With LS s2 coming soon I thought I would see what everyone would like to see LS s2. LS s1 wasn’t the greatest but it was a experience. Seeing how Anet has improved towards the end of LS s1 I am kind of excited to see what they do.
How I would like to see LS s2 start is with a big bang. A couple of new areas with a dungeon (maybe 8 man?), a bunch of awesome dynamic events (something like Orr but more fun ) and 2 general of the new elder dragon (not too difficult where only TTS TxS and a couple servers can do it). From there I would like to see even more of Tyria! Give us moreeeeeeeeee!
So what would you guys like to see? Maybe Anet will take some of your ideas and actually implement them. So my fellow Tyrians, let your voice be heard!