Why don't I see HandJo's 3rd tab?
The wiki says it shows once you have collected the items.
I’ve never seen anything in Hanjo’s third tab, either, regardless of the state of the druid back item collection quests. But then, I seem to have another problem with this collection quest chain as well.
The wiki says it shows once you have collected the items.
Oh, okay. I wonder what you would need any of that for after you’ve completed the collections?
I think it shows any items you already collected and somehow lost before turning them in to Kodama. (Kodomo?). As in I also have not seen anything in that tab, even after fully completing the collection and receiving my ascended backpack last night.
It’s probably a failsafe for people that delete things willy nilly or delete a character that had the needed items. Certainly nothing on the wiki list of what’s in that tab would be needed for anything except working on the collection.
I wonder how they got the picture for the Wiki. One (or more) item(s) was lost, I suppose. If that is, indeed, the case.
It’s good that the Devs put the fail-safe in; much like with Hobbs.