Guild Wars 2 needs better lore.. lore from GW1, and a storyline that continues after Zhaitan, no more Scarlet, pirates, and all that fluff, it’s seriously tearing down the overall lore of the Guild Wars universe and fun. The living story is not bad, but it isn’t great either. The reason for this is, Anet wants a changing world, and even though this is content every 2 weeks! Which is cool, it disappears just as quickly as it came, and rarely leaves a mark on the world itself. Instead please, just make an expansion, take us back to Elona, Cantha, and eventhough this is wishfull thinking, i hate that a game i loved, and waited for for ages, has boiled down to mediocre storytelling if any… and constant grinding. Go back to your roots, and deliver a quality experience for your player base, you can only use that many carrots before the stick breaks.
One feasible way of looking at it, is that the living story is an outlet to keep current players playing, while the majority of the Anet team is working on an expansion and new races and maps and lore! Wooo. and release it next year? One can only hope.
Or that they simply think that bi-weekly updates is better, and will deliver as much content as an expansion. No. It doesn’t. Because not only does this content dissapear, it leaves players feeling empty, and having undergone a grindfest, and worst of all it’s temporary. The world feels far from living. It’s awfully dead. Sorry if i tend to talk for all of the community, this is only my opinion, and it has probably been said before.
So though this might seem like a whiny post, it’s just a fan and avid follower, kinda tired of the direction the game is taking. LS is meaningless, temporary and lackluster. Give some content with substanse. I really hope the team is working on an expansion. Preferably one around the jungle dragon, so they can realease the maps of maguuma and Janthir Isles, along with the the Tengu race as the main focus – because hoping for Cantha and Elona, and all that wonderful lore going on there, is well. not gonna happen, time has shown us that. Palawa Joko and the Jade sea, is now fluid again! Awesomeness…yeh.
We need lore+substanse+expansion.
No more meaningless pirates, robots, and cyberpunk kitten? who even decided that.. hell.. i dunno.. seems like you guys at Anet are creating it as you go along, without any coherency to the main storyline.. i.e DRAGON! Raaarrwrr.
Theres almost no worthwhile story in the game, people are aimlessly trying to fill their achievement tabs with kill x number of this and that, and overall it’s a horrible gaming experience. Just my opinion of course. I just can’t fathom this is the same team that brought us Guild Wars 1, somethings wrong. You can hold as many “free trial weekends”, as you want to try to lure in new players, but even they will leave in time, with this trend you’re following now. What happened to creating a FUN game… guess that got thrown out the window.
/whinemode off
- O
(edited by Oenomaus.6413)