Okay… let me start by saying that some people like Rox and Braham which is fine, but I will be blunt here, I don’t and I am not, alone.
The Good:
Rox is what Rox is, a natural stereotypical female Charr trying to get into her brothers Warband, this has merit, she also happens to be fun for her caffeine cat jokes.
The Bad:
Rox voice acting is bad, her VA lacks the same personality of chars like Kasmeer, Kiel and Jory, which consequentially makes her char feel empty and sound as bland as Treesus.
She also happens to be a Stereotype, as I said, she is just generic Dwarf/Elf Fantasy What ever your race is, with no personality, no branch that makes her interesting.
Either give Rox a new VA to make her lines more conveying, or improve the dialogue to make her more interesting, as a character, she has absolutely nothing to give that hasn’t been seen in every fantasy story ever done before. Personality is very important to make people care about a character, and without it, they are just a stereotype.
There’s a reason we liked Tybalt more.
The relationship with Rytlock and Rox could be better portrayed, her desire to be close to her brother is there, but it lacks personality that is desperately needed to make her sound like she genuinely wants to be close to him.
Right now its “I wanna be in his band because its cool” I honestly don’t get the incentive, or the motive, or the reason “I” should care?
The Good:
I like Braham, especially since Taimi has come along, he had stuff going for him before that too which people may forget, including his love interest in Flame and Frost (bring her back please, or at least show her to us for the first time).
His voice acting works for his character too, the sharp and eager behavior he expresses make him sound arrogant and confident but also shows he has a heart when he needs to care about someone close.
The Bad:
Braham’s problem isn’t like Rox, with him we have a different issue, we need more character development in the form of his conflicting relationship with Eir (Another char that needs a better VA >_>).
Braham also suffers from the same problem Rox does in one context, hes generic, he is what you see on the surface with little layering or depth.
Braham really needs his girl, he also needs a confrontation with his mother, which I think is important for both chars, Eir really needs to be back into the story, and she heavily lacked any real personality in GW2’s personal storyline.
I think this could force her personality to come back out and make her strong again, give her much needed char development to show she can convey emotions and can be made to realize hiding away isn’t going to make her fight against the dragons any more favorable just cause shes afraid to loose those close to her.
Braham himself is also important for this reason, hes young, arrogant, much like those in her past she has seen go off into battle and die for heroic causes. He needs to bring out the best in her, she needs to bring out the wisdom in him.
Braham needs a more centralized story in contrast to Rox, Rox needs personality, Braham needs char development for unanswered questions in his past.
I do understand people like these characters, but I am sure those that like them can agree they do need ‘more’ development.
On that note:
Who do you think needs voice actor replacements/better voice acting and better character development?
Don’t worry, Canach is already in the back of my mind.
And Treesus.
But yes, thoughts, opinions, your views on which chars need better VA, have good VA, have good char development, and need better char development?