we’re off to the deepest parts of Maguuma!
Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s one of the more prevalent theories floating around at the moment, that she’s his champion. Of course, there really isn’t anything specific to hint towards it, but it’s as good a guess as any.
Just to point out though, the plan with Dragon Bash was actually to get Mai Trin onto the council.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s one of the more prevalent theories floating around at the moment, that she’s his champion. Of course, there really isn’t anything specific to hint towards it, but it’s as good a guess as any.
Just to point out though, the plan with Dragon Bash was actually to get Mai Trin onto the council.
Ahh, thanks for pointing that out. I forgot about that one…but either way that’s sabotage of one of the strongest governments in Tyria.
Ever watched Wooden Potatoes’ stuff on youtube? He is very spot on on the lore and knows what he is talking about.
I don’t care about her motives. I just want them to wrap up her story arc so we can get rid of her and move on to something interesting.
Ever watched Wooden Potatoes’ stuff on youtube? He is very spot on on the lore and knows what he is talking about.
He misses the head on the nail at times, but he is a good source. Personally, I think going to the Wiki or Lore forums would be the better option for anyone wanting to figure stuff out.
So rather than having an super-intelligent-engineer-perfectspeaker-strategist-biologist-mesmer you’d instead have a super-intelligent-engineer-perfectspeaker-strategist-biologist-mesmer-dragon champion.
Nope, nothing wrong with that…very believable story actually.
Even though your points don’t really add up to Mordramoth I do believe(hope) he is behind it all. I sense he was behind it from the beginning, giving her the intelligence and drive to do all these amazing things, giving her the power to spout red vines from her body, only after he revealed himself (disguised as the pale tree) in the vision she went mad – this was similar to when Snaff almost went crazy when he wrestled with Kralkatorrik’s mind.
I think he is like the devil on the shoulder, whispering suggestive thoughts to her. She is merely a pawn.
I’m not sure how he knows of other people’s past but it quite easy to see how he would know of Caithe’s secret since he is able to invade the dream state of the sylvari. Wasn’t it one of his champions that we fought at the sylvari starting zone?
So really Scarlet has NO motive at all, it’s all Mordramoth’s doing. He’s been leading her along from the start. This latest patch shows Mordramoth’s weapon he has used Scarlet to create… its an toxic biological infestation. This might be the first of many to turn Tyria into a toxic jungle.
Its a theory with many holes, there is no reason for the Molten Alliance, and no reason for the Aetherblades, no reason for the steamcreatures – they don’t fit into this theory at all. There is nothing Mordramoth (biological) about any of them.
What ever the outcome is I’ll be interested to see how they tie all these events together. Whether they already have the story planned out, or whether they have a rough idea but its flexible patch to patch.
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The forum code of conduct prohibits cross posts
Heta is trying to be that guy..
Making Scarlet an elder dragon champion would be the second worst thing to ever happen to this game’s lore. After, of course, making Scarlet herself.
Think this theory mostly mistakes Scarlet’s reward from the costs of doing business.
A. Frost and Flame: Scarlet makes Molten Alliance in order to get steel comparable to Iron Legion steel. The Molten Alliance really only make boilers and are bad at smithing, while the Dredge are good smithers but have horrible access to resources. Combined they rival IL and are really the only logical source of strong metals in Tyria (Inquest use Asuran designs which tend to be focused on power rather than containment: see- every Asuran project explodes).
The cost of F&F to Scarlet was allowing the MA to set up facilities and take over a few zones. She likely encouraged the facilities to be further out but the MA wanted Char/Norn blood. The Char were more aggressive so they set up next to the city. While Dredge set at on furthest edge.
This also benefited Scarlet because it moved refuges away from Kralkatorik, and Jormag (two body corrupting Dragons) and towards the cities. Causing overcrowding and less fodder for the dragon armies.
B. Dragonbash: The Northern Pirates and the Inquest join together. The cost to Scarlet was allowing the pirates to try and get on to the council. Something they’ve specifcally wanted.
The advantage to Scarlet was testing increasingly complex mechanical mesmer technology. First with cloaking (seen in Not So Secret), then with Clones (seen in TA), then with full out invisibility (seen in Nightmare Tower).
The price to the Inquest? Access to Husks, that they’ve been after since the beginning of the game. Something they’ve been trying to buy at great cost from everyone surrounding CoE.
C. Queen’s Jubilee: Jenna suddenly has an army of golems, something no human has ever done, to rival races who’ve worked on Golems for generations. The source: unknown. Scarlet appears and suddenly takes control of the entire golem army. Sounds suspicious to say the least. Either Scarlet built the golems to begin with or she had a deal with the person who did.
Seems the real purpose was to get a gigantic army, while letting the entire world know you have an entire army. Killing the Queen seemed irrelevent, since Mesmer trickery would have to be assumed (although that all depends on how reliant you believe ANet are on the idiot-ball style of writing, which you wouldn’t be wrong in assuming based upon past plots).
D. Twilight Assault:
After drawing everyone away with constant invasions, Scarlet specifically invites Caithe to her secret facility. What is being tested here? Clone making machines. What is the secret? We found out this patch that it’s Malick, the Sylvari from another tree that Caithe has been keeping quiet ever since the Slyvari personal story.
With this agreement she’s able to get enough Husks to pay off the Inquest, who she still owed. And is able to create a modified Oakheart which she finds can be used similarly as a battery.
F. The Nightmare Within:
Using the Aetherblade mesmer machines, evolved 3 times since the Alliance formed, and the metallic framework developed by the Molten Alliance, Scarlet has protected a Toxic collaboration that aimed to combine Sylvari and Krait.
The price for this was to bring forth the prophet for the Krait, and cause general destruction for the Nightmare Court.
Why did Scarlet want to combine the two races? She got the idea from the Inquest, as the entire point of them creating CoE. To combine two dragon minions.
The Krait origins have long been rumored to concern Bubbles, and the Sylvari are likely from Mord.
…continued from last post…
Scarlet found this out first in the sense-blocking chamber. It’s what the Pale Tree warned her about, that this knowledge is dangerous and that the tree has kept it secret for a reason. She then located Malick, and through him found his tree. Confirming that by default the trees are supposed to produce dragon minions- and the Pale Tree is in effect a freed champion. Caithe knows this from following on where our Slyvari characters left off.
So why was the Inquest trying to get Husks? (Answer from Woodenpotatoes) Because Husks are excellent batteries. They can take in tons of energy and not explode unlike basically every other Asuran component. So learning from Theormonova and their 3 other exploded facilities around Tyria the Inquest go out to get Husks. Why do Husks take so much energy? Likely because they are dragon minions and can do the exact same thing as Primordus’ minions that contain heat energy, or Kralkatorik’s minions that contain chaos energy.
And why are the Inquest trying to combine dragon minions (the result of which is Alpha in CoE)? Because dragon minions tend to start to follow the Dragon’s will the closer the dragon comes, and the Inquest want to control the minions instead.
So Scarlet upgraded from Husks to Oakhearts. And then is moving from Oakhearts to gigantic hyperevolving Krait hybrids. Why? Likely to use as super efficient and gigantic batteries while also making them immune to both the influence of Mord and Bubbles at the same time.
What else is Scarlet likely picking up this patch? Krait source stones, said to be similar in makeup to Bloodstone Shards, the things which gave everyone magic to begin with- and things which would be perfect to use as power generators. Far better than underground chaos stones that the original Theromonova used.
So far Scarlet has:
Power capacitors.
Dragon hybrids.
Power stones.
Learned of Bubbles, of Mord and that the Pale Tree is covering this up.
The next update is likely to use all of these components. In which Scarlet finishes her power station for the ultimate purpose of hybridizing more dragon minions to defend against Mord and/or destroy the Pale Tree.
Other possibilities are the Infinity Ball, which Scarlet is implied to have knowledge of. If this is the way they go then it’s possible that Scarlet isn’t from this timeline, and comes from one where Mord has already attacked and the Pale Tree has been taken over/destroyed.
This would explain her ease of control over the Steam Creatures which are seeping over from the alternate reality created by the Infinity Ball, and would be a cheap but plausible explanation for why Scarlet popped out of no where.
Or she could simply take over the Inquest, since we kill Kudo (the leader) in CoE Story, and now has access to everything they’ve ever been trying to achieve, as well as a history of membership from her time in the Asuran Colleges.
Other possibilities are the Infinity Ball, which Scarlet is implied to have knowledge of. If this is the way they go then it’s possible that Scarlet isn’t from this timeline, and comes from one where Mord has already attacked and the Pale Tree has been taken over/destroyed.
This would explain her ease of control over the Steam Creatures which are seeping over from the alternate reality created by the Infinity Ball, and would be a cheap but plausible explanation for why Scarlet popped out of no where.
When you state that “Scarlet popped out of nowhere”, if you mean the actual physical body then you are completely wrong because we know exactly where that body came from: The Pale Tree
She was born just like any other Sylvari and her name then was Ceara
Ceara emerged from the Dream of Dreams with an innate fascination with the interlocking systems of nature, and a determination to forge her own path independent from the Mother Tree. When the rules of the world prescribed her one destiny, rather than struggle against them she would simply change the rules.
She also spent 11+ years learning what she knows.
However if you mean the persona of “Scarlet Briar” then there is a possibility that while in the isolation chamber her mind didn’t just snap with ill gotten knowledge (it is also from the experiment with the chamber she learned of Caithe’s secret imho since it is stated she learned the grand design behind the Slyvari) but was taken over by another force. However everything stated so far points to that not being the case:
Ceara entered the machine, which was an isolation chamber that removed all physical stimuli to let the mind run free, and during the experiment she saw visions which she believed to be the Eternal Alchemy.1 She saw Tyria and the Mists, she saw the insurmountable challenge of the future and her people’s part in it—the sylvari of the tree and the Nightmare Court, Caithe and Faolain—all part of a grand design. And for the first time in years, she heard the voice of the Pale Tree, begging her to go no further. Ceara pressed on regardless, which broke her sanity while allowing her to think in different ways that allows her to progress in ways traditional thinkers can’t. It is unclear whether she actually saw the Eternal Alchemy, or if it was merely halucinations.1 Upon emerging she killed Omadd and took her new name, ready to burn the world.
According to that (which is based on the short story of her life and what she saw in the chamber) the knowledge to do what she is doing has always been there, it was just something no sane person would ever think of doing with that knowledge.
Ever watched Wooden Potatoes’ stuff on youtube? He is very spot on on the lore and knows what he is talking about.
He’s often wrong with lore and his theories have consistently been wrong. His original theory was that Scarlet was Ellen Kiel’s alter ego from the dimension that the asura character was linked to in the personal story and the Aetherblades weren’t from this dimension either. Just read that and soak in how wrong it is.
Scarlet isn’t linked to a dragon (at least not directly). She’s not a minion, she’s not a champion, she’s doing her own thing. The writers said they don’t want Tyria to be all about dragons all the time. Scarlet and the Living Story cast are their tools for telling smaller scale stories in Tyria and exploring the non-dragon side of things. It goes against that idea if they make Scarlet a dragon champion.
Scarlet is just combining a bunch of stuff so in her final encounter she combines all her combinations to a super combination because she’s smart like that. There is no dragon here, just “clever” combinations of technology all leading towards a super “clever” combination of technology.
When you state that “Scarlet popped out of nowhere”, if you mean the actual physical body then you are completely wrong because we know exactly where that body came from: The Pale Tree
By this I mean that no one in the world ever mentioned a genius Slyvari who did everything everywhere prior to us being attack by her. And no one seemed to mention her afterwards either.
After making the post I found out they added some text to the Pale Tree, mentioning Scarlet specifically- so this is no longer fully true and I no longer think she’s from another reality.
Turns out ANet was just even worse at making characters feel like they weren’t made up than expected.
Here’s another theory:
Scarlet is being controlled either directly or indirectly by the Mursaat and that her insanity is a direct result of their influence (they either drove her insane on purpose or it was a side effect).
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