dont want more living story

dont want more living story

in Living World

Posted by: Lenn.6347


does anyone else feel like this is the wrong direction to take the game in? we burned a year on content that was incredibly disjointed until a random villain was thrown in, pulling a deus ex machina to conveniently be the driving force between all of them; only to reveal another dragon the community guessed ages before.

why dont we get more permanent content, or work on fixing what’s wrong with the game? it’s fairly obvious that anet wants to rid of the zerg mentality, with examples such as the removal of the beginner trains, tequatl, jungle wurm, and the recent boss blitz. why not start there? dungeons could use a complete overhaul to remove the reliance on high sustained damage, wall grouping, and other exploits to make dungeons quicker and or easier.

for a game so based on immersive lore, why havent we had any real updates on the actual plot, or an expansion, for taking on the other 5 dragons remaining. i mean, there is easily 5 expansions RIGHT there to start.

down with this bi weekly content, bring us something permanent we can enjoy that isnt just a generic fantasy issue such as racism and economic problems.

dont want more living story

in Living World

Posted by: Snowmoon.1758


Anet: So boss, can we start doing expansions and making permanent content?

NCSoft: And ruin the launch of Wildstar? NO

Anet: But boss…

Just give these fools some temp content, they’ll never notice.

Anet: But…

NCSoft: Shut up and do what i say. GW2’s launch is over, we’ve milked enough out of it. Wildstar is the Darling Child now. DON’T YOU DARE SCREW IT UP.

Anet: Yes sir…

NCSoft: And bring back Trahearne. I LOVE THAT GUY. Just makes me happy to screw the players with this NPC. MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!

Staunch Supporter of Mounts in Guild Wars 2. Gimme mah Fluffeh White Bunneh!!!
Give us Mounts, Anet! Pretty Please with Chocolate, Whipped Cream, Cherry and Mayonnaise? d^_^b

dont want more living story

in Living World

Posted by: onemantankwall.3641


Its not as harsh as that… Nc_soft are just multimillion dollar investors, if you were in their shoes would you really go “SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!!” Towards a aging game that doesnt bring in a big revenue of profit because the games life support is a weaksauce gem store thats not even putting out decent armor skins anymore but surviving off of fuzzy hats and outfits, who doesnt even make profit on their wep skins because they require ridicules amounts of gambling to receive them instead of out right placing them on the gem store which would rake in ALOT more money

dont want more living story

in Living World

Posted by: onemantankwall.3641


I remember a dev posting somewhere on here that we may want a potato but they want to take it farther and make it a baked potato or mashed potatoes but no…. They are making us gamble for the simple potato that we from the start asked for want me to buy the potato? GIVE me the potato i dont want to gamble my money away for that said potato you are a potato seller anet not a yam seller your business stays afloat on you giving us the simple uncooked potato that we very nicely then eventually rudely ask for, uk skins upgrades and utilities are your biggest sellers put more out there id live to sink my money into some newer wep skins for my toons theyd def get my money if they would just deliever the freaking potato that i asked for in the first place

dont want more living story

in Living World

Posted by: amonian.3596


I do not expect gw2 anymore

dont want more living story

in Living World

Posted by: ricky markham.8173

ricky markham.8173

oh man onemantankwall now i want french fries. im saying they wanted to experiement with the ls they had one chance and it didnt go the greatest lets see if they learn from their mistakes first then maybe we can be right about an exspansion

dont want more living story

in Living World

Posted by: Belenwyn.8674


If you do not like the Living World then just ignore it. You can play all the permanent content at once as soon as after the season 2 is over in approx six months. In the meantime simply stay in the old content and do not touch the new permanent one.

In this way you will be happy and the LW fans will be too

dont want more living story

in Living World

Posted by: rincewind.9528


If you do not like the Living World then just ignore it. You can play all the permanent content at once as soon as after the season 2 is over in approx six months. In the meantime simply stay in the old content and do not touch the new permanent one.

In this way you will be happy and the LW fans will be too

No, that’s not an option. Down with the temporary content! Long live the permanent one!!

dont want more living story

in Living World

Posted by: Nat.4029


Anet: So boss, can we start doing expansions and making permanent content?

NCSoft: And ruin the launch of Wildstar? NO

Anet: But boss…

Just give these fools some temp content, they’ll never notice.

Anet: But…

NCSoft: Shut up and do what i say. GW2’s launch is over, we’ve milked enough out of it. Wildstar is the Darling Child now. DON’T YOU DARE SCREW IT UP.

Anet: Yes sir…

NCSoft: And bring back Trahearne. I LOVE THAT GUY. Just makes me happy to screw the players with this NPC. MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!


Valar Morghulis

dont want more living story

in Living World

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


If you do not like the Living World then just ignore it. You can play all the permanent content at once as soon as after the season 2 is over in approx six months. In the meantime simply stay in the old content and do not touch the new permanent one.

In this way you will be happy and the LW fans will be too

I’m still a bit hesitant on how permanent Season 2 will be. If anyone has a red post saying so please link me to it. But until then I’ll at best expect semi-permanent content (sometime along the lines of the tower of nightmares, where only the skeletal-remains of the content remain permanent).

dont want more living story

in Living World

Posted by: Belenwyn.8674


If you do not like the Living World then just ignore it. You can play all the permanent content at once as soon as after the season 2 is over in approx six months. In the meantime simply stay in the old content and do not touch the new permanent one.

In this way you will be happy and the LW fans will be too

I’m still a bit hesitant on how permanent Season 2 will be. If anyone has a red post saying so please link me to it. But until then I’ll at best expect semi-permanent content (sometime along the lines of the tower of nightmares, where only the skeletal-remains of the content remain permanent).

Lady avant said so:

" Starting with Episode 1 all LS release will be permanent"

dont want more living story

in Living World

Posted by: Silent The Gray.3091

Silent The Gray.3091

Anet: So boss, can we start doing expansions and making permanent content?

NCSoft: And ruin the launch of Wildstar? NO

Anet: But boss…

Just give these fools some temp content, they’ll never notice.

Anet: But…

NCSoft: Shut up and do what i say. GW2’s launch is over, we’ve milked enough out of it. Wildstar is the Darling Child now. DON’T YOU DARE SCREW IT UP.

Anet: Yes sir…

NCSoft: And bring back Trahearne. I LOVE THAT GUY. Just makes me happy to screw the players with this NPC. MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!


This is realistically probably 100% accurate.

dont want more living story

in Living World

Posted by: Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Windu The Forbidden One.6045

Towards a aging game that doesnt bring in a big revenue of profit because the games life support is a weaksauce gem store thats not even putting out decent armor skins anymore but surviving off of fuzzy hats and outfits

That’s only because Ncsoft made it that way.

Anet: So boss, can we start doing expansions and making permanent content?

NCSoft: And ruin the launch of Wildstar? NO

Anet: But boss…

Just give these fools some temp content, they’ll never notice.

Anet: But…

NCSoft: Shut up and do what i say. GW2’s launch is over, we’ve milked enough out of it. Wildstar is the Darling Child now. DON’T YOU DARE SCREW IT UP.

Anet: Yes sir…

NCSoft: And bring back Trahearne. I LOVE THAT GUY. Just makes me happy to screw the players with this NPC. MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!


Dear A-net: Please nerf rock. Paper is fine
~Sincerely, Scissors

(edited by Windu The Forbidden One.6045)