Why does anet make us dps everything?

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: Sillybells.3902


I get that they want us to have an opportunity to show off our gear, but seriously why does everything have to be about hitting stuff till it dies? Why cant they come up with some better mechanics than that? Take the marionette event, you have to have a lot of people to do it because every step is dps race against a timer. Step 2 where you have to drag the guy back into the mines before u can try and dps him down is a good example of what im talking about. Why not think of cooler mechanics like a hot potato game where the guy with the potato attracts the guy with the bomb but u have to pass it to the other players before it goes off and when he hits his own bomb it does a set amount of damage so it doesn’t matter what gear you have or what level you are. i think that’s a better way to do a community wide world event where everyone has to cooperate but doesn’t have to be an elite with the best gear to do the event. Sorry i just needed to vent a bit. =)

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: Shiren.9532


They did this with Aetherpath in TA. Most of the boss mobs there have non-DPS components (although DPS is still the most important thing) and it was met with very mixed success. Watch the TA LFG roll, it’s one of the least requested dungeon paths in the game (along with AC path 2 which has a similair design for it’s final boss).

I can’t speak for everyone, but I like to use my character’s own skills, not weird mechanics which don’t have be swing a sword at all. Having said that, if they do have unique mechanics like the one you detailed (kite it into a bomb to kill it using set damage from bombs) I’d like to see it without a DPS phase. All the DPS phase does is put pressure on you to go full glass to kill the mob as fast as possible to avoid having to do another kite phase.

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


Although I do miss being able to play a healing class for pure support, I don’t mind so much that everything revolves around DPS. What I get tired of is having to use the same weapon skills ALL THE TIME. I would love for them to do a complete overhaul of the skill system one day, and make it more like it was with GW1. Adding several more weapon skills for each weapon and allowing us to interchange the first 5 skill slots the way we want to. I think that would make a world of difference to this game.

Valar Morghulis

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: sorudo.9054


the reason is simple, they changed a game full of strategy (GW) in to a brain dead grind fest that only requires you to press random skills (GW2).

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

the reason is simple, they changed a game full of strategy (GW) in to a brain dead grind fest that only requires you to press random skills (GW2).

I don’t think GW1 had strategy as much as is thought since community builds drifted towards what amounts to “easy mode” where you practically cannot lose to content. The strategy component seemed to be more “how do we break the game so we don’t have to work” more than “how do we beat this?”

Seriously. I mean, my guild uses/used a minimum of cheese tactics in GW1 but I’ve been partied with some people intent on making anything (especially FoW or UW) a “walk through it and loot the remains” experience. There were people in LA even reminiscing over “nine minute FoW clears as R/A”.

What else can I say? That’s not strategy about how to beat it so much as strategy as to how to get the game to auto-dispense loot.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: Kupper.8074


A cool mechanic (while it is still dpsing) is the grawl fractal. The boss shields himself and you need to use a rock to break his shield, then DPS. But still it changes it up a bit.

JQ – The ‘veggie’ Knight
Berserker = Skilled http://i.imgur.com/g1rkIub.jpg
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Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: Saint.5647


Although I do miss being able to play a healing class for pure support, I don’t mind so much that everything revolves around DPS. What I get tired of is having to use the same weapon skills ALL THE TIME. I would love for them to do a complete overhaul of the skill system one day, and make it more like it was with GW1. Adding several more weapon skills for each weapon and allowing us to interchange the first 5 skill slots the way we want to. I think that would make a world of difference to this game.

I agree. I enjoy playing DPS in GW2 mainly because it is the most effective option for all PvE content. That said, I do miss being a dedicated tank or healer from GW1. Some more flexible skills would be nice too (on weapons)…Perhaps a couple interchangeable skills but if you do recall, even GW1 wasn’t that flexible. Sure you had many, many skills but how many of these were used. Most were not in the meta and most were only useful in a particular niche.

Anyways, I do agree though. Would be nice to have a little more variety in the skills we take with us but there are way bigger fish to fry as far as improvements to the game imo.

One True God
Fashion Forward!
Guild Wars Dinosaur

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: Sola.7250


Yes, some instant kill skills would be nice!

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: digiowl.9620


ANet made a MOBA and nailed the PVE stuff on top as almost an afterthought.

CC do not control, it interrupts. It is not there to lock a mob down for a extended period, it is there to mess with the spike/bunker sequence of a PVP opponent.

They stripped out the trinity not by making every profession easily able to slot into any of the 3 roles, but by adding mob mechanics and behavior that make anything but DPS futile (unshakable, telegraphed spike damage, borderline random aggro, massive health pools at higher “ranks”).

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: SigmaOfApeiron.8397


ANet made a MOBA and nailed the PVE stuff on top as almost an afterthought.

CC do not control, it interrupts. It is not there to lock a mob down for a extended period, it is there to mess with the spike/bunker sequence of a PVP opponent.

They stripped out the trinity not by making every profession easily able to slot into any of the 3 roles, but by adding mob mechanics and behavior that make anything but DPS futile (unshakable, telegraphed spike damage, borderline random aggro, massive health pools at higher “ranks”).

Interesting that you say this, since in the early stages of development GW2 was, in fact, a MOBA, but the idea got scrapped.

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


Here’s an idea. Do something involving healing. Keep an npc healed while it’s being attacked.

How about a running event? One of the wurms sorta has that with the kegs, but I’m thinking bigger scale. One where you have to not only use speed boosts for yourself but slow down enemies with snares. One where you could hypothetically dps the bad guys down but where it’s more efficient to simply slow them down.

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: sorudo.9054


Here’s an idea. Do something involving healing. Keep an npc healed while it’s being attacked.

How about a running event? One of the wurms sorta has that with the kegs, but I’m thinking bigger scale. One where you have to not only use speed boosts for yourself but slow down enemies with snares. One where you could hypothetically dps the bad guys down but where it’s more efficient to simply slow them down.

LF prot guardian…..

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


Here’s an idea. Do something involving healing. Keep an npc healed while it’s being attacked.

How about a running event? One of the wurms sorta has that with the kegs, but I’m thinking bigger scale. One where you have to not only use speed boosts for yourself but slow down enemies with snares. One where you could hypothetically dps the bad guys down but where it’s more efficient to simply slow them down.

LF prot guardian…..

Open world events. No LF anything.

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: sorudo.9054


Here’s an idea. Do something involving healing. Keep an npc healed while it’s being attacked.

How about a running event? One of the wurms sorta has that with the kegs, but I’m thinking bigger scale. One where you have to not only use speed boosts for yourself but slow down enemies with snares. One where you could hypothetically dps the bad guys down but where it’s more efficient to simply slow them down.

LF prot guardian…..

Open world events. No LF anything.

it still adds yet another thing that makes guardian important, i rather see something that makes the underrated professions more important.

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


Here’s an idea. Do something involving healing. Keep an npc healed while it’s being attacked.

How about a running event? One of the wurms sorta has that with the kegs, but I’m thinking bigger scale. One where you have to not only use speed boosts for yourself but slow down enemies with snares. One where you could hypothetically dps the bad guys down but where it’s more efficient to simply slow them down.

LF prot guardian…..

Open world events. No LF anything.

it still adds yet another thing that makes guardian important, i rather see something that makes the underrated professions more important.

Are you saying that no other profession has snares or healing abilities?

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: sorudo.9054


Here’s an idea. Do something involving healing. Keep an npc healed while it’s being attacked.

How about a running event? One of the wurms sorta has that with the kegs, but I’m thinking bigger scale. One where you have to not only use speed boosts for yourself but slow down enemies with snares. One where you could hypothetically dps the bad guys down but where it’s more efficient to simply slow them down.

LF prot guardian…..

Open world events. No LF anything.

it still adds yet another thing that makes guardian important, i rather see something that makes the underrated professions more important.

Are you saying that no other profession has snares or healing abilities?

no, are you saying the majority of the players are smart enough to know that?

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


Here’s an idea. Do something involving healing. Keep an npc healed while it’s being attacked.

How about a running event? One of the wurms sorta has that with the kegs, but I’m thinking bigger scale. One where you have to not only use speed boosts for yourself but slow down enemies with snares. One where you could hypothetically dps the bad guys down but where it’s more efficient to simply slow them down.

LF prot guardian…..

Open world events. No LF anything.

it still adds yet another thing that makes guardian important, i rather see something that makes the underrated professions more important.

Are you saying that no other profession has snares or healing abilities?

no, are you saying the majority of the players are smart enough to know that?

You want to not put something in because you think people are too stupid to handle it?

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: sorudo.9054


Here’s an idea. Do something involving healing. Keep an npc healed while it’s being attacked.

How about a running event? One of the wurms sorta has that with the kegs, but I’m thinking bigger scale. One where you have to not only use speed boosts for yourself but slow down enemies with snares. One where you could hypothetically dps the bad guys down but where it’s more efficient to simply slow them down.

LF prot guardian…..

Open world events. No LF anything.

it still adds yet another thing that makes guardian important, i rather see something that makes the underrated professions more important.

Are you saying that no other profession has snares or healing abilities?

no, are you saying the majority of the players are smart enough to know that?

You want to not put something in because you think people are too stupid to handle it?

no, i want something in that adds play time for other professions, guardians are used way to much as an argument stopper but taking a necro or mesmer makes ppl nervous.
i rather see the game evolve in something everyone can enjoy, not just a handful.

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: siralius.9517


Although I do miss being able to play a healing class for pure support, I don’t mind so much that everything revolves around DPS. What I get tired of is having to use the same weapon skills ALL THE TIME. I would love for them to do a complete overhaul of the skill system one day, and make it more like it was with GW1. Adding several more weapon skills for each weapon and allowing us to interchange the first 5 skill slots the way we want to. I think that would make a world of difference to this game.

I think this is a great idea. Opening up new weapon skills for more customization is something that would make this game much more interesting.

I’m just going with the flow.
Let’s make it “Casual Friday” errday.

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


In the past decade almost every encounter based around killing stuff in MMO games, so whats the point now? Gimmicky mechanics are boring and kittened anyway, like the new “lure the thing in something that hurts it” method that Anet used in the past months.

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


“Take the marionette event, you have to have a lot of people to do it because every step is dps race against a timer. Step 2 where you have to drag the guy back into the mines before u can try and dps him down is a good example of what im talking about.”

That is the prime example of something that is not a dps event. If players get the tactics wrong and lead the boss in a circle then no amount of dps will work. If players get the boss onto the mines quickly then he should die fast and the players will be safe. It’s only a dps ‘race’ if the players get into problems with lack of numbers or players going down.

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: digiowl.9620


I don’t think people get the tactic wrong as much as they are focusing on staying alive.

the champ locks onto them for some reason (high toughness, shield, whatever) and then proceeds to chase them around the platform as the player instinctively backs off to limit damage.

Also the mines show up with AOE markers, unlike the bombs of a certain other event champ, indicating that they are dangerous.

The only way to figure out the mechanics is by chance or by getting ignored by the champ long enough to read the target info. A poor way of delivery, given the amount of things happening on that small platform!

Its like they tuned the platforms for top end SPVP players used to dancing on a capture point…

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


“I don’t think people get the tactic wrong as much as they are focusing on staying alive.”

Sorry, that having running around without tactics. If you know the tactic you can be confident that it will keep you alive and you know the boss will die without a dps race. That is why people use tactics and why there is usually someone calling out the tactics, even in overflows.

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


Here’s an idea. Do something involving healing. Keep an npc healed while it’s being attacked.

How about a running event? One of the wurms sorta has that with the kegs, but I’m thinking bigger scale. One where you have to not only use speed boosts for yourself but slow down enemies with snares. One where you could hypothetically dps the bad guys down but where it’s more efficient to simply slow them down.

LF prot guardian…..

Open world events. No LF anything.

it still adds yet another thing that makes guardian important, i rather see something that makes the underrated professions more important.

Are you saying that no other profession has snares or healing abilities?

no, are you saying the majority of the players are smart enough to know that?

You want to not put something in because you think people are too stupid to handle it?

no, i want something in that adds play time for other professions, guardians are used way to much as an argument stopper but taking a necro or mesmer makes ppl nervous.
i rather see the game evolve in something everyone can enjoy, not just a handful.

And the example I had is perfectly doable with any profession.

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: sorudo.9054


Here’s an idea. Do something involving healing. Keep an npc healed while it’s being attacked.

How about a running event? One of the wurms sorta has that with the kegs, but I’m thinking bigger scale. One where you have to not only use speed boosts for yourself but slow down enemies with snares. One where you could hypothetically dps the bad guys down but where it’s more efficient to simply slow them down.

LF prot guardian…..

Open world events. No LF anything.

it still adds yet another thing that makes guardian important, i rather see something that makes the underrated professions more important.

Are you saying that no other profession has snares or healing abilities?

no, are you saying the majority of the players are smart enough to know that?

You want to not put something in because you think people are too stupid to handle it?

no, i want something in that adds play time for other professions, guardians are used way to much as an argument stopper but taking a necro or mesmer makes ppl nervous.
i rather see the game evolve in something everyone can enjoy, not just a handful.

And the example I had is perfectly doable with any profession.

what is “doable” in your mind is “only guardian” in max gear player’s mind, i would love less discrimination but this is sadly the way they role…..

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


Here’s an idea. Do something involving healing. Keep an npc healed while it’s being attacked.

How about a running event? One of the wurms sorta has that with the kegs, but I’m thinking bigger scale. One where you have to not only use speed boosts for yourself but slow down enemies with snares. One where you could hypothetically dps the bad guys down but where it’s more efficient to simply slow them down.

LF prot guardian…..

Open world events. No LF anything.

it still adds yet another thing that makes guardian important, i rather see something that makes the underrated professions more important.

Are you saying that no other profession has snares or healing abilities?

no, are you saying the majority of the players are smart enough to know that?

You want to not put something in because you think people are too stupid to handle it?

no, i want something in that adds play time for other professions, guardians are used way to much as an argument stopper but taking a necro or mesmer makes ppl nervous.
i rather see the game evolve in something everyone can enjoy, not just a handful.

And the example I had is perfectly doable with any profession.

what is “doable” in your mind is “only guardian” in max gear player’s mind, i would love less discrimination but this is sadly the way they role…..

You don’t need to ask for anything in an open world event. What part of that don’t you understand?

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: sorudo.9054


Here’s an idea. Do something involving healing. Keep an npc healed while it’s being attacked.

How about a running event? One of the wurms sorta has that with the kegs, but I’m thinking bigger scale. One where you have to not only use speed boosts for yourself but slow down enemies with snares. One where you could hypothetically dps the bad guys down but where it’s more efficient to simply slow them down.

LF prot guardian…..

Open world events. No LF anything.

it still adds yet another thing that makes guardian important, i rather see something that makes the underrated professions more important.

Are you saying that no other profession has snares or healing abilities?

no, are you saying the majority of the players are smart enough to know that?

You want to not put something in because you think people are too stupid to handle it?

no, i want something in that adds play time for other professions, guardians are used way to much as an argument stopper but taking a necro or mesmer makes ppl nervous.
i rather see the game evolve in something everyone can enjoy, not just a handful.

And the example I had is perfectly doable with any profession.

what is “doable” in your mind is “only guardian” in max gear player’s mind, i would love less discrimination but this is sadly the way they role…..

You don’t need to ask for anything in an open world event. What part of that don’t you understand?

actually, i understand it 100%, it’s you who doesn’t understand my standpoint.

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


Here’s an idea. Do something involving healing. Keep an npc healed while it’s being attacked.

How about a running event? One of the wurms sorta has that with the kegs, but I’m thinking bigger scale. One where you have to not only use speed boosts for yourself but slow down enemies with snares. One where you could hypothetically dps the bad guys down but where it’s more efficient to simply slow them down.

LF prot guardian…..

Open world events. No LF anything.

it still adds yet another thing that makes guardian important, i rather see something that makes the underrated professions more important.

Are you saying that no other profession has snares or healing abilities?

no, are you saying the majority of the players are smart enough to know that?

You want to not put something in because you think people are too stupid to handle it?

no, i want something in that adds play time for other professions, guardians are used way to much as an argument stopper but taking a necro or mesmer makes ppl nervous.
i rather see the game evolve in something everyone can enjoy, not just a handful.

And the example I had is perfectly doable with any profession.

what is “doable” in your mind is “only guardian” in max gear player’s mind, i would love less discrimination but this is sadly the way they role…..

You don’t need to ask for anything in an open world event. What part of that don’t you understand?

actually, i understand it 100%, it’s you who doesn’t understand my standpoint.

you have no point. Snaring and healing can be done by ANY class and there is no need for anyone to ask for any class since it’s OPEN WORLD. You have NO point.

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: sorudo.9054


Here’s an idea. Do something involving healing. Keep an npc healed while it’s being attacked.

How about a running event? One of the wurms sorta has that with the kegs, but I’m thinking bigger scale. One where you have to not only use speed boosts for yourself but slow down enemies with snares. One where you could hypothetically dps the bad guys down but where it’s more efficient to simply slow them down.

LF prot guardian…..

Open world events. No LF anything.

it still adds yet another thing that makes guardian important, i rather see something that makes the underrated professions more important.

Are you saying that no other profession has snares or healing abilities?

no, are you saying the majority of the players are smart enough to know that?

You want to not put something in because you think people are too stupid to handle it?

no, i want something in that adds play time for other professions, guardians are used way to much as an argument stopper but taking a necro or mesmer makes ppl nervous.
i rather see the game evolve in something everyone can enjoy, not just a handful.

And the example I had is perfectly doable with any profession.

what is “doable” in your mind is “only guardian” in max gear player’s mind, i would love less discrimination but this is sadly the way they role…..

You don’t need to ask for anything in an open world event. What part of that don’t you understand?

actually, i understand it 100%, it’s you who doesn’t understand my standpoint.

you have no point. Snaring and healing can be done by ANY class and there is no need for anyone to ask for any class since it’s OPEN WORLD. You have NO point.

i have, you just don’t see it.

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


No, you don’t.

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: yanipheonu.5798


LOL To be fair, complaining about DPS in an MMORPG is like complaining there are gun fights in a first person shooter. You can do things to change things up, but you’re eventually going to have to DPS something.

XD Frankly GW2 does much much more than most MMOs out there at changing up the formula.

That said, the lack of any proper aggro skills doesn’t help too much, it makes tanking a much less viable option, and amkes some gimmick fights (That kitten ooze section of the Aetherpath!) more frustrating that it would be in other games.

(edited by yanipheonu.5798)

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: sorudo.9054


ok, let’s save the “think inside the box” mojo here, it’s getting frustratingly linear here.

how to stop DPS everything?
simple, make conditions be required to take down champion/LS/legendary enemies and not just the spamable ones.
let’s make a boss, this boss is protected by a shield.
there are 3 nodes that make this shield, however, just doing damage isn’t gonna work at all.
they all have a way to counteract the DPS prevention:

  • node ones has it’s own personal shield that can only be taken down with fear on it.
  • node two can only have damage when it bleeds.
  • node three is so powerful that only vulnerability can damage it.

every time the nodes are down the boss can be taken down 1/4 health, after that the nodes are back and you have to do the same thing.

so what did i change, i made a"kill with DPS" situation in to “you do thing and you do that, let’s work together” situation.

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: Holion.5604


Yes, some instant kill skills would be nice!

go play a shooter game

Why does anet make us dps everything?

in Living World

Posted by: Cinnamon Goddess.3869

Cinnamon Goddess.3869

the reason is simple, they changed a game full of strategy (GW) in to a brain dead grind fest that only requires you to press random skills (GW2).

I don’t think GW1 had strategy as much as is thought since community builds drifted towards what amounts to “easy mode” where you practically cannot lose to content. The strategy component seemed to be more “how do we break the game so we don’t have to work” more than “how do we beat this?”

Seriously. I mean, my guild uses/used a minimum of cheese tactics in GW1 but I’ve been partied with some people intent on making anything (especially FoW or UW) a “walk through it and loot the remains” experience. There were people in LA even reminiscing over “nine minute FoW clears as R/A”.

What else can I say? That’s not strategy about how to beat it so much as strategy as to how to get the game to auto-dispense loot.

There is nothing wrong with “easy mode” if you worked hard to attain it. That is the whole point! You grind through the game with the intent of attaining God like powers so that you can crush everything from that point on. Otherwise why have differnet grades of amour and weapons? The problem with GW2 is that it has lost its understanding of what people want and what is fun and enjoyable. I want to play this game but after being away for Christmas it is very hard to make myself play it. GW2 isn’t fun and is completely a punishing grind. I don’t know what Anets aversion to being powerful is but anytime people seem to find a class or build that works well they nerf it to make it weak and un-fun to play. As far as FoW runs in 9 minutes that is also Anets fault for not balancing or not knowing how to balance their game. Anet just seems to feel that challenging equals painful. They couldn’t be more off and they are losing people because of it. I have been playing Warframe and was amazed to finally play a game that isn’t afraid to reward you. I am so used to getting so little from GW2 that it shocks me when I actually get something good in another game. This is just wrong and they only way they will see it if enough people stop playing but at that point they will have lost the majority of them for good. GW1 used to employ tactics like cold damage would do more damage to fire based enemies and vice versa as well as other combinations. I expected Anet to build upon that in GW2 but they completely got rid of it. A huge mistake in my mind. It completely takes the tactics right out of the game and all damage effectively becomes the same. It is now just a war of attrition to DPS a boss. That lame technique comes from WOW. So why would they change the holy trinity only to copy the DPS grind of boss fights? I don’t even know why I bother to post anymore it never makes a difference!