Where in the *rabbit* did this come from?

Where in the *rabbit* did this come from?

in Living World

Posted by: kossman.8206



Is this a new approach???
Because for me…. for once…. that was submersive….

It was like it came from a book….

Anyone else feel that vibe?

Where in the *rabbit* did this come from?

in Living World

Posted by: kossman.8206


Scott – that is the way to go! Hopefully you can continue that sort of thing.

Where in the *rabbit* did this come from?

in Living World

Posted by: koopatroopa.5360


Good read. I hope these continue!

Where in the *rabbit* did this come from?

in Living World

Posted by: rizzo.1079


Just got a chance to read it now and I must say it was enjoyable. Good job!

Where in the *rabbit* did this come from?

in Living World

Posted by: Aerinndis.2730


Wow, really interesting. Very enjoyable read and has me filled with anticipation now.

Where in the *rabbit* did this come from?

in Living World

Posted by: emikochan.8504


sweet, i need to find this stuff in southsun before the 28th :o

Welcome to my world – http://emikochan13.wordpress.com

Where in the *rabbit* did this come from?

in Living World

Posted by: Baeyne.9584


I made a thread here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/livingworld/southsun/Two-very-well-written-Short-Stories

It is indeed a very well written short story.

“If you keep getting hit, you’re playing the Thief wrong!” -Bassman

Where in the *rabbit* did this come from?

in Living World

Posted by: snakeboy.3062


Funny you should say that OP. I had the exact same vibe. Somehow this story stands out. I like it.

Where in the *rabbit* did this come from?

in Living World

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

I like it.

I also enjoyed the references to Bling’s “annoying sound”.

Where in the *rabbit* did this come from?

in Living World

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


During development, prior to release short stories like these were common for fleshing out the backstories and elements of the game. (Mr Sparkles backstory for example ;p)

Sadly the development blog seems to have been taken down now, there was some great shorts in there

Edit: Aha! – Found them:

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

(edited by Ryuujin.8236)

Where in the *rabbit* did this come from?

in Living World

Posted by: Marcus Greythorne.6843

Marcus Greythorne.6843

why is this not in the game in some form?

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Where in the *rabbit* did this come from?

in Living World

Posted by: Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

I am disappoint in this Asura. What kind of genius lets a walking cabbage threaten him?! You should’ve planned for this!

Edit: This is not to say that I didn’t enjoy the read :P

Grind Wars 2: Heart of Tears

Where in the *rabbit* did this come from?

in Living World

Posted by: DoctorOverlord.8620


I agree, this was an entertaining read.

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