Dear Anet (or Santa…).
First, I must thank you. I’m a 25 years old student, who plays videogames since 10 (more or less). I played lots of games during my long career, and finally I realized WHY I kept playng Gw2 for 2k+ hours and WHY I started from the First Weekend Beta.
Your work is great, and finally I feel that it’s my time to bring my feedback to this pages…
About the LS and it’s epic final. I will explain my point of view of the old Living Story contents during this post. But, my goal here is to explain to you what (I think) are the 3 most important things that you should focus while building and creating.
Ok, this could sound quite stupid…Of course you need to make fun stuff. But I’ll make some example from the last episodes of the LS for explain my view of fun.
Many people have different opinion on what is ‘fun’. Your first thing to do is tryng to make things that are less frustrating.
Note that frustrating and hard are 2 different thing, and while I like hard stuff (and I think that there are not enought hard contents in GW2) you should avoid to make even hard thing. A Medium difficult setting is good, you could just had an hard dungeon at the end of the LS, but without requiring players to complete it to witness the final act of Scarlet’s Legacy.
Now, a few examples:
-Molten facilities was fun..NO! It was the greatest content that you made. The dungeon itself was totally not hard , while still required a few runs to understand enemy AI and combat mechanic. The Dredge Engeneer fight was totally hilarious (and I must say that I was a little sad that he got to level 80 inside the Fractal…It loose a bit of his charm)
-Aetherblade Retreat it has simililar level, but overall down if compared to the Molten. More complex fights (still, not a bad things), but less charming style and atmosphere.
-Nightmare Tower. I must admit that I need to get used a bit, and I didn’t like the inside of the tower in the first hours. But than…I finally saw it.
Players…..Players Evreywhere tryng their best to overcome the insidiuos of the Toxic alliance, fight for any step they made inside that living nightmare. I know that a lot of people were there just because was the ‘new stuff to do’, but while me and my friends too were doign achievement and stuff, we fealt beign part of a real community of players which goal was to save Kryta from the evil seed.
-Watchwork Invasion & SouthSun Cove -Last Stand. Here we get a little less happy. While the concept was good, the event it self was big and too much chaotic. I’m hope that you left behind those MASS-mass event for going in the direction of the Nightmare Tower.
-Aetherblade path in TA. Finally an example of a dungeon that I didn’t like. It was more complex and the boss fight were much more frustrating than Molten or AetherBlade Retreat. The Ooze mechanich was really frustrating (again, not hard, but frustrating ). Overall, that path didn’t have a sinlge Boss fight (maybe the Char)…. I felt like all were a Puzzle fight…in the moment you know how to solve the Puzzle, you automatically win since the bossed had really not much HP, so you tried to balance the fight with a restricted group play and tactics. But it ended up beign frustrating and that’s all…
(continues next post)
(edited by Zaganna.6034)