Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Lithril Ashwalker.6230

Lithril Ashwalker.6230

Is it possible that Rox has feelings for Braham? It’s been rumored several races fall in love with other races but is this the first we see? Just curious because they make one hell of a team!

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


Lore wise interracial love/relationship isn’t common at all, from the top of my head I can think in only 1 example and it was from GW1 (the quest line where a norn fall in love with the player)

About Rox and Braham, I think they have more of a “close friendship” relationship than “feeling” between them.

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Randulf.7614


Not in the slightest. The evidence doesn’t really support it from what I have seen, although it does lean more to a close friendship or brother/sisterly type relationship.

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: The Revenant.4970

The Revenant.4970

Motherly feelings maybe. Braham is kinda a hopeless sap with mommy issues.

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Motherly feelings maybe. Braham is kinda a hopeless sap with mommy issues.

Yeah Rox does seem to like mothering Broham.

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


While I wouldn’t mind seeing Braham and Rox get together, I’m not getting any romantic vibes from them. They likely just see each other as good friends, while Rox’s recent mothering behaviour is due to her past history where her entire warband died. (She’s got survivor’s guilt and abandonment issues.) Braham’s near-death experience just brought it all back for her.

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Caelus.7139


Whoa oedipus furry alert

GW2 has taught me that being a Mesmer is about..
..being a cynical forecaster.
..being a doom-monger….and being a hopeless jinxer.

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Celestina.2894


Not in the least, they scream platonic life partners, not boyfriend/girlfriend.

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Silalus.8760


I had the same thought at first too. But really it seems more that they have become intensely connected war buddies. And for Rox in particular that has really deep meaning. In fact, I have a feeling it’s much deeper for her than any romance would be.

(The rest of this is intrinsically a spoiler.)

As a gladium, Rox has one of the more heartbreaking stories in the game. Her official origin story: Rox’s Tale

She explains what being a gladium means to her when you first encounter her in the game too:

Rox Pickheart:

It’s somebody who survived when the rest of her warband didn’t. A leftover, you might say.

Survivor’s guilt for sure- but it goes beyond that too. Rox lost everything. Everything.

Imagine that your coworkers are also your family, your high school clique, and your graduating class from Navy SEAL school. Take every little moment of human connection you’ve ever had with another person- fighting back against a bully, eating dinner together, talking philosophy as you’re coming of age, venting about your boss, and put all those moments into maybe 5 or 10 people.

That only begins to cover what a warband is to a Charr.

Now imagine if those people all died at once, instantly and senselessly. Imagine that even your freaking pet died with them. Rox clawed at the rock they were under until her hands were bloody, then passed out from exhaustion- and I have to say, I think that was a pretty tame response. Every important connection in her life was instantly and permanently severed, and for the first time in her life she was truly, utterly alone. Charr age is usually measured in months, not years, when they begin to meet the people who will eventually become their warband.

After that kind of loss you can see how she would connect to someone like Braham. Since her tragedy he appears to have been the first person that took her seriously and both accepted her help and protected her. (Well, arguably Rytlock takes her seriously too- but ok now, she helped take out freaking Tequatl as ordered and that apparently wasn’t enough for him. Seriously, what does it take to please that guy? He has got to be her father. It’s that, or he’s an epic jerk to her for no good reason.) He acted like the warband, the family and friends and more, that she lost. He is her way of starting to rebuild all of that.

So I think whatever she feels for Braham is, for a Charr, something infinitely more deep than what she would feel for a love interest.

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: RebelsDawn.6803


I had the same thought at first too. But really it seems more that they have become intensely connected war buddies. And for Rox in particular that has really deep meaning. In fact, I have a feeling it’s much deeper for her than any romance would be.

(The rest of this is intrinsically a spoiler.)

As a gladium, Rox has one of the more heartbreaking stories in the game. Her official origin story: Rox’s Tale

She explains what being a gladium means to her when you first encounter her in the game too:

Rox Pickheart:

It’s somebody who survived when the rest of her warband didn’t. A leftover, you might say.

Survivor’s guilt for sure- but it goes beyond that too. Rox lost everything. Everything.

Imagine that your coworkers are also your family, your high school clique, and your graduating class from Navy SEAL school. Take every little moment of human connection you’ve ever had with another person- fighting back against a bully, eating dinner together, talking philosophy as you’re coming of age, venting about your boss, and put all those moments into maybe 5 or 10 people.

That only begins to cover what a warband is to a Charr.

Now imagine if those people all died at once, instantly and senselessly. Imagine that even your freaking pet died with them. Rox clawed at the rock they were under until her hands were bloody, then passed out from exhaustion- and I have to say, I think that was a pretty tame response. Every important connection in her life was instantly and permanently severed, and for the first time in her life she was truly, utterly alone. Charr age is usually measured in months, not years, when they begin to meet the people who will eventually become their warband.

After that kind of loss you can see how she would connect to someone like Braham. Since her tragedy he appears to have been the first person that took her seriously and both accepted her help and protected her. (Well, arguably Rytlock takes her seriously too- but ok now, she helped take out freaking Tequatl as ordered and that apparently wasn’t enough for him. Seriously, what does it take to please that guy? He has got to be her father. It’s that, or he’s an epic jerk to her for no good reason.) He acted like the warband, the family and friends and more, that she lost. He is her way of starting to rebuild all of that.

So I think whatever she feels for Braham is, for a Charr, something infinitely more deep than what she would feel for a love interest.

I forgot where it’s been stated but Rytlock is her older half brother and that’s why he’s been so tough on her. It’s the same like in real life, your going to treat your family tougher than others since if they fail it reflects badly on you also.

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


I forgot where it’s been stated but Rytlock is her older half brother and that’s why he’s been so tough on her.

It is from an unofficial data mined info, the same that said Marjory died in the Scarlet fight.

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Erukk.1408


As Belzebu said, that information came from datamining, I believe, and it was never implemented ingame. And since it was never ingame, nor was it confirmed by any sort of dev, it can’t be considered canon.

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Talissa Chan.7208

Talissa Chan.7208

Just picture them kissing and that pretty much sums up how that relationship isn’t going to “evolve”

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Erukk.1408


Just picture them kissing and that pretty much sums up how that relationship isn’t going to “evolve”

Ya, snouts would get in the way. I guess Rox could always give him a tongue bath though.

~Eyebrow waggle~

I’ll go and bleach my own brain now…

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Stormy Dragon.9210

Stormy Dragon.9210

Lore wise interracial love/relationship isn’t common at all, from the top of my head I can think in only 1 example and it was from GW1 (the quest line where a norn fall in love with the player)

Macha (asura) sure seemed to have a stalker crush on Cobiah Mariner (human) in Sea of Sorrows.

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


Macha (asura) sure seemed to have a stalker crush on Cobiah Mariner (human) in Sea of Sorrows.

I think she is more jealous of him with Isaye than have an actual crush, but yeah, that may be a second example, still a very rare situation in the GW lore.

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Dakota.4591


A lot of their pre-invasion conversations involving her leaving Destiny’s Edge 2.0 to join Rytlok’s warband felt a lot more than just friends going their seperate ways.

Not to mention, during Escape from Lion’s arch, if you were in the old mystic plaza area evacuating civilians where they were hanging out, Rox called Braham her mate during one of the idling conversations.

Take from that what you will.

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Sinope.5630


But imagine if their friendship is growing to something greater, real Charr + Norn love. What would be their children called:
1. Charns
2. Norrs
3. Chuck Norrises?

Hmmm, that would be interesting :P

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Silvercyclone.1462


But imagine if their friendship is growing to something greater, real Charr + Norn love. What would be their children called:
1. Charns
2. Norrs
3. Chuck Norrises?

Hmmm, that would be interesting :P

Devs have already stated that the races cant reproduce with each other. As for the relationship between the 2 id say not if her half-brother Rytlock has anything to say bout it.

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


From how I’ve seen them they look more like buddies that look after eachother, friends, but definetely no love interests. I think it’s nice to just have a group of characters that act as compagnions rather than turning everything into love and drama. There are already 2 characters for that in this group of characters. Depending on how many story seasons we are getting I’d imagine they can bond quite alot story-wise.

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: blastroderm.6581


Nah as said above, Rox just motherling him with concern.

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: crosknight.3041


honestly i think rox/braham relationship is much more developed then jory/kesmer (which i feel was completely rushed/forced)

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Evans.6347


Mommy feeling, from a Charr…
Well, better send Braham back to the fahrar ¬¬

Joy to the world, ignorance is bliss

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


At least for now I don’t think is something like romantic love. More like the companionship between the members of a warband or a pack of wolf norn.

And since Braham follows wolf, he’s he kind that likes to stick around in packs.

So it’s a bit more like as if they were ‘family’ in the sense of a group of people that come together. The closest thing I can think of is the crew of the Strawhat Pirates in the One Piece franchise.

Just picture them kissing and that pretty much sums up how that relationship isn’t going to “evolve”

You don’t really need to piture it. You can just google something like “Braham Rox rule 34” and I bet you a stack of ecto something like that will come up. I wonder if anything of that will be Braham in wolf form. We know that Eir can become the wolf (a wolf form with red fur we never see in-game) but what about Braham? Can he become the wolf too?

No exceptions!

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Sankofa Jimiyu.1567

Sankofa Jimiyu.1567

Does anyone remember this conversation in the Trader’s Forum when Lion’s Arch was under siege?
I hadn’t seem to grasp how they felt until that conversation.

They both come from similar backgrounds, with immediate family that have made legacies of their own, and and are expected to be of the same caliber as far as their heroics. Both have gone the astray of these expectations.
They can relate and support each other in this manner, not to mention, just being themselves. I can’t see Rox being able to reason with Rytlock like she is able to do with Braham (with Frostbite proxy). Braham having a compassionate side that isn’t all about forging his legend.
While everyone seems all goo goo eyed about Marjory and Kasmeer, I have liked the interaction between Rox, Braham and now Taimi.

“Look like the innocent flower, but be the Obaba under’t.”

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Imbune.5497


No…the main cast can’t have heterosexual relationships it seems-unless they want to portray them as weak or butcher their character (Logan, Eir respectively). Then again the male in question is depicted as being petty (e.g. Logan, Rytlock, Evon), weak (e.g. Logan) and stupid (like a solid 60% of males save Tree-man) which fits the theme of male leads in GW2 thus far so there do meet half the requirements I suppose.There’s also never been an instance cross-specie romance in the world of GW2 as far as I know either and that’s a line nobody seems willing to cross….that world has a weird morality system.

Personally I agree with the last sentiment of Jimiyu-rather than the teen romance drama bullkitten (with added marketing and propaganda for good measure…‘represent players’ riiiight. What? We black people don’t exist or something? Cuz we sure as hell aren’t ‘represented’ in destiny’s edge nor discount destiny’s edge for two years and we didn’t whine about it, but I digress) main characters fall in love cliche foolishness between those two I was more enthralled by the REASONABLE, non-sexual interactions among the other three. I sincerely hope there’s no further teen-romance between leads.

When free speech ends, tyranny begins.

The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Rytlock is dark-skinned, what are you talking about?

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Erukk.1408


We black people don’t exist or something? Cuz we sure as hell aren’t ‘represented’ in destiny’s edge nor discount destiny’s edge for two years and we didn’t whine about it, but I digress)

Braham could be considered half black, I think. His father was described as having “dark skin” in Braham’s short story.

Not to mention, there is the entirely of Elona to consider. Once we get there at least. One of the best designed regions of Tyria is based off northern Africa.

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


I forgot where it’s been stated but Rytlock is her older half brother and that’s why he’s been so tough on her.

It is from an unofficial data mined info, the same that said Marjory died in the Scarlet fight.

that just means Scarlet is Alive and player will fight her again lol

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Think Rox Has Feelings For Braham?

in Living World

Posted by: Donari.5237


I think they’re just good friends. It’s certainly possible for opposite gender pairs to have zero romantic feelings while still experiencing deep friendship. Happened to me in college, as a matter of fact, and when a fellow student summed up her courage to tell me she was dating my friend she boggled at my ecstatic happy declaration that he really needed someone … because folks just had to assume he and I were dating simply because we were male and female.

So I’m pleased to see Rox and Braham being such good buddies -without- heading into furry territory.