Voting for Council

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


Ok this is why I do not do the events they put into GW2….Most of them are either impossible to beat or impossible to find. I have seen where its located but how do you get to where you can vote. It does not show you nor do you see how to get there. I am just going to get rid of my tickets and never play those events again They never tell you how to do anything in this game when they make this crap up.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Go to Lions Arch.
There is a boat-icon there.
Talk to it.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


Lions arch is no where near that place

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: Riss.1536


Maybe, you should just do the effort to read the previous mail they sent you. They told you where is the new area. Also try to understand what lordkrall said cause he answered you.

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


Impossible to find, really? Just read the kitten letter you receive every once in a while or just click “show me” if the option is available. Not to mention the special event icons on the map.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: Amok Threeohthree.8501

Amok Threeohthree.8501

Trolls gonna troll

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: Vayne.8563


You get a letter. Even if you can’t figure out what’s it’s saying the letter has a box that says show me on it and then actually opens your map and shows you.

If you can’t figure out how to find a place on the map the game is showing you, I’m not sure what else there is to say.

This game does a lot of things wrong in how it communicates with people, but finding the stuff for this event isn’t one of them.

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


As I have said even with the ‘show me’ not sure how to get to the kitten circle that it shows me. Lions Arch is on the other side of the map. And it shows you a place that is not even uncovered so no way to get there.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


To get there, follow Lordkrall’s suggestion. The first time you have to go there like you did with Southsun Cove. You are supposed to know that place already has you were directed there (through the ship NPC in LA) with the previous patch.

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


I never did SouthSun Cove I have not done any of the events cause they are either wanting the character to be level 80 or I could never find how to get to them no matter what the emails showed me so just do not do them.Do the normal PvE thats right in front of me thats not impossible to find and just suppose to know where to go with the other stuff.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


If you keep on insisting that it is “Impossible to find” when in reality it’s really kittening easy I’m not sure I can take you seriously. Not to mention that they’ve been pretty good at not alienating non-80 characters

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


If the event is in a level 80 area and I am only a level 30 or so I will for sure die in like 20 seconds if not less then that. and looking around that show me area its way above my level plus there is no way to get around there.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I think I see the problem here. You missed the first mail for the event sent two weeks ago. Essentially this area is two weeks old. That’s why you can’t figure it out. You’ve skipped mails.

Go to the Sanctum Harbor docks in LA and on the middle dock there’s an NPC that will take you to the new map.

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


hmmmm would help alot if I knew where the docks in LA where lmao I do not know where anything is unless I have gone to it before I know no names to any place less they are on the map when I am there doing PvE and finishing maps.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: Arrow.3856


Whats up Rune, Arrow here from Dragonbrand.

To get to the new map “Labyrinthine” follow the following steps.

1-Go to Lions Arch
2-Walk to the area that is circled in the image linked
3-Talk to the NPC that has the ship icon over his head
4-Travel to the new map
5-Explore new map

Alright so if you are looking to do these new events, I would suggest going for World completion which means exploring every foggy area in each map and doing the hearts, POI, Vistas and Skill challenges. This gets you familiar with where everything is located.


“I may not be a horse whisperer, but I certainly
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: Mr Quinn.9815

Mr Quinn.9815

only took me around 7 hours to find the voting basket, admittedly, the constant client hangs didn’t help … they are NOT marked on the map … I had to have my hand held by a Guild mate … I wasn’t alone in this task.

and I lost my voting tokens in the basket … I’m an Asurion, I found I fit quite nicely in the basket.

this notice was brought to you by a Misguided Misfit

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: Riss.1536


took me 1 minute to find the voting basket. Maybe you didn’t receive the mail showing where to go.

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


only took me around 7 hours to find the voting basket, admittedly, the constant client hangs didn’t help … they are NOT marked on the map … I had to have my hand held by a Guild mate … I wasn’t alone in this task.

and I lost my voting tokens in the basket … I’m an Asurion, I found I fit quite nicely in the basket.

They are actually very much marked on the map.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


“I can’t find it”
“It’s right there”
“No it’s not I can’t find it!!!”

Oceanic [LOD]

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: bri.2359


Oh my … I fear this will not end well for the OP …
Finding access to the new zone is one thing, knowing where to go and how to get to the npc’s in the Sanctum without having done the initial content will not be easy.

I must agree with the OP about one thing.
The level of basic information anet provides for many of thse events has been terrible. Having a ‘show me’ button to a map area a player has not yet discovered is pretty stupid.

It should be made clear at the outset which maps should be explored prior to the event. This way a newer player can decided if it is even worth while starting the event if s/he needs to explore 3 or 4 maps while trying to finish the event content in time before it disappears.

Even with 100% world, I would be lost most times with these events without a guide from Dulfy, or some other, to provide the basic information that Anet does not.

Lvl 80’s: Ranger; Guardian; Mesmer; Necromancer; Thief
Gandara Megaserver

(edited by bri.2359)

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: Zypher.7609


If the event is in a level 80 area and I am only a level 30 or so I will for sure die in like 20 seconds if not less then that. and looking around that show me area its way above my level plus there is no way to get around there.

Actually I think all of the events in the LS thus far bump you up to level 80. I know I have been doing them on my alts which are not 80 yet. It is the same system that is used in WvW if you enter the zone and are not the max level.

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


I think we have all been trolled by this poster… or Rune is incredibly lazy.

If you don’t know where the docks are in LA then its about time you got looking. LA is a safe haven for map exploration and without it you cant expect to find travel points to some of these events. So don’t be lazy or just stop trolling.
As for content being for lvl 80’s.. meeeehhhh what a typically care bear comment.. every map zone is lvl scaleable, group up and try them then come back and tell us how its all a bit too much for you.

Sorry but this is about either a L2P whinner or someone looking for the cookie jar.

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Lions arch is no where near that place

It’s where the boat that takes you to labyrinthine cliffs is. The voting baskets are in labyrinthine cliffs, on the deck of the flying ship. If you’ll find out that you can’t get through the aspect jumping part of the area, just ask some nice mesmer for a portal to the second waypoint.

Yes, it would be more logical to place them somewhere in LA, since it is a LA Council election, but it’s not that tragic – and you do get an ingame mail with information.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Yes, it would be more logical to place them somewhere in LA, since it is a LA Council election, but it’s not that tragic – and you do get an ingame mail with information.

Actually it wouldn’t.
Since the voting is tied to the Zeppies more than to Lion’s Arch atm.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


even upscaling a character that is lower level its still weak….it gets killed in like 2.5 seconds in a upper level area. And as for knowing where things are in Lions Arch its not like they shout at you as to what they are….If I did not see the WORDS that say its the dock to such and such I have not a clue as to what it was. I finally found out after 4 hours of looking and with help from someone that was not about treating people like crap like some of the people on this board. I just think that level upscaling is a waste of time when the character is not as powerful as a level 80 it would get destroyed. So I just hardly do the events. I did this one cause I wanted to vote thats all. The other stuff I won’t care about til I am level 80 thats how the game is built anyway.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


And Zypher I do not do WvW or PvP I am not good at them tried them before. Lower levels and untaught players are just targets to people who will not give a crap about teaching them anything.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: Lazmira.5408


Okay… Okay.. so Rune did you completely ignore Arrow’s post or something? Can you not understand things too well? Because some people can help line out everything that’s going on for you. I’m not too sure about you, but I did events with low leveled chars and NEVER had the issue of dying in 2 seconds. I’m not sure if you know that dodging is actually a very good mechanic in this game when it comes to surviving and timing your dodges to getting hit can be a life or death situation sometimes.

I’d also advise since this game is heavily based on story and lore, make sure to read the website when new updates come up, it can really help any issues you may have with not knowing what you’re doing because they explain everything that will be going on in the patch and where to exactly find all the new goodies.

(edited by Lazmira.5408)

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: superbeast.9873


You get a letter, you go to Lion’s Arch, you do the meaningless event. Nothing’s changed in the past 11 months, how hard could it be for you?

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


Lazmira I dodge and all still die when I am in a higher level area cause its for level 80’s not levels lower then that. And as for the website I read them and go in game just as confused as I was before I read it. Cause the Show me Email shows a circle that is not even open half the time. Them telling us what is going on and what things are does nothing with finding it and when they put it in a level 80 area its a waste of time for lower levels to go after it when its to hard even at an upscale to do anything. We do not have the armour or the weapons or the build to get through it.

superbeast….we have been through this already that show me email shows absolutely nothing other then a circle in a area thats covered up. So how would anyone know how to even get there. I have not done events since I started playing the game cause they are always to hard and places I cannot get to. Sorry but some of us are not fanboys and can just run through stuff like everyone else. I never played the first Guild Wars so I do not know nothing about it. All I know is that I die anytime I try the event content and half the time I cannot find it less I am dragged along by someone thats just going to take my loot and xp for partying them anyway.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Lazmira I dodge and all still die when I am in a higher level area cause its for level 80’s not levels lower then that. And as for the website I read them and go in game just as confused as I was before I read it. Cause the Show me Email shows a circle that is not even open half the time. Them telling us what is going on and what things are does nothing with finding it and when they put it in a level 80 area its a waste of time for lower levels to go after it when its to hard even at an upscale to do anything. We do not have the armour or the weapons or the build to get through it.

superbeast….we have been through this already that show me email shows absolutely nothing other then a circle in a area thats covered up. So how would anyone know how to even get there. I have not done events since I started playing the game cause they are always to hard and places I cannot get to. Sorry but some of us are not fanboys and can just run through stuff like everyone else. I never played the first Guild Wars so I do not know nothing about it. All I know is that I die anytime I try the event content and half the time I cannot find it less I am dragged along by someone thats just going to take my loot and xp for partying them anyway.

Wow 4 hrs to get round Lions Arch to find a dock, that’s impressive I have to say and then you still obviously failed to look at the map and see the Living Story graphic icon there when a map zone is uncovered. I really wouldn’t advise you to actually step outside your own front door for fear of getting lost and certainly never making it to the shops in time before they close.

The email doesn’t just show you a circle in an unexplored part of the world map, you need to read the mail not just open and close it.. it states how you get there.. the docks in LA… and the map has a graphic on it pin pointing the docks. I sense you want everything to be spoon fed to you. Surely the first thing you do in any game with explorable areas is to explore your home map then.. Lions Arch (in GW2’s case) then you move out from there.. even your personal story takes you to places in order for you to explore.

As for level scaling, there is nothing wrong with it at all.. you wanna solo everything then expect some tough stuff especially if you want to upscale onto a map that you don’t know what to expect, so get into a group.
Of course as it is Openworld PvE then you can just jump and engage mobs, bosses and events that are already activated by others in the area…. you still get rewarded if you do enough to tag for a reward. To say you can’t last more than 25 seconds is more to do with you than the game mechanics…. knowing your enemy moves, skills and when to use your dodges, counters, interrupts just comes all the way back to L2P I am afraid.

(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


I don’t group cause of the lack of loot and exp that I get by grouping up I need to level and it takes forever if I go with a group. cause the group gets most of it as it is separated around the group.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Actually no. You don’t get less xp nor less loot by being group up. All rewards are individual.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: RuneCrimson.7380


yeah heard that before and experienced the falseness of it in this game and others. I have seen less XP and loot being taken when I am with a group. I killed a troll alone once when I killed the same troll with three people I got less xp and watched the loot get taken by another player. so yeah. Its a MMO thats how things are done first come first serve on the loot and split between every person on the xp.

{Knights of Revengence} [KoR-Lord]
“Nothing is true! Everything is Permitted!”

Voting for Council

in Living World

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


And that is complete bullkitten.
Everyone in this game get their own loot-roll, no matter if you are alone, five people or 50 people. Everyone that contributes enough have just as much chance to get loot. Alla of you can get loot or none of you can get loot.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square