What will happen to Living World?

What will happen to Living World?

in Living World

Posted by: Machiavell.7396


After definitive closure of Season 2 Living Story and HoT expansion announced (which will take a while to get released obviously, let’s just guess 6 months) what will happen to entire Living World system that we loved in GW2 (and what made this game special imho) and actually kept some of us playing more or less actively just to see what’s gonna happen next?

Will we pursue Rytlock now?
Will we get SAB?
Dragon Bash?
Valentines specials that are not only gemshop skins?

What will happen in meantime, couldnt find any thread asking about it, not to mention official ArenaNet statement. I’m really curious

Unofficial Master Bugfinder and Design Critic.
“He will improve everything that ArenaNet added to infinity and beyond.”

What will happen to Living World?

in Living World

Posted by: Tanith.5264


I guess it depends on how long it takes HoT to go live. I don’t think we’ll have to pursue Rytlock, I believe he’s coming back to us. Possibly we’ll see SAB (if nothing else, they’ll pop it back into the game to quiet the rather noisy faction that’s been clamoring for it). I don’t think, given the state of LA, that we’ll see a return of Dragon Bash…but we may get to see and possibly help with the rebuilding of LA. Go hang out on the wall near Fort Marriner to see what I mean there.

Valentine’s…hmm, maybe. Maybe chefs can start making boxes of chocolates or something.

Tanith Fencewalker, Tanni Mindbender, Thyra Wrathbringer, Lovecraft Thrall
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server

What will happen to Living World?

in Living World

Posted by: Rognik.2579


We know that story updates will not be happening, but other stuff will be happening to the game. I have no guesses as to what that might be, but something will probably be coming to keep us entertained as we chomp at the bit for HoT.

What will happen to Living World?

in Living World

Posted by: Lazaar.9123


In one of the interviews it was indicated that living story will likely return after expansion, used to lead up to and introduce new expansions.

What will happen to Living World?

in Living World

Posted by: Electro.4173


They have said absolutely nothing about what updates will be going in between now and HoT. Other than the fact that we know there won’t be anything that progresses the story in terms of heading into Maguuma and confronting Mordremoth, because we know that HoT picks up exactly where the Season 2 finale left off.

In the interim, who knows. We could get unrelated updates with various activities. I wouldn’t expect Dragon Bash, since celebrating when the Pact has just been dealt a massive blow would be in bad taste. SAB is possible I suppose, it’d be perfect as a side-activity with no bearing in the story and would make a lot of people happy, but I’m just not sure if they’ve had time to work on SAB between finishing up Season 2 and working on HoT.

It also depends on just how long we have until HoT comes out. If, for instance, its set to come out in April, then they might not need anything more than a small feature patch and some WvW / PvP events to keep us busy that long. If its not going to be coming till late summer or beyond, though, then that would call for something a bit more substancial.

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. Maybe we’ll get some hints during Points of Interest this week or next Tuesday when previews of things to come usually show up.

What will happen to Living World?

in Living World

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


Until the expansion, nothing as far as Living Story updates. Colin did say, on a YouTube video interview, they were going to combine the expansion camp’s wants with the Living Story camp’s wants. So, after the expansion’s release, we will continue to get more Living Story.

Now the caveat . . . take that with a grain of suspicion. Until we see it happen, I wouldn’t believe anything any developer says at face value anymore. When you see it in practice, and added into the game, you can believe it then. Otherwise, all evidence is subject to change.

You can take my word on that.

Gone to Reddit.

(edited by Ardenwolfe.8590)