with the mid season break I was trying to evealuate Season 2 on it`s own aspects and came upon a little problem: Where are my rewards?
Don`t get me wrong. Each release has a lot of content, however if we start analyzing these, the Living Story , does not offer a lot in compaison to Season 1.
Short Version
In fact, the only “reward” , if we can call it that, is the “Scavanger Hunt Backpiece” and the “usual” (Champ Chests, RNG roulete on items, etc. ).
All the other content is actually part of the new Map.
in fact these are all things you expect from a new Map and Dry Top in that regard is one of the best designed Maps out there (and something southsun should have been, but aside from asthetics does not really deliver for many players).
- New Skins or anything for your character are all bound to the Map.
Map specific weapons (unidentified fossils) and a two part headpiece in this case.
Compaired to S1
Season 1 offered a temporary Story, however at least every second patch, offered some reward upon its completion. Mostly backpacks, but that is another matter.
The way we were able to obtain these differed, but they all required us to play the Story content.
S2 at the moment does not offer anything story specific. While the growing scavanger hunt backpack is certainly a nice thing (I love these btw. ) it does not offer the same fullfillment as getting something for finishing the whole ordeal (maybe in conjunction with a certain number of actual archievments).
You can argue that the story, the backpack (which grows as you proceed with the story) and the additional content is enough, i still kinda feel like something is missing.
I heard other say, that even the Archievements aren`t really worth being completed so I am wondering what else could be an extra insentive to do these things, beside the archievment points?