What would you like to see in Season 3?
What will happen to the Sylvari race now that news about them being Elder Dragon minions is out.
Even with Mordremoth’s death in both body and mind during the Season 3 timeframe there may be back lash to the Sylvari’s race and their actions through GW2 storyline. We have seen some tension already with mysterious murders happening in Lion Arch and other place with only Sylvari being murdered.
Scruffy 2.0 as a giant voltron-like mecha, with the biconics piloting the arms and lets and the commander piloting the head.
We’ll use it to punch a dragon to death or something.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
I would like to see the world’s and the pact’s (what is left of it) reaction to mordremoth’s defeat. I would like to see what Rytlock did to become a revenant and I want to see the story move into new explorable zones. I will be disappointed however if season 3 focuses just on the aftermath of mordremoth, i want to see the story move towards another elder dragon. Gameplay-wise, I would like to see a change in direction from map-wide meta events building towards several mini-bosses (verdant brink, tarir, tangled depths) to complete it and introduce truly challenging single boss encounters which involve the entire map but are not just a generic Zerg-fest burning the boss down with no risk of failure.
PvE- Grolex (Warrior)
PvP rank: 20 Rating: 1864 (season 7)
I want to see a map that doesn’t involve so much climbing, gliding, jumping, etc
I’d like to see something a little happier once the dust settles.
as i went to finish sylvari story arc month ago for a change (original personal story) I still wonder what has gotten to that another tree and harbinger brought from it… (feels like none of characters even remember that after pack been formed)
What will happen to the Sylvari race now that news about them being Elder Dragon minions is out.
Even with Mordremoth’s death in both body and mind during the Season 3 timeframe there may be back lash to the Sylvari’s race and their actions through GW2 storyline. We have seen some tension already with mysterious murders happening in Lion Arch and other place with only Sylvari being murdered.
Really? I have missed this! Where do I go to see NPC comments about the murders?
I’d like to see Marjory and Kasmeer killed off. Then maybe those obnoxious kids in LA near the bank would shut up about them.
I want;
1) Mursaat
2) More from Kasmeer (she got seriously screwed by the writers of HoT)
3) Anise & Canach together again (I’m sure Anise is going to be worried about the bandits in the Raid and their masters)
4) How the Pale Tree is doing? (I cannot believe we went the whole expansion without talking to her once – I mean she could/should have been going out of her mind, maybe even spawning Mordrem against her will <- would be pretty awesome her screaming for us to burn the seed pods as her own children burst forth to destroy their mother)
5) What the death of Mordremoth has done to Glint’s egg (maybe we should burn a witch and Emilia Clarke in the middle of Tarir just to speed things up)
6) We also must have a scene where Lord Faren enthralls the court with tales from the jungle.
A plotline that does not involve an Elder Dragon.
I would like some political plots. Sure, the Egg must be important, but I would also like to know how the world is reacting to the revelations about the Sylvari, what happened in the Jungle, the appearance of the Exalted… and the death of Trahearne ! For all the hate he got, he was the Marshal of the Pact, his death must have impact !
Honestly, Anet shouldn’t try to topple en Elder Dragon in a LS. Have us deal with the aftermath, with even a minimum of fights, if possible ! Honestly, the LS is the perfect way to expand the world, instead of adding more and more bosses and all.
I would like to see more references to gw1: Cantha and etc..
1) What happened to malyck and the possible other good or neutral tree?
2) Adventures into Crystal Desert and Elona.
3) Adventures Further into the Shiverpeaks (a large part is stil missing)
To be honest, I could not care less about Rhytlock. We already have enough xenophobic warmongers in RL, I am not interested in following the path of a virtual one. I am probably even less interested in what happens to his love struck buddy Logan, traitorous Caithe and in every instance very pale Zojja if that is possible. My interest and loyality for this group has sunk to 0 with the death of the only righteous character in that hero group. Sure they will meet again for tihs and that, but the hero days of these people are over.
Luckily, Anet decided that they could just introduce Revenant into the character story like he already had been there all the time. It has hopefully killed the argument that it would not be use of good ressorces for new races like the Tengu or that it is not possible to introduce them in a reasonable manner. Anet has shown that they do not care for such details, they just did not want too.
So what stands on my wishlist?
*Something good that makes sense and is not just an exercise in patience and grind like ls2. I don´t even care what it is.
*Pick up all the plots that are strewn in Tyria. Will not happen, but still…^^
i want to see what’s going to happen to that egg, i love dragons and if only we could have one on our side again ! I’ll be the happiest charr in Tyria !
1: Better Story.
2: Less Grind.
3: More Fun Content.
4: No mention of Sylvari or anything related to them, I am sick to death of it.
More character development please, for the love of all that is good in the world. More time with the player’s group of comrades – Braham, Rox, Taimi, Frostbite, Marj, Kasmeer, and also Canach now since he proved himself.
Also Anet, you guys killed off two of my favorite NPCs in the game during HOT and you’re expecting the future of the story to not suck… Please remember that as you’re considering whether or not to give those of us who actually did like Trahearne and Eir closure, in the form of some sort of separate ceremony for each of them in their respective home towns, and with a little specialized player dialogue if the player is Sylvari or Norn, respectively. One of your biggest triumphs in HOT was that if you played the story as a Sylvari, you got treated like a Sylvari, in relation to the circumstances, and you had a more personalized experience. I frickin loved that. As opposed to like, one of the old heart renown quests in Ascalon where you get transformed into a raven by a random Asura as an experiment and your Norn character has absolutely nothing different to say about it than anyone else >.>
If there’s more Ascalon-ghosts vs Charr story content, we need at least one flashback instance to the war, or that time period right before the Searing at the very least, because that would be awesome. What did those buildings look like before they turned into crumbled, irritating jumping puzzles?
Don’t forget that Taimi can’t be the only Asura who’s overwhelmed by the discovery of a lost Asuran city – even random NPCs in Rata Sum should start reacting to that in the background dialogue while you’re wandering around crafting or going to the bank etc. Everyone should be raving about it and sending krewes to go exploring and stuff.
One last thing – if the next dragon is the sea dragon, go heavy on the lore for the Kodan, Largos, and Krait, because yes. There’s intellectual content behind these 3 peoples that I want to see more of. And I hate that the Hylek are considered sort of a “lesser race” so if they have any part in it too then awesome.
I think that Kralkatorrik is the next one, I’m a charr so I naturally can’t wait for it.
plus its following all this Glint Legacy things.
I guess “Mini-Glint” is about to avenge his mother…
And yes i want to see more charr land, Blood legion citadel and such !
I want to see my Impérator kitten it !
I want to know about the egg and how that goes with.the.new living storyy
I think that Kralkatorrik is the next one, I’m a charr so I naturally can’t wait for it.
plus its following all this Glint Legacy things.I guess “Mini-Glint” is about to avenge his mother…
And yes i want to see more charr land, Blood legion citadel and such !
I want to see my Impérator kitten it !
No more trees and dust, we need fire and rust!
For Iron!
I want to see other Grove. Even if it’s probably corrupted by Mordremoth and is a mordrem factory. And of course I’d love to meet Malyck again. One of my favourite PS characters. He must had been strong enough to fight off Mordremoth’s influence.
Season 3 needs some of this http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cow_Bell
Full, unrushed and uncut storyline. It’s just awkward when for example in DS there’s a bunch of NPC’s helping you out against Mouth of Mordremoth but there’s no story involved why they are there etc
To be serious, I would like to see achievements that aren’t so kitten ed difficult to get while playing solo.
A rework of season 2 achievements would also be appreciated. The content can be done solo, although it’s rather difficult at times, but some achievements pretty much require you to be teamed with at least 1 other player to get.
I managed to get all achievements for episode 1 of season 2 but gave up on episode 2.
Examples of where I got stuck on LS season 2 achievements:
Dropping like Flies achievement
This achievement is difficult to do solo, so you may wish to bring a friend to assist you. You will need to protect both the NPC outside and inside the Fort.
Tried it at least 20 times and every single time I lost at least 1 NPC.
Butterflies and Viscera achievement
You may want some help with this one. Due to the speed of the Bone Fiends spawning, and the foes tend to spawn close to when the Bone Fiends spawn. Doing this event solo you will not have much time to attack the boss. There is no determinable pattern to the Bone Fiends spawning. With two players you can have one defend the Bone Fiends and the other attack the boss.
Yeah, no. Not even gonna try it. You’ll wind up in an endless cycle of trying to keep all bone minions alive, never having time to attack the boss. If you do attack the boss you’ll probably lose at least 1 bone minion and your chance at the achievement.
The bottom line is, if we can do the episodes solo, we should be able to do the achievements solo. If I wanted to do content that actually required a team of other players, I’d get into fractals and/or dungeons.
Solo content should never make players feel like they’re forced to team up with others in order to complete it. That defeats the purpose of “solo” content entirely. If they want players to have to team up to accomplish the tasks then then should just make the content require a team of players and eliminate the solo aspects all together.
I’d like to see more zone revamps like the one that happened in Kessex Hills with the Tower of Nightmares. The whole zone became more fun and gained a lot of incentive to backtrack to even with level 80 characters.
Several stuff.
To finally be able to explore DS completely
To find out what happened to Garm
To find out who is E.
Hoping that your home instance will be in some of the missions. I don’t know why, just personal preference I guess.
Full, unrushed and uncut storyline. It’s just awkward when for example in DS there’s a bunch of NPC’s helping you out against Mouth of Mordremoth but there’s no story involved why they are there etc
This. Who is that Countess, where did she come from, why did she appear from nowhere? Was there supposed to be a story quest explaining her, was she supposed to be important, where was she prior to this?
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
More lore, expecially side lore. There are tons of interesting stories that are left hanging and the whole lore progress at such a slow pace that I feel like it will never get a proper conclusion for any of the many interesting things happening around the world (some of the fractals for example).
Arenanet!! Please!! What have you done?!
1) Malyck, his tree and sylvaris of that tree! Arenanet don’t forget about that! We, sylvari still remember the story and want to see our old friend!!! You guys killed our good guy Trehearne because of listening to the players (non-sylvaris/fake-sylvaris),
so now it’s time to payback and we (true sylvaris) want Malyck! I am serious! Please Arenanet! Bring Malyck back! Malyck come to us! We miss you! After that Mordy cataclysm we worry about you and your people!
2) What happened to our beloved Mother Tree? We did not even get the chance to speak with her! How is she feeling? What does she have to say?
3) What happened to the egg? These golden weirdos promised they will protect it and see? Ehh you cannot trust anyone!
4) Rata Novus!!! I even managed to break the code that opened the gate with portal into that room with locked door! I want to know what’s behind! I want to know if there is that ancient asura society. Is it alive? Is it dead? What kind of informations are there?
5) Zojja?! Logan?!
6) I want to have more choices in dialogues with my squad. Sorry, but in Living Story Season 2 after Caithe stolen the egg I was speaking with Marjory. She hated her for that and showed distrust towards her, and I on the other hand told Marjory that I trust her and I know what she’s doing and she’s going to be fine (sylvari connection power!) Then please Arenanet, why in HoT my character is angry on her… Why my character says things I disagree with? Don’t do that anymore! Please! It’s so annoying and out of logic! Players should have a choice like it used to be before!! But you of course again listened to Caith-haters! Arenanet PLEASE! There are normal players also, the ones that fall in love with characters you create! PLEASE!
7) More love between Marjory and Kasmeer! Arenanet! You again listened to the players! I mean to these little haters! Not to the true players! They even wanted to kill them two! Homophobes! Also I’d like Sya in my squad! If I am good then we don’t have engineer in our group, so please! Make it! Make something rainbowy or different! That’s what makes players love you!
8) In next Season I’d like to see Arenanet listening to the old good players not to the haters, game of thrones lovers ( I mean I love it too but Guild Wars 2 is not Game of Thrones!), homophobes or other sad people that make us sad too! I want the story to be curious, “cartoonlike” with some violence, like it used to be in LS1 and LS2! Please!
I would like to not see bugs.. oh well..
A more compelling story and less ‘press F to pay respects’. They copy pasted that from call of duty, by the way.
First off I love how HoT gave Sylvari some unqiue dialogue and interactions. I would love to see them branching off of that and do that for the other races as well. Humans and Charr already have an interesting history with each other. They could even create an event to add more hostility between them at Ebonhawke. Some Asura NPCs could just insult your intelligence and only say something useful to an Asura player. Although, since GW2 has the whole we are stronger together theme/vib going for them having NPCs like that thrown in would be ironic.
Random things I would like are….
Ranger Pets, mainly sharks so I can have the aesthetics of having 2 sharks:
- Ice Shark – Already in the game just need a pet version.
- Reef Shark – Could reskin the sharks in Southsun Cove.
- Spiketail Fish – A counter pair for the Amorfish user.
Gem Store Sale of old old archive items such as all the sunglasses and bunny ears. I regret not purchasing all of the sunglasses way back when, and they have not been in any sale since they were removed
The common desire of more armor skins not outfits. I love mix and matching my characters. As cool as some of the outfits are I wish we had more armor skins.
Matching Unlimited Gathering Tools for existing tools. Again mainly for the aesthetics having a set of 3 same types. Plus I love the graphics of the Dreamcleaver Axe and want a full set of it. They could always plan anniversary events or something to reintroduce them if they wanted such as:
- Dreamcleaver Sickle & Pick – Introduce a Tower of Nightmare Fractal or an event like Spring has spread the toxic spores across Tyria!
- Consortium Axe & Pick – It’s Southsun Cove there is endless possibilities for some big event: An attempt to remake/build additions to the camps, the Consortium plan a festival about the Ancient Karka in their attempt to become a tourist attraction, Sylvari flee there for a new start after all the HoT stuff…to name a few examples (could introduce the Reef Shark Pet then wink wink
Lastly I would like more open maps in the future and less levels/maze like. Don’t get me wrong I like the jungle and the vertical design and all but it makes thing more bothersome. For one the map is annoying, and I’m not saying I don’t know how to read it, I am saying that dealing with the levels is a pain compared to the normal open world maps throughout Tyria. I would much rather explore an open map then wander around bridges, tunnels, paths that is in HoT. Also yes I realized there is the mushroom and glider to help you get around, but the annoyance out weighed the novelty of it all for me.
Overall I’m hooked on this game and will be excited for whatever comes out
I want to meet Malyck again. One of the best personal story characters. Also, I’d like to know why was he so similar to Pale Tree’s sylvari. I hope he’s all right.
id like to see us to travel to either crystal desert, cantha or nightfall. I mean, we kinda have to travel to crystal desert at one point since glint dragon is there :O
edit: Oh apparantly glint is dead, no crystal desert for us q.q
(edited by sanctuary.1068)
Kralkatorrik is in Crystal Desert, so we’ll definitely visit CD at some point.
Also, Nightfall isn’t a place, it’s an event. The continent is called Elona.
Kralkatorrik is in Crystal Desert, so we’ll definitely visit CD at some point.
Also, Nightfall isn’t a place, it’s an event. The continent is called Elona.
I know its called Elona but for a brief moment i called it nightfall. Dont ask me why, i just did but thank you for being so obnoxious.
I would like to see some dragons coming to kill us like Primordius (it’s seem to be the only one that have balls) instead of waiting for us to come kill them in the middle of nowhere sending useless creature to annoy us, “a little”.
The second thing i would like to see is living season 3 Kappa.
- I would like to see some new important character more intersting than the one that we have already
- It would be also great if my character could stop being an arrogant douchbag.
I think the last one is the most important, i really hate the main character, every reaction he got are so unnatural
No endless cliffhanger chains.
No more reveals like “the dragons have a weakness” (Rata Novus). Seems redundant.
I hope all the writers read this topic!
Two things I’d like to see explained:
- Pale Tree origins: Please solve this mystery! What actually is she? Is she like Glint? What exactly is the dream? How did she become pure as she was only tended by Ventari? Is Ventari’s Tablet some sort of Forgotten relic? Expose how exactly she was freed/cleansed from the Mordremoth’s corruption. Expose how exactly Ronan got the Pale Tree seed. Anything that enlightens us about her origins. Some beings are to remain mysterious, but you writers have gone too far deep about sylvari, and that machine that exposed the Eternal Alchemy to us, show us how it is tied to the Pale Tree. Why is it of such importance to hear her (because we do)?
- Caithe’s intentions are endless: what is actually her wyld hunt? She’s changed her purpose way too often. Despite lowering her level to the ground by injecting a betrayal in her actions, I’d like to see her image recovered. Did her wyld hunt finish? Is she going to love some other sylvari? How much did the Pale Tree know about Caithe’s steps? How can a sylvari hide her thoughts from the Mother Tree if they still accept her “control”, given Caithe isn’t a Soundless after all?
What I would like to see is a revisit to the regions of Elona and Cantha, basically what would be going on in these regions after the defeat of Mordremoth, and something to add would be weather events such as sandstorms in the dry dusts, high tide and low tide in the regions where water is present, rain and thunderstorms, droughts, etc.
I would like something more about Eir Stagalkin.
I would like references to Cantha (which probably is gonna be in the next X-Pack)
I want more Tengu in my life.
I want more Revenant in my Life.
I want more Human Lore, enough with the Sylvari already.
Hmm.. What I’d like to see..
The consequences of the fight against Mordremoth:
What is the situation of the pact? How much has it weakened? Who will be the new leader and what do we fight next?
I don’t think that the commander is going to take Trahearne’s place. It’s much more likely that some other character will fill that place, possibly someone from Destiny’s Edge. Now that Eir is gone, it’s very likely that Rytlock will be the new head of the group so to speak. He could also become the new marshal of the pact, but it may be that he’s too busy as it is. So we’ll just have to see. Personally, I’d like to see the pact split up back to the three orders and get more story with the order of my character, be that in the living seasons or next expansion.
What is the situation at the Grove? How many did sylvari lose to the dragon? What is the other race’s opinion on them now, that they know of their origins? Has the war against Mordremoth effected the Pale Tree or the dream somehow?
I do not think that they will stretch this idea of a racial hate towards sylvari any longer. It could be an interesting idea if they did, but it would complicate the plot maybe too much. At some point the sylvari would have to win their trust back. It might be too long of a story to tell. However, the story of Trahearne sacrificing himself to kill Mordremoth could wash some of the bad reputation of sylvari. He will most likely be remembered as a hero among the pact and the sylvari.
It would be interesting to see a new generation of sylvari saplings who are born after the death of Mordremoth. They would learn fighting spirit from their dead ancestors due to shared memories in the dream, and could be much tougher than the cute little flower people we’ve seen so far.
And then there’s the story of Destiny’s Edge and Rytlock in the mists. We will probably see a funeral or some other kind of memorial event for both Eir and Trahearne. Especially Eir was a great hero among the norn, so they will mourn her passing. Braham could pick up his mother’s bow and become a dragon hunter. We will probably not see Zoijja and Logan for a while, since they were so seriously hurt. However, I do not believe either of them is dead or dying.
Rytlock has a lot of story to tell! I think we might have to wait till season 4 to get a better story of him, but of course there’s a possibility that we’ll get it in ls3. I would like to see a similar flashback as we saw in ls2 for Caithe. Personally I’m not as much interested in his trip to the Mists, as I am interested in how he’s going to get rid of the Ascalonian ghosts and how that will effect the world. I would like to see a change in our current maps.
Then there’s Taimi and Rata Novus. She’ll build a new golem with the knowledge she has gained from the jungle and be back in the group in no time.
I would also be so happy to see any explanation on Malyck or at least his tree. I would be very sad if the story was abandoned by the developers. I feel like this is their last chance to implement it, since they now have the excuse that the sylvari from the other tree could have been fighting Mordremoth somewhere else in the jungle and that’s why they couldn’t help us earlier. With Pale Tree weakened, it would be nice to see another sylvari city and these two uniting their forces.
Looked back, saw this:
With the year and Wintersday finishing I can only imagine the trailer for Living World Season 3 is close!
Looked back, saw this:
With the year and Wintersday finishing I can only imagine the trailer for Living World Season 3 is close!
I know the feeling buddy :/
but hey what would YOU like to see this coming season in around 3 months?
IMO it seems that the LS3 will focus around the egg.
- I certainly hope that we will get answers to many unanswered questions, that’s the priority for me.
- I hope that we’ll get closure, epilogue for the HoT, maybe even Eir’s funeral ceremony in Hoelbrak. That would be awesome.
- I hope that now the story will finally focus on another race than our salad friends (I’m sorry guys, I just like other races more).
- I hope that we’ll get to see more of other dragons
- I hope that Taimi goes insane and joins Inquest. She would be the perfect little villain that we would be forced to work with because of her knowledge.
- I hope for some missions in the mists with Rytlock, where we’ll see how he got his powers
- I hope for more story with Rox and Canach
- I hope for the involvement of Tengu and for indications of them becoming a playable race (that’s a big stretch, I know)
All in all, I just want more story, more lore, more answers than questions. More of everything.
http://wpwhendead.tumblr.com - a GW2 webcomic about a Charr and a Skritt
Looked back, saw this:
With the year and Wintersday finishing I can only imagine the trailer for Living World Season 3 is close!
I know the feeling buddy :/
but hey what would YOU like to see this coming season in around 3 months?
I want to see storyline, world-building, and a whole lot of it. I want to not only feel like what I’m doing in the story matters, but also that its events matter even when I’m just chilling in town. Anet has absolutely enormous potential with where they could go with story, if they put the effort and creativity in. Unfortunately, the closest they’ve gotten is (apparently) some mention of the white mantle buried inside the raids, which I as a casual small-guild leader will never get a chance to see. And unfortunately, they’ve already made it impossible to address some of the best sub-plots they could have had. (Namely, they set up the world for some horrible anti-sylvari-racism-bordering-on-revolution when they released the HoT Point of No Return trailer. And then proceeded to completely ignore it. Now, Mordremoth is dead, and that whole load of potential is a non-issue.)
I want material like the original personal story, except done far better, like it and all past story should have been. Basically, especially if they’re going to put story on the back burner in favor of a bunch of mechanics in various other niches, I expect them to properly come around to servicing the niche that is “Story/Lore/The World.” Which, if done right, also services the woefully-ignored RP community.
I want to see a storyline that doesn’t involve the dragons. The raid hints at the river of souls and the underworld. Go with that. Please.
Bonus points if the new storyline brings back some GW1 lore, like the White Mantle, which has also been hinted at.
I want to see a storyline that doesn’t involve the dragons. The raid hints at the river of souls and the underworld. Go with that. Please.
Bonus points if the new storyline brings back some GW1 lore, like the White Mantle, which has also been hinted at.
Yeah, seriously.
If they expand the map and consider GW1 lore, new storyline practically writes itself. Even if there is some connection to the dragons (which there might well be, since they are a global apocalypse), there are always broader possibilities.
*White Mantle and Mursaat and the Isles of Janthir
*The Dwarves fighting Destroyers underneath the Crown Pavilion (<—- my favorite headcanon)
*Countess Anise and/or Livia is using Queen Jennah as a puppet.
*Or Jennah gets overthrown and nobody misses her because she spent thousands of gold turning an entire city district into her plaything.
*The Ring of Fire Islands and how Rytlock ended up with Sohothin.
*The army of Palawa Joko spilling into the Crystal Desert
*The Wardens of Echovald Forest and their possible connection to the Mordrem.
*Underwater Inquest labs
*Malyck’s tree
*Regrouping of the Flame Legion north of Ascalon.
*Heck, even though I’m not keen on raids whatsoever, they could even make a new raid by returning players to Slaver’s Exile from Eye of the North somehow.
(edited by Taglor Anwamane.9468)