Will we see an improvement to the story?
You may wish to add your thoughts, if you have constructive comments, to
There is a space between a and lot. Also “Shakespeare” is capitalized and has an e on the end. I think you meant “it’s quite hard … cheesy, it’s …” As long as you’re complaining about writing competency.
Sure, mock him because he went through the American education system.
But how is that changing the fact that the story is somewhere between boring and completely irrelevant ?
Not everyone finds textbox clicking until endboss appealing as well
Sorry, I am unusually snippy tonight. I just got tired of one more thread belittling the story without suggesting any improvements. Yes, I agree there is a general lack of grit, the pacing is off, and all the other things that have been discussed at great length in very constructive threads. If the OP’s been involved enough in the story to see its flaws, why not join the existing discussion?
Instead we get “your creative work sucks, will you get any better?” What kind of question is that? I bet the OP would fume at getting a job review that only says “You’re below average, are you going to be a better worker?”
kudos to you….
it’s a long time since i have seen someone being honest like you.
I guess the whole thing is going under the skin of all of us.
Being a customer and being completely excluded from anything important makes
people going at each others throats.
Since i dropped GW2 around 1 month ago life is getting better.
A little distance works wonders. There is nothing we can do anyways.
The community is getting extremely toxic and i simply and plain doesn’t need that in my real life
To be clear, I think there’s been a lot of good stuff in the LS too. I was thoroughly blown away by Omadd’s Machine and the Hidden Arcana. Some cutscenes moved me to tears (though that could be the music, movie soundtracks are super effective on me and so is the GW2 music).
I mostly don’t mind being excluded, as I know they are working hard (kitten break) on this game and they will eventually deliver the goods. Is the story a thoroughly gripping one? No. It’s far from perfect. In the thread I linked above one poster does a very nice job of discussing how MMO’s offer non-linear story telling and the LS is trying to use a linear format, which makes it stuttering and awkward. See, that’s feedback, that’s looking at deeper causes as to why the tale may not satisfy.
But one of the risks of being an early adopter of new things is you won’t get a perfectly polished gem at a low low price. You’ll be there for the kinks and twists and breakdowns. That’s where we are now, in the early stages of a new way of delivering story and content. ANet continues to refine it, to learn from their errors, and that’s all I ask of them.