Fast come&go of LS characters seem to be fun?

Fast come&go of LS characters seem to be fun?

in Living World

Posted by: gandarr.2160



i mean Lady Kasmeer, Marjory Delaqua, Brham Son Of Eir, Rox the Charr and even the hidden silver tongue behind the Molten Alliance which i nearly forgot about her and finally Mr. E no one’s story seem to be completed , no Living story actually seem to be completed , i know the open end sometimes can be good but in my opinion thats too much of it
what do you guys think

(edited by gandarr.2160)

Fast come&go of LS characters seem to be fun?

in Living World

Posted by: Pavees.7281


This isn’t really a question topic per say more of “what do you guys think” topic. so the question Q is sort of misleading i suppose. I stopped caring bout the living story in general because i’m just not a fan of tiny tidbits over 5 months with no actual way for the long pauses to keep me interested.

It’s like reading 1 page of a book then coming back 2 weeks later and doing that till you finish a chapter. It’s rather impratical and i do like they are attempting something new but the rate at which we’re shown and told stuff is too slow to be an effective story because most people will lose interest at bread crumbs over several months. I like mysteries don’t get me wrong but this is more of a story tease which i feel is more insulting then involving.

I can tolerate tv shows doing this along with other mmo’s because the bits i do get are actually worked on hard and handling properly(alot of older show’s timelines actually coincide with our time like 1 week our world can normally be a week in their world as well unless they are dealing with a 2 or 3 part episode but they will jump a couple weeks to catch up to real world time passing.)

Fast come&go of LS characters seem to be fun?

in Living World

Posted by: gandarr.2160


i tried many times to remove the Q related to question but maybe its lagged ……

“It’s like reading 1 page of a book then coming back 2 weeks later and doing that till you finish a chapter. It’s rather impratical and i do like they are attempting something new but the rate at which we’re shown and told stuff is too slow to be an effective story because most people will lose interest at bread crumbs over several months.”
i agree

Fast come&go of LS characters seem to be fun?

in Living World

Posted by: Gabby.3205


Maybe they were not completed because they are all connected. We still don’t know who the silver-tonged person from the city and Mr. E are, but it doesn’t mean that we will never know. I bet the person behind the Molten Alliance is the same one that is behind the Aetherblades.
I am having a blast since Flame & Frost and I look forward to every new chapter.

Tarnished Coast
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”

Fast come&go of LS characters seem to be fun?

in Living World

Posted by: Pavees.7281


Maybe they were not completed because they are all connected. We still don’t know who the silver-tonged person from the city and Mr. E are, but it doesn’t mean that we will never know. I bet the person behind the Molten Alliance is the same one that is behind the Aetherblades.
I am having a blast since Flame & Frost and I look forward to every new chapter.

There’s a dev post somewhere around here that stated that every update we got was being worked on by different teams or they had a time limit for their specific update and there were teams for those updates but given how they do infact have different teams working on 1 story the story itself really comes off as disjointed BECAUSE too many people have their hands in the cookie jar for there to be a balanced story.

Fast come&go of LS characters seem to be fun?

in Living World

Posted by: Lutinz.6915


Actually, if you head out to Braham and Roxx’s instances you’ll find that their story is progressing in small ways. Roxx is training Frostbite and running Errands for Rytlock while Braham…. lets just say poor Braham isnt have much luck with love (Ottilia isnt very nice!).

Most of the characters we have met so far have only had introductions. They have been set up so they can play larger roles in the LS as it progresses.