Will there be a new playable race?
No one knows.
Well, the devs know but they can’t say, so yeah … just wait and hope for the best
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
I highly doubt it.
no. they would have to make new personal story missions for levels 1-30 and record new voice acting for all of them from 1 to 80. they would also have to refit ALL of the existing armor skins for the new race, unless they cheap out and the race uses a model that’s mostly identical to existing races. they would also have to add in new racial abilities, three new racial armor tiers(9 new skin sets), racial weapon skins. never mind the fact that each race in this game has their own city.
this isn’t something that can be added in a content patch of this size. it’s just too big of a change.
no. they would have to make new personal story missions for levels 1-30 and record new voice acting for all of them from 1 to 80. they would also have to refit ALL of the existing armor skins for the new race, unless they cheap out and the race uses a model that’s mostly identical to existing races. they would also have to add in new racial abilities, three new racial armor tiers(9 new skin sets), racial weapon skins. never mind the fact that each race in this game has their own city.
this isn’t something that can be added in a content patch of this size. it’s just too big of a change.
These may all be things in progress for the last year! Maybe thats why we have seen very little other then the living story. Just saying, never know!
I always read all the speculation and we all get excited, especially when you think a new race or class will be added. Tengu, Koden, Druids, Wardens, Paragon’s, Devish and much more could be added and make a bunch of us go super nerd. But so far the last 2 years plus I have played this game I have been disappointed most updates/ patches. Living world was ok but not great for me. The Changes in April were good and I was thankful for most of them. I Cant wait till Tuesday! but at the same time I am geared for disappointment.
The answer is “No”.
Not trying to be negative, or any such thing. It’s just… such a low possibility it isn’t really worth considering at this point. I’m also not saying I know what ANet is thinking, but I think I can, with a great degree of certainty, say that ANet is not going to do anything so blatant and out of nowhere. If they were going to add a new race, or profession, they’d have some kind of build up to it. This could be, perhaps, a Living Story arc dedicated to the Tengu opening up and joining the rest of Tyria against the dragons, or perhaps an movement north to defeat Jormag and possibly take back the Kodan homeland. However, we’re going to the Maguuma. As far as I know, there isn’t a likely playable race stationed there.
Would I like to see Tengu playable?
Do I really expect it with this release?
Sadly, no.
But oddly enough, I’m okay with that. I really rather have the Devs bring out something like the Tengu at the /end/ of something like the Living Story.
Show us how the Tengu finally came to the decision to come out from behind their wall.
Perhaps we as players can be involved in that process. He have a good hook from LS1 and the attack on LA, and earlier, during the Tower of Nightmares, there were Tengu in parts of Kessex that got caught up in the fighting against the Toxic Alliance.
In short, I’d rather see such a thing as a culmination of a Living Story…
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’
They did say that new races will come before new classes since they found the concept easier to make so unless they go back on that idea atm its safe to say at some point a new race will come, this season however? Not likely, since it focuses too much on Sylvari.
Yeah, keep dreaming.
There is that new Tengu mini, Tsuru Whitewing. Maybe he will be an important NPC in the next storyline and bring the Tengu into the story, opening the way for them to be the next race.
As much as I’d love the Tengu to be a new playable race, I don’t think it’s happening with Gates of Maguuma. A new race would be a BIG THING, worthy of a lot of hype. ANet wouldn’t introduce a new race with such little fanfare or teaser information.
Well if they plan on “an expansions worth of content” they better plan on adding a new race.
I seriously doubt it.
A new race would be something huge, not something added by surprise but something they’d hype or at least hint for a while before adding it. Also, if they ever add a new race via living story (instead of an actual expansion), I think it’d most likely be at the end of a LS season and not at the beggining, that way people that want to play as the new race would have time to level up a character (in the downtime between seasons) for the next season.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
no there will not be a new race. Could be wrong but I give it about a 95% chance of a no and only a 5% chance of a yes sorry
Server: Underworld
no. they would have to make new personal story missions for levels 1-30 and record new voice acting for all of them from 1 to 80. they would also have to refit ALL of the existing armor skins for the new race, unless they cheap out and the race uses a model that’s mostly identical to existing races. they would also have to add in new racial abilities, three new racial armor tiers(9 new skin sets), racial weapon skins. never mind the fact that each race in this game has their own city.
this isn’t something that can be added in a content patch of this size. it’s just too big of a change.
They’ve had 2 years to work on that in parallel to their other productions. Surely something more is going on beneath the surface other than the LS and feature patch productions we’ve seen.
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
I just read what I think was the fiftheenth post wether or not a new race would be playable. Often specifying even the tengu.
There will be no new race because of the following:
1) Tengu: there is no space for this. Either the capital or their starter zone would be 95% water.
2) The new zones are all lv80 zones. No new race would be introduced in lv80 zone.
3) Anet’s MO. They wouldnt release a new race without proper LS to introduce them first.
Well if they plan on “an expansions worth of content” they better plan on adding a new race.
Oh that opens the world of argument as to what is an expansion.
We will probably get a rushed new zone like the karka island which will become deserted in a week.
I’ve seen the forums getting an invasion of ;;new race;; post. Guys, many of you forget one simple thing: GW2 is not a game that makes millions every month like WoW (for exemple). We pay 30 for the game, maybe we are going to give 15 more for gems and that’s it. So, if you want to see a new race, which means, new regions, new story, new armors/skins e.t.c. Anet is going to need to pay A LOT of money in order to devellop all these things , so they would probably realease it as an expansion with 15/20$.
Agreed with TheLyraki
If they release a new race or a really big set of stuff, I would rather pay for it, than have it made through budget cutting progresses. Trust me, a low budget production isn’t going to be fun.
Deserted? as in no one comes there? as in like the karka zone?
how do karka zone and deserted go together in one zone?
It’s not overpopulated, okay, but there’s always some people hunitng veterans and doing the champions
no there will not be a new race. Could be wrong but I give it about a 95% chance of a no and only a 5% chance of a yes
More like 99.9999999 percent chance no. If there’s gonna be a new race, we’d be hearing about it months and months and months before.
no there will not be a new race. Could be wrong but I give it about a 95% chance of a no and only a 5% chance of a yes
More like 99.9999999 percent chance no. If there’s gonna be a new race, we’d be hearing about it months and months and months before.
I have to agree with this. They would be promoting it like crazy if it were to draw in as many people as possible.
I just read what I think was the fiftheenth post wether or not a new race would be playable. Often specifying even the tengu.
There will be no new race because of the following:
1) Tengu: there is no space for this. Either the capital or their starter zone would be 95% water.
2) The new zones are all lv80 zones. No new race would be introduced in lv80 zone.
3) Anet’s MO. They wouldnt release a new race without proper LS to introduce them first.
Tengu already have the space for their capital city, the dominion of the winds, which has plenty of land (the empty square right to the west of LA):
Ideally they should have their own 1-15 zone, but they could also get away with them putting a boat that could take them to caledon forest (sylvari 1-15 area), and after that, the dominion of the winds is adjacent to kessex hills for 15-25 and gendarran fields for 25-35. Actually, IIRC those maps already have gates that would lead to the dominion of the winds, but they’re closed.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
I would like to see a “beats” races where you just have all the minor human like beats become playable. They can all have the same PS and racial effects because they all come from the same city and have all been effect by the same magic. Kind of like an undead races that can be any races but because they are all undead they have the same effects but different looks. So you would see Hylek, Centaur, Grawl, Ogre, Skritt, and Quaggan. Maybe Harpy and Krait but that odd these would be living with them and i am not so sure about centaur too.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
I would like to see a “beats” races where you just have all the minor human like beats become playable.
A race of poorly constructed and overly marketed headphones?
I would like to see a “beats” races where you just have all the minor human like beats become playable. They can all have the same PS and racial effects because they all come from the same city and have all been effect by the same magic. Kind of like an undead races that can be any races but because they are all undead they have the same effects but different looks. So you would see Hylek, Centaur, Grawl, Ogre, Skritt, and Quaggan. Maybe Harpy and Krait but that odd these would be living with them and i am not so sure about centaur too.
I must be very tired. I have no idea what you are saying. A beats race? Beets? Like the vegetable. O.o
Can you say this again, but in English?
Maybe he meant “beast”?
I’m also not really sure what he is trying to say, maybe something like werewolf are wolf+human he is suggesting werequaggan, wereogre, wereskritt and so on.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
I would like to see a “beats” races where you just have all the minor human like beats become playable. They can all have the same PS and racial effects because they all come from the same city and have all been effect by the same magic. Kind of like an undead races that can be any races but because they are all undead they have the same effects but different looks. So you would see Hylek, Centaur, Grawl, Ogre, Skritt, and Quaggan. Maybe Harpy and Krait but that odd these would be living with them and i am not so sure about centaur too.
You mean a “beasts” race, I guess, that would basically let you play as any of the minor sentient races (hylek, centaur, grawl, and so on).
I highly doubt it’ll ever happen because of the massive amount of work you’d have to do to make it happen. Checking on the argos’s armor gallery I counted 117 different armor sets available (39 for each weight, not counting reskins like the flame ones, single pieces like the scarlet ones or cultural armors, and not counting male/female as none of the minor races show a great deal of sexual dimorphism so they could all use male versions like Charr or Asura) that would need to be re-modeled, skinned and rigged to accomodate for a new race, multiply that number by the number of sub-races (an armor to fit a hylek would be completely different than one for a skritt, for example), and that would be just too much work IMHO.
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
I totally think there is zero chance of a new race anytime soon, although i could always be completely off-base. Anet did say they had some big stuff coming. Although i really doubt a new race would be one. It seems like most folks are hoping for a tengu race as playable, that’s certainly on anets radar, i’d bet a pre-c on that.
I would like to see a “beats” races where you just have all the minor human like beats become playable.
A race of poorly constructed and overly marketed headphones?
I chuckled.
As a huge fan of the Tengu, I honestly want them to be a playable race as soon as possible. But they would most likely release them with either an expansion or another big feature pack like we had in April. As far as developing them with armor, personal story, and voice acting; that could already be a work in progress behind all the living story projects at Arenanet.
As a huge fan of the Tengu, I honestly want them to be a playable race as soon as possible. But they would most likely release them with either an expansion or another big feature pack like we had in April. As far as developing them with armor, personal story, and voice acting; that could already be a work in progress behind all the living story projects at Arenanet.
It makes sense that a new playable race will be brought in with an expansion.
I understand that the Tengu were worked on in the past and scrapped due to lack of time. If this is true, then perhaps the Tengu will be finished to be the next playable race along with another playable race.
That said…
Please add the Hylek as a playable race!
I know that the less humanoid the more work, but so far GW2 has gone way beyond all other MMOs and the next huge milestone could be non-humanoids as (a) playable race(s). Somethings are worth the extra work. I hope GW2 will continue to blow all other MMOs out of the water.
That said…
Please add the Hylek as a playable race!
I know that the less humanoid the more work, but so far GW2 has gone way beyond all other MMOs and the next huge milestone could be non-humanoids as (a) playable race(s). Somethings are worth the extra work. I hope GW2 will continue to blow all other MMOs out of the water.
I don’t think they’re going to make one of the lesser races (those aided in the Personal Story) playable. I don’t think they’re going to add any new playable races, so don’t feel to bad about not getting hylek.
Ive always wondered what mordys influence is doing inside the tengu wall, they know of scarlets doings but will they have a big reaction from mordys awakening (only anet knows)
Fyi tengu was a VERY big candidate as a playable race (getting cut for time) the voice acting could very well already be there but the zones are incomplete, anet has never disclosed how close to finished Tengu was before they scrapped it, theres a small chance we may yet see a tengu release
(edited by onemantankwall.3641)
Ive always wondered what mordys influence is doing inside the tengu wall, they know of scarlets doings but will they have a big reaction from mordys awakening (only anet knows
If they didn’t react to Scarlet’s forces literally banging on their door, I doubt anything an Elder Dragon all the way over in the Maguuma Wastes/Falls is going to stir them to action.
Ive always wondered what mordys influence is doing inside the tengu wall, they know of scarlets doings but will they have a big reaction from mordys awakening (only anet knows
If they didn’t react to Scarlet’s forces literally banging on their door, I doubt anything an Elder Dragon all the way over in the Maguuma Wastes/Falls is going to stir them to action.
Umm that elder dragon all the way over in maguuma wastes does a all out PLANT VINE assault on the pact base in Timberline Falls are you seriously gonna claim their safe because of where mordy is even tho we know for a fact that he can attack half way across the map? EDs are basically gods, your simple human logic doesnt work
Well if they plan on “an expansions worth of content” they better plan on adding a new race.
Oh that opens the world of argument as to what is an expansion.
An expansion that is not the size of Factions, Nightfall, or Eye of the North in Guild Wars 1 would be an utter disappointment. We have two entire continents of lore that was brought to life in Guild Wars 1, and neither of them are explored even remotely outside of vague references by very random characters.
There’s also the Far Shiverpeaks, as well as the Crystal Desert that can be explored as part of expansions. There’s way too much of the Guild Wars world to continue this “Here’s a tiny little sliver of Tyria revealed!” nonsense. If there is not an expansion in the works, including a new class or two, a new race or two, new skills, new weapon types, etc., then they will never be able to keep their player base.
The Living Story stuff is nice, but it will not continue to bring players back. There is still a diminishing player base, and the only way to solve that is to actually add something new outside of a tiny map and a few events.
Well if they plan on “an expansions worth of content” they better plan on adding a new race.
Oh that opens the world of argument as to what is an expansion.
An expansion that is not the size of Factions, Nightfall, or Eye of the North in Guild Wars 1 would be an utter disappointment. We have two entire continents of lore that was brought to life in Guild Wars 1, and neither of them are explored even remotely outside of vague references by very random characters.
There’s also the Far Shiverpeaks, as well as the Crystal Desert that can be explored as part of expansions. There’s way too much of the Guild Wars world to continue this “Here’s a tiny little sliver of Tyria revealed!” nonsense. If there is not an expansion in the works, including a new class or two, a new race or two, new skills, new weapon types, etc., then they will never be able to keep their player base.
The Living Story stuff is nice, but it will not continue to bring players back. There is still a diminishing player base, and the only way to solve that is to actually add something new outside of a tiny map and a few events.
The only expansion GW1 had was EotN, which was sizably smaller than both Factions and Nightfall (they were pretty much their own standalone games…with a standalone game pricetag)
Take it as you will, its not a paid expansion, which is probably what people are confusing for accumulative content patches.
Since they’ve “forgotten” Norn and Charr in the storyline, other than as bit players, I wouldn’t want ANet to dilute things even more with another race.
The only expansion GW1 had was EotN, which was sizably smaller than both Factions and Nightfall (they were pretty much their own standalone games…with a standalone game pricetag)
Take it as you will, its not a paid expansion, which is probably what people are confusing for accumulative content patches.
They’re standalone expansions, not games. They still use every core feature and mechanic from the main game, but you’re not required to own the main game. They’re still expansions.
And like it or not, EOTN was a very sizable expansion, especially in comparison to these small living story patches.
Since they’ve “forgotten” Norn and Charr in the storyline, other than as bit players, I wouldn’t want ANet to dilute things even more with another race.
Just means that, for the Norn anyways, we’ll just end up visiting the Northern Shiverpeaks when we go off to investigate Jormag. I’m not sure what they could with Kralk, maybe make an excuse for him to head back North but you do have the Blood Legion Homelands.
Will we ever actually face jormag tho? They woke mordy instead of going after a weakened kralk or to push jormag off hoelbreks doorstep, they just arent interested in developing further into those dragons for whatever reason
New class or not, im disapointed over the gates of maguma. compared to other areas it looks terrible, and is boring area like southsun cove. I had leaved the game for a while since it was boring, I was happy when i heard of the new update gates of maguma. I logged on and played it 30 min and havent played since then, if they want to keep all the players they need to do better than this im sure im not the only one who is disapointed. Ill come back to gw when something serious good stuff comes to GW 2 if there ever do. Im sure they have lost some players the last half year, because of lag of new content, and yea maybe a new race also. I liked GW 2 when it came out after making a lvl 80 of each class and doing some dungeons it got boring for me, I need some huge thing to happend to get back.
If adding new race, as alot others here have comment you gonna need new armours, PS, voice acting etc. Also a new Capital + at least 2 new maps(like one lvl 1-15 and one 15-25). Then they probably could chain it in with amlready excisting maps. But who knows, mbe (dont realy think so) is dry top the coming races lvl 80 zone. Then each second LS we gonna get another one until we reach the new capital. Next playable race gonna come in a few years. So excited
Good luck and may the six watch over you
I think if they ever take us to Crystal Desert (which I would love) or Cantha, or anywhere, it would be because of dragons. Kral is somewhere in the Crystal Desert, so we might go there come LS Season 3?