

in Living World

Posted by: undouble.1472


I’ve tried this now 3x——-in aall of them, I’ve gotten to the end point,( fairly easily), with aerin on top of the mesa——-and all of us at the bottom-“fighting?” the unkillable vines———and me watching the NPC’s with their thumbs stuck firmly where they shouldn’t be-and wondering just HOW one even gets to START to damage this Sylvari madman. Sure, you can grab the aspects (when they appear) but just reaching his level means that you’re dead-or just shoved off to become lunch. 1-on-1 with this Sylvari is a NON-STARTER————-but the NPC’s won’t/don’t/can’t seem to follow you up the to the “main” fight.


in Living World

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


It is working as intended. You are supposed to attack him on your own while the NPCs “handle the stuff on the ground”.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square


in Living World

Posted by: undouble.1472


Wrong, I’m an ele, with AoE skills —-—-and can’t get close enough to attack without finding a “bomb” at my feet and me back down on the ground. Can’t avoid, can’t evade, can’t get close enough to fight——————-can’t even use entwining vines- cuz he just moves away.


in Living World

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


I’m a staff ele and I haven’t had any problems with it… There is a ramp up to him, you just walk up it and it has a small linking platform to the main platform in the middle, you can usually switch between the main platform and attack him from there using your AoE range to hit him when he teleports to the outer platforms (don’t bother getting aspects to follow him, you don’t need to) and then when he puts bombs on the central platform you just dodge roll backwards onto the ramp you walked up.

It’s honestly not a difficult fight for a staff ele, you just have to get yourself in the right position so you can dodge roll backwards without falling off.

Ignore ALL of the mobs down the bottom, they spawn indefinitely and you aren’t meant to kill them, it’s just supposed to be you fighting up top against Aerin.


in Living World

Posted by: chewienl.9804


Staff ele is ez mode.

On the ramp up go as far back as you can and slowly range him down.
He will port to the other 2 platforms only to return to the center. When he ports away wall hug, that way his bombs are out of reach or thrown at your npcs on ground level


in Living World

Posted by: Vissarion.6509


The hard part is after 25% when he goes all in mode and throws continuesly grenades at you. This part may get you down or even dead but keep going he is not reseting.

I had a hard time the first time due to not knowing the mechanics, second time was easy mode.

PS: i killed him both with d/d and staff ele., staff was much easier.

They called us TEMPESTs, but we can use our elite to cheat death instead


in Living World

Posted by: undouble.1472


Thanks— boy I REALLY needed to know my babble was TRULY worthless!!!!
seriously———-I have REALLY got to find that ramp!!! But you all are appreciated!


in Living World

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


Yes find the ramp. Just before you enter that area you and Aerin both pass through some vines and then drop down, the ramp is at the far left of where you drop down. Hopefully that helps you find it? There’s a large sand pile against the wall that shows you where the top of the ramp is, so just keep walking past that!


in Living World

Posted by: KarateKid.5648


Thanks— boy I REALLY needed to know my babble was TRULY worthless!!!!
seriously———-I have REALLY got to find that ramp!!! But you all are appreciated!

Dagger/Dagger ele (two ele’s, in fact) for me, and completed fine but it takes a while – be prepared to ride the lightning and or burning speed into him (don’t fall off, heh) – both should dodge anything he throws while you’re moving. I prefer burning speed due to the fire condition continuing to tick in case I fall off.

Stack some bleeds on him with earth attunement, and stay still until grenade rings show (I do drake’s breath or cone of cold at this point) THEN dodge away (backwards OR sideways, depending upon how much room you have). He does not predict well when you’re not traveling, so it will take him a sec to adjust to your intended destination.

I usually can’t get a second volley after that, so I dodge off the ledge and head to the ramp again OR jump back to where the fire aspects spawn (and dodge grenades if he throws there).

Note, my asura had it slightly easier, because she could lead with a radiation field from the ground level. And for that tactic, it didn’t really matter WHICH platform he was on.


in Living World

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


When you enter the room that the final battle takes place in, go to the right side where you will find a ramp along with sand falling down. If you have a ranged weapon you can easily kill him from there while avoiding his bombs. If he teleports to the platforms out of range just hop to the central platform and attack. When he comes back you return to the ramp. Once his orange glow shield comes up again, target him, grab an orange crystal and charge at him to break it.


in Living World

Posted by: Djinn.9245


The worst part is when he keeps shielding at the end – you are forced to go to him to break the shield and he keeps grenading so fast I couldn’t even get up there several times. Get almost there – boom, knocked off. Very frustrating fight.

it’s this luck based mystic toilet that we’re all so sick of flushing our money down. -Salamol