Why do I hate the Living Story?

Why do I hate the Living Story?

in Living World

Posted by: Theundersigned.4761


Because everyone else hates the Living Story.

Because if I enjoyed the Living Story, I’d suffer the consequences.

Because if I said the Living Story was fun, no one would listen.

Because if the Living Story engaged me, I’d look like a fool.

Because if the Living Story seemed interesting, I’d be an uncultured, uneducated buffoon with objectively bad taste.

Because if I do, in fact, hate the Living Story, then I’d be taken seriously.


(edited by Theundersigned.4761)

Why do I hate the Living Story?

in Living World

Posted by: Ceallach.8740


I like gruel !

Why do I hate the Living Story?

in Living World

Posted by: Omg Im Target.3095

Omg Im Target.3095

People who enjoy the living story are saying nothing and just playing which is fine. But in the other way i feel sorry for Arenanet. They are bringing so many different updates and if someone has no use to it he/she flames.

Creative thread btw.

Why do I hate the Living Story?

in Living World

Posted by: Ceallach.8740


By the way, I really do like gruel. Tried it once and was pleasantly surprised after it being the butt of so many jokes.

Why do I hate the Living Story?

in Living World

Posted by: ricky markham.8173

ricky markham.8173

i never said i hated it it just doesnt hold my interest so usually i dont end up doing it. im kind of interested to see where it goes but like a book i dont care its taken too long . but i could say that about the game in general it doesnt hold my interest as much as the first gw game did or the half dozen games i consider awesome. its ok ill probably move on to something else soon

Why do I hate the Living Story?

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


Because everyone else hates the Living Story.

Because if I enjoyed the Living Story, I’d suffer the consequences.

Because if I said the Living Story was fun, no one would listen.

Because if the Living Story engaged me, I’d look like a fool.

Because if the Living Story seemed interesting, I’d be an uncultured, uneducated buffoon with objectively bad taste.

Because if I hate the Living Story, I’d be taken seriously.


Maybe you shouldn’t cave so easily to peer pressure.

If you have an opinion about something, stand up for it.

I dislike the Living Story a lot, for a lot of reasons – But you’re entitled to your perspective as well. I’m sure you have your reasons why you like it and they’re perfectly valid. That’s why this is a forum – To discuss things.

Why do I hate the Living Story?

in Living World

Posted by: minbariguy.7504


I hated Living Story the moment it crawled out of it’s dark, dank spider hole and shambled into the light of day.

I didn’t need anyone to influence me.

I didn’t feel pressured to go along with the crowd. The only pressure I felt was from Living Story: “Follow this carrot right now, or there’ll be no carrot for you at all!

I didn’t have to worry about its temporary grindy clickfests “engaging me” against my will.

And given the fact that ANet has been completely dismissive of the idea of altering the 2-week cadence, I certainly don’t feel that hating the Living Story is a way to be “taken seriously”.

I find it odd that there are still people who have a hard time with the concept that many people hate the Living Story for perfectly good reasons, and on it’s own many questionable merits.

Why do I hate the Living Story?

in Living World

Posted by: Theundersigned.4761


When one drops oneself into a shark tank to hang out with some sharks, one rarely comes away unscathed.

Therefore, it’s safer for some people to stay away entirely…

Or become a shark.

Maybe if the sharks looked a little more friendly this wouldn’t happen…

Or maybe they could be dolphins. Dolphins are nice. Fun to hang with. Make good friends for us seafaring humans (even though they play rough sometimes).

I hated Living Story the moment it crawled out of it’s dark, dank spider hole and shambled into the light of day.

I would most definitely classify these words as those of a shark (and not a particularly nice shark at that). But I’m happy in this tank, so I think I’ll stay.

(edited by Theundersigned.4761)

Why do I hate the Living Story?

in Living World

Posted by: minbariguy.7504


I hated Living Story the moment it crawled out of it’s dark, dank spider hole and shambled into the light of day.

I would most definitely classify these words as those of a shark (and not a particularly nice shark at that). But I’m happy in this tank, so I think I’ll stay.

I like Shark Week. :-)

Okay, but seriously. There’s really no need to label people as “sharks” or “not nice” simply because they have a different opinion than you do. I have nothing against you. You like Living Story? I think that’s great for you. I’m not going to criticize you for that. Have fun with it.

But there’s also nothing wrong with those of us who don’t like it voicing our opinions.

Why do I hate the Living Story?

in Living World

Posted by: Theundersigned.4761


There are acceptable ways of voicing one’s opinions.

Therefore, “I hated Living Story the moment it crawled out of it’s dark, dank spider hole and shambled into the light of day,” would become: “I wasn’t a fan of the Living Story since the very beginning.”

Many of the opinions on these forums are decidedly hostile, which stamps out discussion before it even starts. It’s not a matter of different opinions (the dolphins are different, but they aren’t sharks), it’s a matter of effectively relating those opinions in a constructive manner.

I concede that metaphors are often confusing, but I did try to make the distinction between dolphins, sharks, and humans (although I considered using guppies instead of humans to avoid implying that the dolphins have inhuman opinions).

To clarify, this isn’t about criticizing one’s reasons or opinions, it’s about criticizing the way in which one relates those opinions. To put it more simply: sharks represent hostile language, dolphins represent the opposite. The tank represents these forums. Many posts on these forums (not all; that’s why I said, “many”) use hostile language; therefore, many people in these forums are sharks. However, some people are willing to engage in dialogue, representing the dolphins (note that they still have the same opinion as the sharks).

The dolphins represent the preferred way in which to express one’s opinion. Humans (probably should have used “guppies” here—but honestly, I would consider being a dolphin much more fun than being a stuffy ol’ human), they represent the other opinion. I implied humans (guppies) were usually neither shark nor dolphin because they represent somewhat of a minority in these forums and aren’t exactly central to the point I’m trying to make (although a human could take the form of a shark in order to swim more comfortably with them).

(On a side note, there are sharks in the world that are completely harmless. I can’t remember what they’re called, but I suppose unintentional hostile language could fall under that category. This actually fits really well since people often perceive these sharks as being vicious man-eaters, when in reality they just want a hug…)

Again, this isn’t so much about different opinions as it is about the way in which those opinions are expressed. Really, what opinion we’re talking about hardly matters at this point as the metaphor can be applied to practically anything.

There. I clarified. I hate clarifying. Now my entire metaphor is useless.

(edited by Theundersigned.4761)

Why do I hate the Living Story?

in Living World

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


There are acceptable ways of voicing one’s opinions.

Yup. People can be jerks. Welcome to the internet.

Why do I hate the Living Story?

in Living World

Posted by: ProtoGunner.4953


Fact is that the LS is never on par with the stories from GW1, compare this shallow gem store driven zerg fests with Guild Wars 1 campaigns, this only makes me cry.

‘would have/would’ve been’ —> correct
‘would of been’ —> wrong

Why do I hate the Living Story?

in Living World

Posted by: aesir.8503


My only problem with the way it works out is that I did not like being bound to a timelimit to enjoy content. I like to do other things and if you want to see it all you “have” to shelve a lot else to see it. The content itself might be all fun and dandy.

Why do I hate the Living Story?

in Living World

Posted by: Axiom.6137


I hated Living Story the moment it crawled out of it’s dark, dank spider hole and shambled into the light of day.

I didn’t need anyone to influence me.

I didn’t feel pressured to go along with the crowd. The only pressure I felt was from Living Story: “Follow this carrot right now, or there’ll be no carrot for you at all!

I didn’t have to worry about its temporary grindy clickfests “engaging me” against my will.

And given the fact that ANet has been completely dismissive of the idea of altering the 2-week cadence, I certainly don’t feel that hating the Living Story is a way to be “taken seriously”.

I find it odd that there are still people who have a hard time with the concept that many people hate the Living Story for perfectly good reasons, and on it’s own many questionable merits.

I completely agree.

Before Living Story, I never thought any new content would actually make me hate the game and the developers. I thought, at worst, it just wouldn’t be for me and I could ignore it. Instead, it has been an absolute pox on the game.

Adventure by Checklist, in your face and, as you say, catch the carrot now, or no carrot for you, but don’t worry, there will be new carrots in two weeks.

I think what disgusts me about all this is that it represents a 180 degree reversal of the ideals the game was built on an an abandonment of the incredible game world, which felt so alive at launch, but now feels dead because nothing changes outside of the Living Story set pieces and smoke and mirrors fluff.

It’s like pre-2013 Arenanet was completely replaced by Pod People who are only pale imitations of the originals.

We honestly would have been better off with no new content beyond an occasional Holiday, than the massive waste of development resources on game killing “content” that has been 95% of Living Story.

I don’t get it and I guess I will never get it. I just hope that the geniuses who produced what made this game so special and incredible at launch are working on another MMO that can come in and actually fulfill the astronomical potential that WAS GW2. I’ve lost any hope that GW2 will ever be more than a shadow of what it could have been and should have been.

This could have been a $Billion title with proper ongoing development. This is by far the closest any developer has come to making an MMO with the potential to approach WoW levels of financial success. It’s also the most dramatic implosion ever, with what they have done to the game and it’s once vast potential in just over a year of “wrong track” development.

A little over a year ago, GW2 showed the world what a real MMO can and should look like, while as 2013 winds to an end, GW2 has also shown that even an incredible game can be ruined if ongoing game design and development falters.

All that all this “free content” has done is that it has allowed us to witness month to month the kind of destruction that a horrible Expansion could rend on an MMO after an extended wait. Rather than enjoy GW2 for a year or two before being handed suckage with a bad expansion, we’ve been receiving it piecemeal.

You’d think that this approach of development would offer the advantage of course corrections if things start to go wrong, but all I’ve seen is Arenanet continue to double down on a completely failed development strategy.

I do not get it…

(edited by Axiom.6137)

Why do I hate the Living Story?

in Living World

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


I hated Living Story the moment it crawled out of it’s dark, dank spider hole and shambled into the light of day.

I didn’t need anyone to influence me.

I didn’t feel pressured to go along with the crowd. The only pressure I felt was from Living Story: “Follow this carrot right now, or there’ll be no carrot for you at all!

I didn’t have to worry about its temporary grindy clickfests “engaging me” against my will.

And given the fact that ANet has been completely dismissive of the idea of altering the 2-week cadence, I certainly don’t feel that hating the Living Story is a way to be “taken seriously”.

I find it odd that there are still people who have a hard time with the concept that many people hate the Living Story for perfectly good reasons, and on it’s own many questionable merits.

I completely agree.

Before Living Story, I never thought any new content would actually make me hate the game and the developers. I thought, at worst, it just wouldn’t be for me and I could ignore it. Instead, it has been an absolute pox on the game.

Adventure by Checklist, in your face and, as you say, catch the carrot now, or no carrot for you, but don’t worry, there will be new carrots in two weeks.

I think what disgusts me about all this is that it represents a 180 degree reversal of the ideals the game was built on an an abandonment of the incredible game world, which felt so alive at launch, but now feels dead because nothing changes outside of the Living Story set pieces and smoke and mirrors fluff.

It’s like pre-2013 Arenanet was completely replaced by Pod People who are only pale imitations of the originals.

We honestly would have been better off with no new content beyond an occasional Holiday, than the massive waste of development resources on game killing “content” that has been 95% of Living Story.

I don’t get it and I guess I will never get it. I just hope that the geniuses who produced what made this game so special and incredible at launch are working on another MMO that can come in and actually fulfill the astronomical potential that WAS GW2. I’ve lost any hope that GW2 will ever be more than a shadow of what it could have been and should have been.

This could have been a $Billion title with proper ongoing development. This is by far the closest any developer has come to making an MMO with the potential to approach WoW levels of financial success. It’s also the most dramatic implosion ever, with what they have done to the game and it’s once vast potential in just over a year of “wrong track” development.

A little over a year ago, GW2 showed the world what a real MMO can and should look like, while as 2013 winds to an end, GW2 has also shown that even an incredible game can be ruined if ongoing game design and development falters.

All that all this “free content” has done is that it has allowed us to witness month to month the kind of destruction that a horrible Expansion could rend on an MMO after an extended wait. Rather than enjoy GW2 for a year or two before being handed suckage with a bad expansion, we’ve been receiving it piecemeal.

You’d think that this approach of development would offer the advantage of course corrections if things start to go wrong, but all I’ve seen is Arenanet continue to double down on a completely failed development strategy.

I do not get it…

Aptly stated, took the words right out of my mouth. My biggest disappointment is the failure to realise the potential. I miss the excitement and joy of those early morning beta weekends and stress tests.


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}