Trading a War Story for a Soap Opera

Trading a War Story for a Soap Opera

in Living World

Posted by: Mike.7263


By deserting our army to investigate Caithe’s and Faolain’s romantic relationship, we’ve essentially traded a war story for a soap opera. How do you feel about that story direction?

I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. I’m just wondering how players feel about it.

Trading a War Story for a Soap Opera

in Living World

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Just like the Greatest Fear is a detour drama from the overall war story that began with Claw Island and ended with Zhaitan’s death, Season 2’s finale is just a detour in the war story that is fighting Mordremoth.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Trading a War Story for a Soap Opera

in Living World

Posted by: Zalani.9827


I liked seeing what actually happened between the two. Since before it was just referenced here and there with no big details.

Jadis Narnia-Sylvari Ranger of [EDGE]

Trading a War Story for a Soap Opera

in Living World

Posted by: Vayne.8563


We’re not investigating Caithe and Faolin’s relationship. We’re trying to find where she took something that we’ve been told would be very important to winning the war. In order to do that, we’ve had to try to figure out where she might have gone. That’s a long long away from investigating Caithe and Faolin’s relationship.

If that’s what you’ve taken away from the Living Story, I’m pretty sure you’re not really paying attention.

How do I feel about it?

I feel the question is at best misleading. What we have is a war story that includes a human element. I’m fine with that.

War stories that don’t include human elements tend to interest me a lot less.

Trading a War Story for a Soap Opera

in Living World

Posted by: Blockhead Magee.3092

Blockhead Magee.3092

I feel the question is at best misleading. What we have is a war story that includes a human element. I’m fine with that.

War stories that don’t include human elements tend to interest me a lot less.

You may want to recheck the race of Caithe and Faolin :P

My opinion…… it was a pretty boring arc to the story.


Trading a War Story for a Soap Opera

in Living World

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

It was less boring and just very terribly written, IMHO. Second only to Scarlet Briar’s writing.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Trading a War Story for a Soap Opera

in Living World

Posted by: BrotherNumsie.8123


I still don’t get why they are both in a relationship together in the first place. What do they see in each other? That whole let’s take a break and learn more about these two characters, just confused me more on this.
Yes I understand that we needed some back story on them so that it would lead to this new story arc, but I just couldn’t get over them not meshing well. Their poor on screen chemistry ended up being a distraction to why we were doing all of this in the first place. Kept looking for that golden moment of “ah that’s why she loves her” that never happened. I would almost have wished they had kept their back story a kind of a secret or hinted at bits and pieces of it, at least it would have been more interesting and the fan theories would be amusing.
Oh and somewhere in there was something about an egg and tree dragons thrown in.

Trading a War Story for a Soap Opera

in Living World

Posted by: Konig Des Todes.2086

Konig Des Todes.2086

Keep in mind that the backflashes were well after Faolain had encountered the Nightmare. So she was already different than the Faolain that Caithe had fallen in love with.

I recall it being said once that Faolain and Caithe both originally encountered the Nightmare in Orr, but where Caithe turned away Faolain didn’t. She didn’t fully fall to Nightmare, however, until after Cadeyrn brought her into the Nightmare Court (which despite what Caithe says in The Mystery Cave, we’ve been told happened well after Cadeyrn established the Nightmare Court which in turn happened after he left the Pale Tree entirely – the flashbacks make it seem like all three happened within hours/days, but the original implication was more of weeks/months).

So what we saw never included why Caithe loved Faolain, as that was already pretty much gone and Caithe was desperately holding onto a memory of who Faolain was.

Dear ANet writers,
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.

Trading a War Story for a Soap Opera

in Living World

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


my only prob is that the LS is full of lesbian story

can the devs finaly stop showing them down in our throat ???
i did not had an issue with it 1st with majorly and kasmeer good for people that like it and why not im not againts it.
but il hope we won’t see new lesbians in every single LS they release lol.

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Trading a War Story for a Soap Opera

in Living World

Posted by: Sidenti.6035


I don’t know if ANet should delve into drama. From what I saw out of LWS2, it just wasn’t delivered in a method I could take seriously.

All I could think about was “fantastic, I’m gonna be bombing around with five different tropes”.

Out of what I’ve seen from ANet, I feel they do action best and should probably stick with it until their drama team a) learns subtlety and b) can give us at least somewhat original characters instead of The Two Lesbians, Big Dumb Guy, Tomgirl The Cat, and Genius Kid With Robot. -Sid

(Caithe’s story in particular should be in novel form – I don’t see where it offers much value in game form. But that could be because I can’t bring myself to care in the least about the characters involved.)

Trading a War Story for a Soap Opera

in Living World

Posted by: Zoltreez.6435


im at the stage where i just hope they all die……and we can get some real characters and heroes in the story…….

-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2

Trading a War Story for a Soap Opera

in Living World

Posted by: WabbaJaga.3861


I thought it was the best part of the whole LS so far, even though it probably raised more questions than it answered (why, Caithe, why?). It also made playing the twilight arbor dungeon a really new experience (I’d never really watched the videos before as I don’t do dungeons a lot).

So, yes, I’m quite satisfied with the way the story evolves, and it added some tension/drama/human element that was missing before (I don’t really care for the Marjory/Kasmeer relationship, and Rox or Braham seem to have been mostly sidekicks so far). I was surprised they’d added such a dark story arc, it was refreshing. Also, I wouldn’t really call Caithe and Faolains relationship “romantic”. Not the parts that we’ve seen at least.

Trading a War Story for a Soap Opera

in Living World

Posted by: nekretaal.6485


my only prob is that the LS is full of lesbian story

can the devs finaly stop showing them down in our throat ???
i did not had an issue with it 1st with majorly and kasmeer good for people that like it and why not im not againts it.
but il hope we won’t see new lesbians in every single LS they release lol.

More Rytlok and Gnashblade pls.

We’ve had enough lesbians. Any more is overkill.

#24 leaderboard rank North America.

Trading a War Story for a Soap Opera

in Living World

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


Why is this even a discussion? Like Vayne said; it’s just the explanation that led to what we have now. It’s secondary and besides it’s only a couple of segments of the Season 5.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

Trading a War Story for a Soap Opera

in Living World

Posted by: Kulvar.1239


What people want:

No Disney,
No Mary Sue,
No teenagers playfully saving the world,

Shades of grey morality sometimes,
Subtlety, traps, and motives,
Foes tricking characters with their weaknesses,
Oponent that wins and heroes that fails sometimes,
kitten action and intelligent strategy,
Real heroes trying to do their best,
Secondary characters that matter,
Characters that not wait for the player to do all the work

The second season of Living Story was a good move in the good direction.
Keep going!

Trading a War Story for a Soap Opera

in Living World

Posted by: Milea.6043


Guild Wars 1 story took months, even years! Love the twists and turns. It’s not for everyone, but for us lore-hounds and story-lovers…it’s the bees knees.
There’s a reason why Days of Our Lives has lasted 12,700+ episodes in 49 seasons!!!!

Swearing allegiance in life & beyond did Desmina Zqooksha thence become the gods first follower

Trading a War Story for a Soap Opera

in Living World

Posted by: Sidenti.6035


Guild Wars 1 story took months, even years! Love the twists and turns. It’s not for everyone, but for us lore-hounds and story-lovers…it’s the bees knees.
There’s a reason why Days of Our Lives has lasted 12,700+ episodes in 49 seasons!!!!

Yeah, because there’s nothing else to put in that time slot. -Sid

Trading a War Story for a Soap Opera

in Living World

Posted by: Mike.7263


Good thing we paused the soap opera as soon as the Pact Fleet went down. To continue would have made the player character unforgivable.

Trading a War Story for a Soap Opera

in Living World

Posted by: Eponet.4829


I actually liked the Living Story season 2. Hunting the achievements without the risk of trolls wandering by and trivialising the encounters was enjoyable, and the Shadow of the Dragon was far more enjoyable than Zhaitan.

Trading a War Story for a Soap Opera

in Living World

Posted by: AriaFiresong.7023


I liked Caithe and Faolain. I liked exploring their past. Better than the Norn characters tbh.
(Nothing wrong with lesbians either. They’re no different than boring kitten rom-com straight couples. Give us a Charr/Asura romance. That would be fun.)