What is up with Living Story?
I am quite sure they never “promised it will be all about the kitten dragons”.
If every single thing in the game would be about the dragon it would be an extremely dull and boring game, with a completely dead game-world.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Agreed, I never saw them assure us that it was solely about the dragons. I’d love to see an expansion about the Mursaat— visitng the Isles of Janthir— or Elona and the undead there.
The dragons are a ruling force in Tyria right now and I respect that, and so they should be included a great deal in most content.
Agreed they should involve the dragons more, or expand the Personal Story to include the other dragons, but I can say quite confidently that they never promised that the Living Story would be all about the dragons.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Colin said they will involve the other dragons but they haven’t decided in what form they will deliver it – a standalone expansion or through living story or through another means. He also said we won’t see another dragon this year so don’t hold your breath.
Hey sure, let’s kill all the dragons in 6 months. Then we’ll all just sit around twiddling our thumbs for the rest of our lives.
1 elder dragon/year would be fine. By that time other (better) MMO’s will be released or ncsoft will make “improvements” to maximize revenue or GW3 will be announced.