What is that Vine doing to the WP!
Yah, the lack of ANYONE doing anything about the vines really annoys me as well. Having little “hints” leading up to the next LS is all well and good when it makes sense, but unfortunately here it really doesn’t.
With previous stuff like Scarlet’s probes, they were a complete mystery to the people in the world, they were protected by a force field that prevented people from doing anything with them at first, and even then there were NPCs led by Rytlock studying them.
Here? Nothing. Anyone that’s been near Dry Top or heard from any of the Seraph knows what they are, or at least has some idea. We’ve killed dozens of vines, so they certainly aren’t immune to damage. And yet no one is attacking them, studying them, or even acknowledging their existence.
Put in mind that the whole Rytlock investigating the Probes around Tyria only happend quite the while after they appeared. I also find it pretty weird that no NPC are taking note of those vines.
Yah, the lack of ANYONE doing anything about the vines really annoys me as well. Having little “hints” leading up to the next LS is all well and good when it makes sense, but unfortunately here it really doesn’t.
With previous stuff like Scarlet’s probes, they were a complete mystery to the people in the world, they were protected by a force field that prevented people from doing anything with them at first, and even then there were NPCs led by Rytlock studying them.
Here? Nothing. Anyone that’s been near Dry Top or heard from any of the Seraph knows what they are, or at least has some idea. We’ve killed dozens of vines, so they certainly aren’t immune to damage. And yet no one is attacking them, studying them, or even acknowledging their existence.
Remember tho that its a game and the LS timescale has nothing to do with us, as far as the ls and vines are concerned our characters are in limbo at prosperity until the next chapter so honestly we wouldnt know what the vines are and that we should be rid of them, our characters havent even encountered the huge vines yet so the pc and bi-conics are clueless that mordys spreading his evil to timberline therefore we can’t stop them or that would interfer with the LS the server time is linked with RL but the PS and LS supposidly go through sometimes even years through the storys (like orr) but it doesnt effect the tine outside the ps/ls
Our characters wont even acknowledge the gines until the LS moves foward and we’re outta limbo
(edited by onemantankwall.3641)
Wait a minute….
why are we (including NPCs) just starring at those vines that seem to destroy our means to travel and potentially suck out all the magic out of Tyria?
Anybody tried cutting them? (NPCs)
That’s actually a point that upsets me a lot. Not a single NPC can be found taking note of those vines – the first time I spawned and saw this huge shadow to my feet I was like “EEK, the hell is that?!”, but not a single character can be found commenting on what’s happening. :|
Most people consider items such as this to be a small glitch and at most get a small chuckle out of it. I can’t imagine why anyone would actually be upset about it.
I don’t know if it’s just me, but all the WPs that were flickering yesterday have stopped…
Edit: Except Concordia.
(edited by Lommy.9163)
I don’t know if it’s just me, but all the WPs that were flickering yesterday have stopped…
Edit: Except Concordia.
If it’s like the others, you’ll be seeing a vine at them soon.
We do have lots of pieces of his body and we constantly get more for doing Arah explorable. The Shards of Zhaitan dungeon tokens are, as the name suggests pieces of Zhaitan. They even have a lore text on them saying that they are pieces of him and that he is forever dead.
I REALLY, REALLY wouldn’t take the dungeon tokens as hard canon.
Because A: Zhaitan’s death was a good distance from Arah, in an Area we can only assume the Pact hasn’t even touched if they haven’t secured Arah ATM.
B: Who would go and carve pieces of Zhaitan out of the corpse?
Wait a minute….
why are we (including NPCs) just starring at those vines that seem to destroy our means to travel and potentially suck out all the magic out of Tyria?
Anybody tried cutting them? (NPCs)
That’s actually a point that upsets me a lot. Not a single NPC can be found taking note of those vines – the first time I spawned and saw this huge shadow to my feet I was like “EEK, the hell is that?!”, but not a single character can be found commenting on what’s happening. :|
Perhaps in the following days :-)
Don’t know if this new map is posted here but it should be.
I don’t think mordy is searching for other dragons alive or dead. He obviously passed Zhaitan and Jormag if you look at the map.
I might be utterly wrong but I’m gonna say that he is searching for the Pale Tree. And I think she somehow managed to cloak herself from him so he passed her right away. He never went to Metrica or Caledon because, in my opinion, Pale Tree somehow tricked him to look elsewhere. I still think she is his former champion now good guy just like Glint.
Because if you think about it, the first thing Kralkatorrik did after waking up was going after Glint. It only makes sense that Mordy is going after his champion.
If the new map is right, Mordy has a very long reach indeed…
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
We do have lots of pieces of his body and we constantly get more for doing Arah explorable. The Shards of Zhaitan dungeon tokens are, as the name suggests pieces of Zhaitan. They even have a lore text on them saying that they are pieces of him and that he is forever dead.
I REALLY, REALLY wouldn’t take the dungeon tokens as hard canon.
Because A: Zhaitan’s death was a good distance from Arah, in an Area we can only assume the Pact hasn’t even touched if they haven’t secured Arah ATM.
B: Who would go and carve pieces of Zhaitan out of the corpse?
No one would have had to carve pieces of Zhaitan out of his corpse…we shot at him a lot and the shards of zhaitan could work the same as the blood of kralkatorik where it crystallizes once it leaves his body. As for him being dead or not, I don’t see why there is reason to believe he is alive at all. Sure we didn’t see a body but do u really think the WhOLE personal story would lead up to us NOT killing him? After we shoot Zhaitan down at the end of the dungeon, Caithe thanks us for helping her with her wyld hunt which was to KILL Zhaitan.
(edited by Janderson.4670)
I never said I believe he is alive or dead.
I simply said, don’t take those shards as hard canon and proof of it. Because we get so many, and like I doubt we really collect seals of beetletun of symbols of Koda in mass…
Also, we “shot at him alot” over the spot of his death, which is a good bit away from Arah.
Don’t know if this new map is posted here but it should be.
Going to a jumping puzzle? I think it would be more likely that it’s going to the Searing Cauldron if it’s headed to that are at all. I mean, why else would you be in that area if you were looking for powerful magical artifacts?
There is theory that Scarlet original toxin repels Mordy vines. There is no sign of them near wreckage of Tower of Nightmares. It might be what shielded Pale Tree.
Don’t know if this new map is posted here but it should be.
http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/2agwtg/we_discovered_where_the_vines_are_heading_heres/Going to a jumping puzzle? I think it would be more likely that it’s going to the Searing Cauldron if it’s headed to that are at all. I mean, why else would you be in that area if you were looking for powerful magical artifacts?
The chaos crystal cavern is connected in terms of lore (although I can’t remember the specifics) with the Thaumanova Reactor and I suppose, therefore, dragon energy, so that’s likely the thinking behind it.
[TAS] – The Asuran Squad
Devona’s Rest
Don’t know if this new map is posted here but it should be.
http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/2agwtg/we_discovered_where_the_vines_are_heading_heres/Going to a jumping puzzle? I think it would be more likely that it’s going to the Searing Cauldron if it’s headed to that are at all. I mean, why else would you be in that area if you were looking for powerful magical artifacts?
The chaos crystal cavern is connected in terms of lore (although I can’t remember the specifics) with the Thaumanova Reactor and I suppose, therefore, dragon energy, so that’s likely the thinking behind it.
It’d filled with magic in general, as the Infinity Coil would be.
There are only 4 places i can think of that creatures from all over “blink” in and out. Shattered Henge (next to tangle root), Crystal Chaos, thermanova and the Infinity Coil. I could be wrong on that, but they also “blink” in just like Scarlets army did during the invasions.
There is a whole theme on this mobile portal business. Could be connected.
Come to think of it, isn’t that how all steam creatures come in? With that big lighting flash thing?
(edited by munkiman.3068)
Cool, but the method of discovery kinda pummels the 4th wall.
I don’t think mordy is searching for other dragons alive or dead. He obviously passed Zhaitan and Jormag if you look at the map.
I might be utterly wrong but I’m gonna say that he is searching for the Pale Tree. And I think she somehow managed to cloak herself from him so he passed her right away. He never went to Metrica or Caledon because, in my opinion, Pale Tree somehow tricked him to look elsewhere. I still think she is his former champion now good guy just like Glint.Because if you think about it, the first thing Kralkatorrik did after waking up was going after Glint. It only makes sense that Mordy is going after his champion.
I think there’s an interesting idea there but first and foremost I am leaning to believe that Mord is looking to sever the Pact by monitoring its movements. Laying down a perimeter so to speak by extending its roots way out. Something however is its target in Timberline Falls so I’m very interested in seeing what that may be.
We do have lots of pieces of his body and we constantly get more for doing Arah explorable. The Shards of Zhaitan dungeon tokens are, as the name suggests pieces of Zhaitan. They even have a lore text on them saying that they are pieces of him and that he is forever dead.
I REALLY, REALLY wouldn’t take the dungeon tokens as hard canon.
Because A: Zhaitan’s death was a good distance from Arah, in an Area we can only assume the Pact hasn’t even touched if they haven’t secured Arah ATM.
B: Who would go and carve pieces of Zhaitan out of the corpse?No one would have had to carve pieces of Zhaitan out of his corpse…we shot at him a lot and the shards of zhaitan could work the same as the blood of kralkatorik where it crystallizes once it leaves his body.
Kralkatorik is still alive….
Sure we didn’t see a body but do u really think the WhOLE personal story would lead up to us NOT killing him?
It would be horribly cliche, surely but only Zhaitan can give us an answer given his “disappearance” in the clouds and seeing as how he is unavailable… we can only go with what we see. What we see is that the Risen have grown weaker and become disorganized. Fair… but one must ask whether this occurred before during the last cycle when he had gone dormant.
The whole blood crystallizing thing – we did sever a large chunk of his tail off which caused him to bleed down into the depths bellow. I just think as a force of nature he’s not dead and simply become unconscious or hid away to go to sleep. After all, we “killed” the Lich in Proficies and Shiro in Factions – both of which appeared in the Realm of Torment. It’s not that impossible for a villain to survive despite the ending of a campaign.
(edited by Ronin.7381)
Cool, but the method of discovery kinda pummels the 4th wall.
It does, so I warned guildies it was a spoiler. However, it can be retconned pretty easily. If WPs are flickering, you bet the merchants near them are screaming bloody murder and study teams have gone out to scratch their heads over the issue and have found wonky readings at a lot of wps that aren’t flickering or vined yet.. Just because the game writers don’t have the resources to change all the NPC dialogue to react to fluid situations (remember the centaurs blithely building the bridge in the shadow of the Tower?) doesn’t mean the NPC’s aren’t responding. It’s like LA turned out to be a city of over 40K people when all we see in game is a few random buildings around a bay.
So that map can be the result of IC response that we didn’t see in game mechanics.
(This does not mean players should happily peruse it if they hate spoilers).
I just wish I wouldn’t get stuck inside the vines tryign to eat the WPs.
whatever happens next patch.. im certain we all will get evil dead flashbacks
http://i.imgur.com/2GBo51U.png Chaos Crystal Cavern? Really? It’s headed straight for the Dragonbrand, if I had to guess.
I don’t think mordy is searching for other dragons alive or dead. He obviously passed Zhaitan and Jormag if you look at the map.
I might be utterly wrong but I’m gonna say that he is searching for the Pale Tree. And I think she somehow managed to cloak herself from him so he passed her right away. He never went to Metrica or Caledon because, in my opinion, Pale Tree somehow tricked him to look elsewhere. I still think she is his former champion now good guy just like Glint.Because if you think about it, the first thing Kralkatorrik did after waking up was going after Glint. It only makes sense that Mordy is going after his champion.
I think there’s an interesting idea there but first and foremost I am leaning to believe that Mord is looking to sever the Pact by monitoring its movements. Laying down a perimeter so to speak by extending its roots way out. Something however is its target in Timberline Falls so I’m very interested in seeing what that may be.
We do have lots of pieces of his body and we constantly get more for doing Arah explorable. The Shards of Zhaitan dungeon tokens are, as the name suggests pieces of Zhaitan. They even have a lore text on them saying that they are pieces of him and that he is forever dead.
I REALLY, REALLY wouldn’t take the dungeon tokens as hard canon.
Because A: Zhaitan’s death was a good distance from Arah, in an Area we can only assume the Pact hasn’t even touched if they haven’t secured Arah ATM.
B: Who would go and carve pieces of Zhaitan out of the corpse?No one would have had to carve pieces of Zhaitan out of his corpse…we shot at him a lot and the shards of zhaitan could work the same as the blood of kralkatorik where it crystallizes once it leaves his body.
Kralkatorik is still alive….
Sure we didn’t see a body but do u really think the WhOLE personal story would lead up to us NOT killing him?
It would be horribly cliche, surely but only Zhaitan can give us an answer given his “disappearance” in the clouds and seeing as how he is unavailable… we can only go with what we see. What we see is that the Risen have grown weaker and become disorganized. Fair… but one must ask whether this occurred before during the last cycle when he had gone dormant.
The whole blood crystallizing thing – we did sever a large chunk of his tail off which caused him to bleed down into the depths bellow. I just think as a force of nature he’s not dead and simply become unconscious or hid away to go to sleep. After all, we “killed” the Lich in Proficies and Shiro in Factions – both of which appeared in the Realm of Torment. It’s not that impossible for a villain to survive despite the ending of a campaign.
Devs have stated in an interview ZHAITIAN DEAD his carcass was once even able to be seen near arah but they removed it (most likely in hopes to use the magic filled gas bag in a future ls but truth is that he was actually redesigned and they didnt fibd it worth the effort to put back the redesigned body, its unneeded they have said hes dead readding the body would just be waste of budget) peoples beliefs if hes dead or not are invalid, the developers of the game killed off zhaitan and are done with him he is not a UNDEAD dragon but a dragon of the UNDEATH (summons risen) im glad that hes dead personally, i think being a giant minion master is a pretty lame power i like mordys corruption alot better, its actually powerful! So can we stay off the zhaitan death subject LS is proof that we have moved on to better things
Devs have stated in an interview ZHAITIAN DEAD his carcass was once even able to be seen near arah but they removed it.
Links please.
The original maps of Arah hold no canon standing. Yes, originally he was supposed to be in the map and dead. But the maps changed, and that’s no longer in the area.
Intent vs actuality happens a lot with visuals and such.
Also, IIRC the interview they actually didn’t make it clear one way or another.
It was said in an interview shortly prior to release. gw.dat image of Arah’s map that has a dragon corpse, but it doesn’t really match the release one and outside one wing (the other missing/covered), it doesn’t look like Zhaitan too much – on the map, it’s located SE of where the GL is.
dat map with dragon in it: http://i.imgur.com/AluWU.jpg
dat map without dragon: http://i.minus.com/jvAjEof21jMx4.jpg
There’s multiple changes between them, only the general layout remaining the same, and the latter seems to be the release one.
So it seems that Zhaitan’s corpse may have been removed – at least from the map itself.
And if u want farther proof google zhaitan carcass pre-launch, it was placed in beta but was actually redesigned then scrapped all together because zhaitan was actually too freakin big for the current map of arah that was released i would provide more but just got to work
I see in that map a line going to Infinity Coil and for that it crosses through Timberline Falls… On the vid we see a fort at Timberline being attacked then yeah.. it’s possible the next part will be in that direction
And if u want farther proof google zhaitan carcass pre-launch, it was placed in beta but was actually redesigned then scrapped all together because zhaitan was actually too freakin big for the current map of arah that was released i would provide more but just got to work
I’ve seen the body but that also lead me to believe the fight up there in the Airship wasn’t originally supposed to be over and what ended up happening was development time came up short. That was my guess anyways.
It was said in an interview shortly prior to release. gw.dat image of Arah’s map that has a dragon corpse, but it doesn’t really match the release one and outside one wing (the other missing/covered), it doesn’t look like Zhaitan too much – on the map, it’s located SE of where the GL is.dat map with dragon in it: http://i.imgur.com/AluWU.jpg
dat map without dragon: http://i.minus.com/jvAjEof21jMx4.jpgThere’s multiple changes between them, only the general layout remaining the same, and the latter seems to be the release one.
So it seems that Zhaitan’s corpse may have been removed – at least from the map itself.
And if u want farther proof google zhaitan carcass pre-launch, it was placed in beta but was actually redesigned then scrapped all together because zhaitan was actually too freakin big for the current map of arah that was released i would provide more but just got to work
There should be a 1o1 how to cite… Sauce: http://www.guildwars2guru.com/topic/72448-zhaitans-remains/#entry2035923
Regarding the vines, does anybody know how fast they spread? It seems to take longer than a day.
The chaos crystal cavern is connected in terms of lore (although I can’t remember the specifics) with the Thaumanova Reactor and I suppose, therefore, dragon energy, so that’s likely the thinking behind it.
See my screenshot below.
(edited by Rabe.2456)
It was said in an interview shortly prior to release. gw.dat image of Arah’s map that has a dragon corpse, but it doesn’t really match the release one and outside one wing (the other missing/covered), it doesn’t look like Zhaitan too much – on the map, it’s located SE of where the GL is.dat map with dragon in it: http://i.imgur.com/AluWU.jpg
dat map without dragon: http://i.minus.com/jvAjEof21jMx4.jpgThere’s multiple changes between them, only the general layout remaining the same, and the latter seems to be the release one.
So it seems that Zhaitan’s corpse may have been removed – at least from the map itself.
And if u want farther proof google zhaitan carcass pre-launch, it was placed in beta but was actually redesigned then scrapped all together because zhaitan was actually too freakin big for the current map of arah that was released i would provide more but just got to workThere should be a 1o1 how to cite… Sauce: http://www.guildwars2guru.com/topic/72448-zhaitans-remains/#entry2035923
Regarding the vines, does anybody know how fast they spread? It seems to take longer than a day.
The chaos crystal cavern is connected in terms of lore (although I can’t remember the specifics) with the Thaumanova Reactor and I suppose, therefore, dragon energy, so that’s likely the thinking behind it.
See my screenshot below.
If people knew what they were talking about instead of just spitting out random things or went to use google before trying to make a statement they believe is true i wouldnt have to site commonly known information plus…. I was rushing out the door to work i put what i could lol
Edit: about the vines i tried keeping very close track to the timing of the vines popping up be it through forums or me staring at wps and imo i dont think theres a real set time pattern to the vines, but ive seen most appear during US last night/early morning it spreads at the devs will, i suppose as long as it reachs timberline by the release i dont think it matters to them, but i work graveyard shifts and usually when i get home things seem to change like IE: kessix haven blinked for 2 days straight stopped the next day then the day after the vines spread farther west
(edited by onemantankwall.3641)
onemantankwall, nobody likes excuses. Stop using them. Either you have information we don’t know about that confirms your claim or you’re misinterpreting ambiguous sources out of information we already know of, to state claims of truth that are unconfirmed by the devs.
When I say I want a source in the form of, “Links please” I’m talking on the same magnitude that the devs did with Scarlet when Season 1 was concluded. None of this “Oh they put in stuff at one point but then removed it and devs haven’t said Zhaitan is dead but they also don’t say he’s alive.”
Anyways UPDATE, just logged into LA and there’s a vine at Fort Mariner and the WP next to the zone in for Bloodtide Coast. I’m not exactly sure when it formed.
Tonight while in LA at Vigil Fort. Vine appeared at the waypoint. So it is able to transfer via gates Has been confirmed. So the invasion has begun.
Tonight while in LA at Vigil Fort. Vine appeared at the waypoint. So it is able to transfer via gates Has been confirmed. So the invasion has begun.
Tomorrow vines should appear in timberline then it begins /E squeals like a little school girl
Now wines have literally captured the waypoints.
Tonight while in LA at Vigil Fort. Vine appeared at the waypoint. So it is able to transfer via gates Has been confirmed. So the invasion has begun.
Tomorrow vines should appear in timberline then it begins /E squeals like a little school girl
There is a vine at the Concordia Waypoint already.
onemantankwall, nobody likes excuses. Stop using them. Either you have information we don’t know about that confirms your claim or you’re misinterpreting ambiguous sources out of information we already know of, to state claims of truth that are unconfirmed by the devs.
The whole “Commander” topic is another discussion entirely.
Bottom line is that, at the beginning of the Pact (almost 2 years ago in-game time), you were “The Commander.” After Zhaitan was killed, the Pact continued on and you went off into the world to do stuff. At that point, other commanders were brought on, and you become “A Commander.” And you became a commander who had lots of other things to do besides running an army that was repairing, preparing, and stocking up for the next big battle with the Elder Dragons. We could not build a story on that alone, not a good one that made sense, not considering where we want the story to take you.
Any time anyone calls you “The Commander” now, it’s someone being nostalgic. It’s perhaps more correct to say you were “The First Commander.” That helps us explain why you’ve been running around the world saving people as opposed to being locked in a war room with Trahearne. I’ll see what I can do to get this explanation into the game.
In conclusion, I’ll just say again that we do pay attention to the forums, and thank you for posting your thoughts.
Now wines have literally captured the waypoints.
Drinking will do that to you.
onemantankwall, nobody likes excuses. Stop using them. Either you have information we don’t know about that confirms your claim or you’re misinterpreting ambiguous sources out of information we already know of, to state claims of truth that are unconfirmed by the devs.
The whole “Commander” topic is another discussion entirely.
Bottom line is that, at the beginning of the Pact (almost 2 years ago in-game time), you were “The Commander.” After Zhaitan was killed, the Pact continued on and you went off into the world to do stuff. At that point, other commanders were brought on, and you become “A Commander.” And you became a commander who had lots of other things to do besides running an army that was repairing, preparing, and stocking up for the next big battle with the Elder Dragons. We could not build a story on that alone, not a good one that made sense, not considering where we want the story to take you.
Any time anyone calls you “The Commander” now, it’s someone being nostalgic. It’s perhaps more correct to say you were “The First Commander.” That helps us explain why you’ve been running around the world saving people as opposed to being locked in a war room with Trahearne. I’ll see what I can do to get this explanation into the game.
In conclusion, I’ll just say again that we do pay attention to the forums, and thank you for posting your thoughts.
Thank you so much for adding to it just got off work, gw2 time!
(edited by onemantankwall.3641)
Thank you. I stand corrected.
Umm i provided interview links do u need to facetime me for me to read it to you as well?
Maybe next time you’ll actually link to proper source material instead of ambiguous information that doesn’t contain any true-answers on the matter. That same article you linked didn’t specify whether it was Zhaitan that was dead in fact it even went on to imply still having to deal with him in some form or another:
Arenanet Geff Grubb… the idea is that we do have a big dragon carcass somewhere out there.
A “big dragon carcass”….
ArenaNet Ree SoesbeeOr potentially – when you go out there into the repeatable of Arah, when you go into that after thing where you’re… you’re dealing with his spirit.
None of which actually takes place as we all know by now. We don’t fight his spirit and we don’t see him. So until Angel had made that post, it was quite anyone’s guess. Now, you were right and I was wrong – fair enough.
Thank you. I stand corrected.
Umm i provided interview links do u need to facetime me for me to read it to you as well?
Maybe next time you’ll actually link to proper source material instead of ambiguous information that doesn’t contain any true-answers on the matter. That same article you linked didn’t specify whether it was Zhaitan that was dead in fact it even went on to imply still having to deal with him in some form or another:
Arenanet Geff Grubb… the idea is that we do have a big dragon carcass somewhere out there.
A “big dragon carcass”….
ArenaNet Ree SoesbeeOr potentially – when you go out there into the repeatable of Arah, when you go into that after thing where you’re… you’re dealing with his spirit.
None of which actually takes place as we all know by now. We don’t fight his spirit and we don’t see him. So until Angel had made that post, it was quite anyone’s guess. Now, you were right and I was wrong – fair enough.
It wasnt literal…. arah IS his spirit, the MOST IMPORTANT REASON is that they didnt have room for the redesigned dragon and they knew we’d expect more of them of the use of the dead body be it research or consumption, they’d rather be done with zhaitan and move on with their lives, like you clearly should
It was said in an interview shortly prior to release. gw.dat image of Arah’s map that has a dragon corpse, but it doesn’t really match the release one and outside one wing (the other missing/covered), it doesn’t look like Zhaitan too much – on the map, it’s located SE of where the GL is.dat map with dragon in it: http://i.imgur.com/AluWU.jpg
dat map without dragon: http://i.minus.com/jvAjEof21jMx4.jpgThere’s multiple changes between them, only the general layout remaining the same, and the latter seems to be the release one.
So it seems that Zhaitan’s corpse may have been removed – at least from the map itself.
And if u want farther proof google zhaitan carcass pre-launch, it was placed in beta but was actually redesigned then scrapped all together because zhaitan was actually too freakin big for the current map of arah that was released i would provide more but just got to workThere should be a 1o1 how to cite… Sauce: http://www.guildwars2guru.com/topic/72448-zhaitans-remains/#entry2035923
Regarding the vines, does anybody know how fast they spread? It seems to take longer than a day.
The chaos crystal cavern is connected in terms of lore (although I can’t remember the specifics) with the Thaumanova Reactor and I suppose, therefore, dragon energy, so that’s likely the thinking behind it.
See my screenshot below.
I hate when they merge threads and we loose the discussion.
It seems like the vines heading to those places makes sense and ties in with the way Scarlets mobile portal device would function. Each of those have creatures that phase in like that. Portals/WP likely contain a pretty high concentration of magic, making good targets for magic consuming dragons.
Is it me, or is there a real element of horror being introduced this time out? These insidious vines slowly appearing, the way they’re being shown in the teaser to attack and strangle people…it has an almost Lovecraftian feel to it.
And for some reason I’m sharply reminded of the movie version of Stephen King’s The Mist.
As I said earlier, lovin’ it.
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
I see in that map a line going to Infinity Coil and for that it crosses through Timberline Falls… On the vid we see a fort at Timberline being attacked then yeah.. it’s possible the next part will be in that direction
I am interested in seeing how it all comes together. This has been quite a fascinating episode, such minute details. The only downside is that NPCs don’t take notice, you’d think vines taking over the WP and entangling them like they have would cause a lot of concern. WPs have always been stationary, spinning in place but once entangled they’re off balance.
The screen shot of Concordia even shows it split in half. Perhaps it has to do with draining so much energy that the WP structures can no longer maintain themselves or Mordre is trying to cut off reinforcements. Can’t wait to see the pieces all fall in place.
Well reports about the Vines spreading from Maguuma is probably sill fresh information. Not to mention most of the NPCs don’t move out side of their current placed map due to their jobs requiring them to stay in that area.
However, once Chapter 2 hits then we will finally start seeing the Pact invovlement and information about the Vines spread more.
Looks like the vines are spreading toward the Crystal Desert… Perhaps an alliance between Kralkatorrik and Mordremoth? Rik and Mordy anyone?
Well reports about the Vines spreading from Maguuma is probably sill fresh information. Not to mention most of the NPCs don’t move out side of their current placed map due to their jobs requiring them to stay in that area.
However, once Chapter 2 hits then we will finally start seeing the Pact invovlement and information about the Vines spread more.
I always thought this was strange though, in a world of instant teleportation, the relaying of information should happen much faster, especially since the teleportation fee is very little, even less for lvl 1 NPCs :P
Another thing is that we have no idea if mordy is spreading the vines towards the west as well. Going after the current spread we can assume that this is mordy’s radius of influence, neglecting the fact that it is only spreading along WPs, might not be possible without the help of asura technology in the west…
I do understand that when it comes to developing content, coding itself isn’t as easy as flicking a switch. All I was looking for, while not expecting, was an NPC here or there with simple dialog upon speaking to them; telling you how odd it is.