You know what would be fantastic?

You know what would be fantastic?

in Living World

Posted by: Mondo.5029


We’ve had two Sylvari get corrupted now [Scarlet and Aerin], presumably by Mordremoth. We can only assume this is going to be a trend.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if Trahearn got corrupted in this LS season and we had to kill him…

Just saying that would be a fantastic twist with huge consequences for the story… so many positives I see to this! M.Night Shamalamalalan would be proud!


No seriously I think this would be amazing.

It obeys one major rule in writing that I don’t think has been stretched enough in GW2 yet… screw with your characters and while many of us would rejoice it would complicate our character’s situation immensely.

EDIT: Why is der + py blocked!?!? Its harmless internet slang! I tried this time! I really did! This filter is way too trigger happy -_-

(edited by Mondo.5029)

You know what would be fantastic?

in Living World

Posted by: TheNextGuy.4521


I personally would love that twist. What if big ol’ Mordo goes one step further to mess with the hero and corrupts him then mutates him into a big lieutenant. So not only has he been corrupted but mutated into a monster. The pact is furious sends forces into maguuma recklessly and gets decimated. More problems, more challenges, more story.

You know what would be fantastic?

in Living World

Posted by: AysonCurrax.3254


The other two were Soundless, trahearne isnt. I want him to die anyways for the lulz though.

You know what would be fantastic?

in Living World

Posted by: cheshirefox.7026


i’d rather see trehearne revamped into a believable character
hire a new voice actor if you can’t get the previous person.. just do Something arena net,
he can always become corrupted later

i can outswim a centaur!
when i’m done on an issue
i start talking in nerglish

You know what would be fantastic?

in Living World

Posted by: AysonCurrax.3254


i’d rather see trehearne revamped into a believable character
hire a new voice actor if you can’t get the previous person.. just do Something arena net,
he can always become corrupted later

well, yeah. its either death, of finally having him grow out of that emo phase of his he seems to have been stuck in for a good decade or two. hehe…grow out of it…-snort-

You know what would be fantastic?

in Living World

Posted by: luxymonsteri.1078


There would literally be nothing positive about killing Trahearne story-wise, lol. Let’s just kill the marshall thats immune to non-Mordy corruption, is order neutral and respected by all 3 Orders due to him spending his whole life studying, knows a load about dragons, planned everything for you in Orr and trusts your judgements enough to let you do the sword waving, let’s just lose our driving force in dragon slaying knowsn as the Pact because they sure as hell aren’t letting the order biased first commander lead it… And all just bc some 15 year olds are mad they didn’t get the Skyrim Dragonborn level credit in PS lol. ITS SUCH A GOOD IDEA GAIZ
That you hate a character doesn’t mean killing them off would be awesome or beneficial. You’re just being a baby.

You know what would be fantastic?

in Living World

Posted by: AysonCurrax.3254


There would literally be nothing positive about killing Trahearne story-wise, lol. Let’s just kill the marshall thats immune to non-Mordy corruption, is order neutral and respected by all 3 Orders due to him spending his whole life studying, knows a load about dragons, planned everything for you in Orr and trusts your judgements enough to let you do the sword waving, let’s just lose our driving force in dragon slaying knowsn as the Pact because they sure as hell aren’t letting the order biased first commander lead it… And all just bc some 15 year olds are mad they didn’t get the Skyrim Dragonborn level credit in PS lol. ITS SUCH A GOOD IDEA GAIZ
That you hate a character doesn’t mean killing them off would be awesome or beneficial. You’re just being a baby.

that he is knowledgeable about dragons is a new one. Last time i heard, he was an expert on Orr and thats it, because it was his Wyld Hunt to cleanse it. He, by far is a driving force, as all you ever see him do is taking credit for what you did, while he is sitting there is his nice, cozy camp. He is just written in a horrible way to begin with, and that is why so many people dislike him. You complain about “15 year olds”, but going by the way you wrote that post, you dont seem to be much wiser. No offense.

You know what would be fantastic?

in Living World

Posted by: Shiren.9532


Anything bad happening to Trahearne at this point wouldn’t be a twist, it would be pandering.

If they must do something, designate him the Pact authority in Orr. He moves out of the spotlight for general Pact business allowing other stories to be told but maintains his most valuable story position – the authority on Orr.

You know what would be fantastic?

in Living World

Posted by: Etybagig.6012


d de der kitten kitten y erpy rpy py y

wow never thought I would see de + rp or der + py censored anywhere ever.

(edited by Etybagig.6012)

You know what would be fantastic?

in Living World

Posted by: luxymonsteri.1078


.He, by far is a driving force, as all you ever see him do is taking credit for what you did, while he is sitting there is his nice, cozy camp.

Taking credit of what, you waving your sword after he gave you clear orders, planned what to do for you? After he trusted you to pick between 2 of his plans, which he crafted for you with his knowledge? He’s a marshal, he does not just “sit in his cozy camp”, he does all the boring background and paperwork for the whole Pact while you’re slashing around with your sword or staff or whatever and getting his men killed. He may sit around but all of that consists of multiple things, not just being there and waiting for you to come back. If he’s to lead a whole army force, he’s got a lot of kitten to do. More than you by all means.

And Trahearne getting the credit? You get all the credit in the story anyway. What appreciation Trahearne gets compared to you is pathetically low. He’s the one to plan EVERYTHING and you are to execute. You don’t deserve any more credit than he does, if even that much. Stop repeating this “but muh credits” stuff like a broken record.

You know what would be fantastic?

in Living World

Posted by: Mondo.5029


There would literally be nothing positive about killing Trahearne story-wise, lol.

It would actually. One of the biggest hindrances in story writing that we’ve run into in GW2 is a lack of personal investment in our character’s struggles. None of the problems we’ve faced have been compelling or massive enough to warrant the scope of adventure we’re told we should be having. The reason for this is everything has been going way too smoothly… almost everywhere.

The fact that there would be nothing positive about killing Trahearne is the point… besides most of the player-base enjoying it… that would be the only positive.

That aside it would put our characters and the races in some serious trouble and give the writers one hell of a canvas to craft a multi faceted story all as a result of one character death.

At the very least it would add some depth to the “Oh noes another dragon has awoken and we need to tell people so we can fight it together and win because we’re clearly strong enough!” story they’ve got so far.

That you hate a character doesn’t mean killing them off would be awesome or beneficial. You’re just being a baby.

Hardly, but thanks for the personal attacks. Really drives home the ‘I should be ignored’ vibe I get from you.

(edited by Mondo.5029)