a new destiny edge

a new destiny edge

in Living World

Posted by: Felvine.9681


I would not be surprised if the living story involved the creation of a new main guild. If they do the people involved would be rox, braham, Kiel, maybe canauch and an asura of some kind like levvi

a new destiny edge

in Living World

Posted by: Nilkemia.8507


Do we really need another Destiny’s Edge? I don’t think so.

a new destiny edge

in Living World

Posted by: Erukk.1408


Why would we need another main storyline guild taking all the attention for everything? We already have Destiny’s Edge. Rox, Braham, Kiel, and the like are support characters. Let them stay support characters…

a new destiny edge

in Living World

Posted by: Shiren.9532


Yeah Destiny’s Edge is still around, they don’t need to be replaced. Kiel returning… what a horrifying thought.

a new destiny edge

in Living World

Posted by: IceBlink.4317


I would love it if Lord Faren was the human representative in the new Destiny’s Edge II. XD

Charr: Rox
Norn: Braham
Human: Lord Faren
Asura: ?
Sylvari: ?

a new destiny edge

in Living World

Posted by: Mastruq.2463


Sylvari maybe a reformed Scarlet as the class clown with her silly antics?

a new destiny edge

in Living World

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


If we get another adventuring group it will have all the same problem as with Trahearne, Kiel, and Destiny’s edge. Their story will advance when anything is done whilst the players start with no story and finish with no story (since anyone can join/skip/leave the living story at any point and re-enter later). Players don’t like that.

a new destiny edge

in Living World

Posted by: Cowrex.9564


Haha I’d love to see a new one The interaction between the members might be epic

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