To ANET : Tone down the speed of Living Story

To ANET : Tone down the speed of Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: azizul.8469


as of now, the speed of the Living Story is very demanding. just when we have just finish doing the current content, bam, new one coming up.

i would like to do other content of the game as well you know. by toning down the speed of which the LS is deployed, player can do more content of the game at casual pace.

so, here is my suggestion. as we know each living story has 2 parts, the major part which last 1 month , and the minor part which last 2 weeks (starts 2 weeks after the major part begins). why not make the major part last 6 weeks, and the minor part last 3 weeks ? that way players have more time to do the LS, while at the same time able to enjoy other content of the game as well.

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

To ANET : Tone down the speed of Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: Cassio.9507


There’s a lot of current discussions going on in many threads about the exact same subject. Doubt ArenaNet even reads them though.

(…and yes, I totally agree w/ you.)

To ANET : Tone down the speed of Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: Vexander.9850


It might just be better to have more Living Story such as the Four Winds Bazaar. There was nothing really hectic about it. It was fun, relaxing. There was no big bad threatening everything you know and love. I sometimes just spent hours at the top of the air ship just enjoying the music and atmosphere.

I loved all the temporary skills you got from the crystals too. Higher jumps, teleporting, dashing, etc…

To ANET : Tone down the speed of Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: Cassio.9507


It might just be better to have more Living Story such as the Four Winds Bazaar. There was nothing really hectic about it. It was fun, relaxing. There was no big bad threatening everything you know and love. I sometimes just spent hours at the top of the air ship just enjoying the music and atmosphere.

As did I, that is the feeling I had leveling my first char in the game when it was released. Calmly leveling at my own pace, taking in the atmosphere and enjoying myself.

I loved all the temporary skills you got from the crystals too. Higher jumps, teleporting, dashing, etc…

All you write is true, but also what describe is an example of filler content. This is the kind of stuff everyone can enjoy while anticipating something bigger/meatier on the horizon!

We’re getting to a point in GW2 where many are getting burned out from AP hunting, or simply losing faith in the longevity of the game (some by judging the current gem store focus, earn every buck possible before it dies!). We need smth to look forward to at this point, and Living World won’t cut it in its current form. Scarlet might become interesting in half a year, but why do we have to endure her as it looks right now? Why not atleast hint at something bigger at play behind the curtains? Not knowing, or atleast having some anticipation going, not being able to speculate based on hints given. This is the big problem, in my honest opinion of course. “Do Not Touch!” pillars only hint at another pointless, upcoming mischief by Scarlet…

To ANET : Tone down the speed of Living Story

in Living World

Posted by: Phy.2913


The current LS is moving at a glacial pace as it is.