final boss fight too much
Dodgin is very hard in this game.
I have the best advice for you: L2P
Only thing that’s not soloable is the challenge mode which the boss heals really quickly while he binds you on spot with his vines.
Solo’d challenge mode with achieve on first try with mesmer. Died twice figuring out there’s a debuff warning for the pod trap.
I have the best advice for you: L2P
Only thing that’s not soloable is the challenge mode which the boss heals really quickly while he binds you on spot with his vines.
LOL first thing which I did after story mode was challenge mode achi . I did it on first try , died only once . My prec/tank guard is new meta
I died only once, because i dodged from the cliff xD
Chars: The fluffy Flapsi (Ele), Fipsip (Mesmer), Flappo (Necro), Fenix (Engi)
Died twice. Once didn’t saw that flanking Mordrem Wolfe, second dodged from the cliff :P
It was powerful minion of dragon, he was supposed to be hard. Although he was a bit monotonic after a while.
wait people actually died on this fight? I found it too easy. needs buff. plz make harder
Oh, I died lots. There was much clicking to be had. I wouldn’t mind, but I never seem to be able to orient the camera effectively for this, and thus "walls" keep blocking the view. I tend to prefer having a far back view as much as possible, because it all gets a bit flashy lights up close and I can’t tell what’s happening at all.
What do you more pro players, who have little to no issues, do for that? Is it having a bigger resolution that helps (financially impossible for me at the moment, sadly, but can probably be fixed in the future)? Or do you not need to zoom out as much, because you’re able to see what’s happening? Please advise.
Final fight was a lot of fun. Once I figured out I could jump to avoid the “the floor is lava” attack, I was able to save dodges for the telegraphs which meant not dying. Died maybe 3 times? Would play again.
I thought this was incredibly kitten my first try as well – I got frustrated and quit that time); the constant AoE was a bit too much. Moved a couple of traits around, not sure if that made much of a difference, except that it allowed me to kill the add-ons a little bit faster. Not very much but still. But anyway I have a tip for those who are having serious trouble with this:
The most important thing during my second try was that I found a spot that was relatively safe for fighting the add-ons without worrying too much about the dragon’s AoE (save the full chamber blast and ONE attack, but the latter only if you were closer to the center of the chamber), and attack the add-ons at range. I mean, so much of the fight IS about avoiding the AoE and killing stuff simultaneously that it’s best to find a spot where most of the AoE doesn’t reach. I used the opposite end of the chamber from the Avatar of the Pale Tree, North-West corner of the chamber. Like a narrow-ish ramp with a dead end? Had to come out for some add-ons that are farther back, but it’s easier to deal with those when you have the other ones cleared out. Not quite as much stuff blasting your way.
Still died twice but that’s because I suck royally sometimes, and also lag. I could have sworn I was out of the danger zones but still got blasted by the attacks. Ehh.
Anyway: position yourself out of the harm’s way and it’ll be a lot easier to deal with!
This is pretty much what I did in the Barradin statue fight as well, come to think of it.
i have mine zoomed all the way out. you could have it zoomed in a tiny bit, and still have it zoomed out pretty far. Just gotta find the balance for it. Also look at the animations and stuff that the boss is doing, or what the mobs are doing. If you are having trouble fighting the vines in a group, try and lure one away and fight it solo. Also bring A LOT of condition cleanse.
And remember to follow the advice of this video
For anyone struggling, just get another player. It’s alot easier that way.
I thought this was incredibly kitten my first try as well – I got frustrated and quit that time); the constant AoE was a bit too much. Moved a couple of traits around, not sure if that made much of a difference, except that it allowed me to kill the add-ons a little bit faster. Not very much but still. But anyway I have a tip for those who are having serious trouble with this:
The most important thing during my second try was that I found a spot that was relatively safe for fighting the add-ons without worrying too much about the dragon’s AoE (save the full chamber blast and ONE attack, but the latter only if you were closer to the center of the chamber), and attack the add-ons at range. I mean, so much of the fight IS about avoiding the AoE and killing stuff simultaneously that it’s best to find a spot where most of the AoE doesn’t reach.
I used the opposite end of the chamber from the Avatar of the Pale Tree, North-West corner of the chamber. Like a narrow-ish ramp with a dead end? Had to come out for some add-ons that are farther back, but it’s easier to deal with those when you have the other ones cleared out. Not quite as much stuff blasting your way.
Still died twice but that’s because I suck royally sometimes, and also lag. I could have sworn I was out of the danger zones but still got blasted by the attacks. Ehh.
Anyway: position yourself out of the harm’s way and it’ll be a lot easier to deal with!
This is pretty much what I did in the Barradin statue fight as well, come to think of it.
You’re right about that, for sure – find the best spot for lurking and retreating to tends to be something I like to do – I think I likely failed to find the best spot in my dragon fight, although I did have a couple of places that seemed to work. But I experienced that bit where you get hit even if you think you’re out of the danger spots. I think I might give this another go and see if I can’t fine-tune it – because despite being awful at it, I think I actually had some fun.
Now if I can get the camera to work for me, I’ll be laughing!
This is a first where before I never die in the final boss fight in the living story, but in this one I died 3 times with my ranger. . . . sad all round . . . with the ending and all . . .
i have mine zoomed all the way out. you could have it zoomed in a tiny bit, and still have it zoomed out pretty far. Just gotta find the balance for it. Also look at the animations and stuff that the boss is doing, or what the mobs are doing. If you are having trouble fighting the vines in a group, try and lure one away and fight it solo. Also bring A LOT of condition cleanse.
And remember to follow the advice of this video
You know, it wasn’t so much of a problem fighting the things as much as it was not actually seeing what I was doing because of walls (making it a little harder to see telegraphs on occasion). Some of it was just plain bad on my part, regardless, too, and that’s okay. Still, like I said in my other post just now, I’ll likely have another go and see if I can get the camera in a better spot so that doesn’t happen.
Thanks for your response there!
I died more times dodging from the cliff than in the actual battle. STUPID OMPHALOS CHAMBER! ¬¬
No, but seriously, fight isn’t that hard, you just need to find a “relatively” safe place and dodge AoE. The mobs/boss have low HP.
If I recall I only died 3 times from that battle, 2 of them from cliff falling. And as for the too much going on part, isn’t that what the prompts are for and dodging accordingly?
It’s a hard fight, but that’s how it should be. The community complained about how the dragon fights in the PS were a walk in the park, so they upped the challenge on this one.
Also, we have to remember that the GW1 bosses were no walk in the park. I remember the fights Vs Varesh and Shiro and the Gates of Madness battle. They needed tactics.
The fight interested me since in PVT my warrior could absorb the damage, but could do very little dps, so it was a long, drawn out fight. Yet a dps specced class could shorten the fight considerably, at the cost of high risk of death.
I’m not boasting or claiming to be good at this game in anyway, but I found this fight remarkably simple. Surely you know how to dodge op? I mean, youre aware its a mechanic that exists in this game, is simple to execute, and will save you all this frustration?
The only “hard” part of this fight was figuring out to jump during the one attack, which isn’t too difficult to conclude, since the entire floor lights up.
My only death was a result of dodging off the side like an idiot.
didnt die. Downed but rally like a boss. Just required lots of dodging and avoiding the big aoes. Was fun. I love single player content so this was a treat. Too bad there was no real reward.
nothing hits bigger than 1/7 hp.
Well now that’s not true, they do hit harder. If you’re berserker and not on warrior/necro that is. But even then getting stupidly hit by the stomp would take 1/3 of your life away.
That doesn’t mean the fight is too hard though, it’s very doable and allows for mistakes.
I’d like to see a working safety net for not falling down though, I think I fell down twice and both times dropped to the lower level where I was able to run around.
Totally knew it. When I did the fight yesterday all I could think off was all the glorious tasty tears that would be flowing on the forums today.
As for the fight itself? It is simple, there are a ton of safe spots to stand in on all attacks and his stomp can easily be either jumped or dodged to avoid.
Was fun tho, will definitly do it again.
so, do you actually attack the ‘boss’ or just dodge & hide?
Is a real question, I’ve not got the hang of dodging, but I do a good imitation of a lemming.
I have done the fight only once (with my Ele) and I had some troubles, because when the minions head appeared it looked like it could only be attacked from range. I swapped to my staff and stowed my D/D. This dropped my DPS significantly (staff being the exotic weapon + not traited well for staff fights) and prolonged the fight. I think I was defeated three times before finally driving off the boss.
Can you attack the boss at melee range? D/D would have been much easier for me then.
I cursed a lot, but it was still doable without having any clue about what was happening in that instance. Professions with a lot of condi cleansing and abilities to regain endurance will do significantly better in this fight, but that is the mantra for almost all fights in this LS.
Still keeps a volume of Kurzick poems ;)
Totally knew it. When I did the fight yesterday all I could think off was all the glorious tasty tears that would be flowing on the forums today.
As for the fight itself? It is simple, there are a ton of safe spots to stand in on all attacks and his stomp can easily be either jumped or dodged to avoid.
Was fun tho, will definitly do it again.
Well it’s the same everytime. We have something thats a little bit harder than Open World or CoF and this causes some people to whine about the difficulty.
The fight itself was not that hard but fun, also like the music of it. Had an epic feel. Was this a new soundtrack?
Also I only got downed twice. The first one when i was attacked by the wolves from the side, and the second one when I dodged out of the chamber.
Funny how all the elitist tryhards come out in droves when someone expresses their opinion. I love all the “L2P” and “You suck” comments.
Real classy community we got here.
I thought the fight wasn’t hard, but suuuuuper annoying. In the end you can’t loose, but it takes so long. Why do the continue to design bosses that make you wait until you can hit them? Do they think waiting is a fun game mechanic? To me it isn’t. The worst part is, right before I could deliver the killing blow the severs went down. Now I have to do the whole stupid mission again. Thanks for nothing Anet.
For me, it’s not about it being too difficult. These hokey pokey boss fights are not something I find particularly entertaining, and the emphasis on endless dodging is a stupid dev trick that wasn’t funny the first time they went overboard with it.
This was one of the best fights in the game… right after Liadri the Concealing Darkness (or w/e).
I had a lot of fun with this fight although I died a few times. Loved the shadow of the dragon, came unexpected. :-D
The fight itself isn’t hard – but it is annoying at times. I died quite a few times, but this was due to being hit by conditions, more than anything else. Just time your dodges, to move out of the attacks.
When saying something is too difficult please give details so people can help with the part that is giving you trouble.
If you don’t you’ll get flooded with the “LOOK AT ME, I KILLED IT!” one up posts.
The only hard part is when the leeching vine guy spawned along with the 3 tentacles. I died a couple of times there. The rest of the fight was not difficult.
Did it on my zerk war, thought it was fine, did die a fair few times but it was fun just continuing to keep going at it.
Felt good for once to take something on completely by myself, as opposed to having NPC’s around helping me out.
I had no trouble at all with this fight. I died one time because I accidentally dodge rolled off the edge of the zone. The rest of it is just a matter of knowing when to attack, when to dodge, and when to back off and recover a bit
I didn’t find it bad at all. It’s annoying how often the vines evade, which just drags the whole thing out longer, but did it fine. Found it much easier than saving Taimi from the inquest. The only reason I didn’t die on that part was that Braham ressed me… five or six times. Ugh that retaliation golem. The boon can be stripped but it reapplies it immediately.
Everything was fine until that dragon showed up, couldn’t save myself from a Leecher and Tendril phase (I exit episode on defeat, no respawn). I remedied that with a Peach Pie and being more aware of the stomp’s tell. Whooped him, haven’t tried Challenge Mode yet (if I can find this Mote). Awesome fight, 10/10, would bang.
Only reason I died a bunch of times is cause my superior sigil of life didnt tick when i killed mobs. My build depends on it working.
I did it once by myself and finished it fine no deaths no problems. I tend to believe and there is no evidence to prove this but people that do not do a lot of dungeons or come into counter with things that can take you down quickly struggle in situations where you have to evade a lot. Most of the content in this game can be won with 1 (the 1 key).
Perfect example people in map chat people were wanting to team up so they could get through the content because they had failed it so many times. I decided to help went in with a full group and all 4 died by half way through the fight and I finished it off. This tells me people really have not experienced enough to make it through fights where you have to be aware of what’s going on during the fight and how to anticipate monster cues.
Its really about getting away from the smash the one key mentality and starting to study learn from past mistakes.
| 80 (Mesmer) Brook Envision | 80 (Thief) Kuro Rin |
I did it once by myself and finished it fine no deaths no problems. I tend to believe and there is no evidence to prove this but people that do not do a lot of dungeons or come into counter with things that can take you down quickly struggle in situations where you have to evade a lot. Most of the content in this game can be won with 1 (the 1 key).
Perfect example people in map chat people were wanting to team up so they could get through the content because they had failed it so many times. I decided to help went in with a full group and all 4 died by half way through the fight and I finished it off. This tells me people really have not experienced enough to make it through fights where you have to be aware of what’s going on during the fight and how to anticipate monster cues.
Its really about getting away from the smash the one key mentality and starting to study learn from past mistakes.
That’s why we can’t have good stuff, half the player base doesn’t know how to play (like the OP).
Pod thing was confusing at first in Challenge mode but once you understand that no issues there (Died once in challenge mode cause I fire evaded off the edge of the chamber T_T).
The telegraphs are very easy and the jump thing is almost impossible to miss. Not to mention the party below will tell you what side the dragon may attack on.
I can understand you may not be used to such a fight. But it is a pretty basic boss fight. Easier then the statue fight in the last chapter imo.
Just get some practice and go at it again…the fight isn’t going anywhere, nor are the achievements. Good time to learn something as any.
(edited by Katreyn.4218)
Funny how all the elitist tryhards come out in droves when someone expresses their opinion. I love all the “L2P” and “You suck” comments.
Real classy community we got here.
It drives me nuts. Gives a bad name to skilled players and it’s funny because even players who are skilled sometimes take a few attempts to “warm up” to quick-reaction-mechanics – sort of like being an athlete. But these people come in and are like, “Man, I’m 100% awesome 100% of the time, yo. L2P!” It’s pretty sad.
I mean, I used to complain about unskilled players in private in another game because we were trying to do difficult raids and get a large number of people to coordinate on tough mechanics. But publicly putting down people for struggling with quests that are designed for the solo player is just senseless ego-stroking nonsense.
I thought the fight wasn’t hard, but suuuuuper annoying. In the end you can’t loose, but it takes so long. Why do the continue to design bosses that make you wait until you can hit them? Do they think waiting is a fun game mechanic? To me it isn’t. The worst part is, right before I could deliver the killing blow the severs went down. Now I have to do the whole stupid mission again. Thanks for nothing Anet.
Agreed. It was like that with the earlier fight too. Multiple phase repeats where main boss is immune – not fun or interesting. Just time-consuming.
Luckily, my glass-cannon zerker Thief setup came in handy here for shortening the final fight a little bit, but it was also the death of me a couple times, due to having little healing and running into near unavoidable combinations of mob attacks and ground AoE.
P. S. Kitten Mordrem mobs. Kitten them all. They are such annoying kittens. Can we distract them with cat food or something?
I thought the bright orange for the skills was kind of an obvious sign to “GTFO” but I guess not. I died a couple of times, once I dodged out of the Omphalos Chamber and another time when I was distracted by my Roommate. It was a ridiculously fun fight, with interesting mechanics (at least for me)
Discovering one’s purpose is not as easy as it might originally appear.
Some of the problems with this fight come from just learning when the dodges need to be timed. It isn’t always clear that the huge AOE cones are a few seconds early, or that the glow on the floor builds in intensity until it “explodes.” OP, give each thing a 2 second count before dodging/jumping and that may help you out. It was a lifesaver for me because I have very slow reflexes.
I really struggled with Challenge Mode because I couldn’t figure out how to reliably get the buff to take down the healing pods. The good thing I realized is they don’t grow back. I must have plucked at that stupid dragon for half an hour just standing at maximum range with my ranger before I figured it all out.
And just a shout-out to Rox and Braham. Those two have saved me countless times during this LS. Jory and Kas? Like elitists in dungeons, they refuse to res you. Those guys are jerks!
Ranged weapons would appear to be the key here. The vines are largely melee and don’t move too much, which makes them pretty ineffective vs ranged combat (except the one that can shoot, but that one is easy enough to avoid if you’re free to move while firing as with a ranged weapon) and it also means that you can still attack the vines while moving around to avoid the AoE from the dragon, instead of jumping into a safe spot with a melee weapon and just standing around doing nothing.
Unfortunately, I went into the battle with 2 melee weapons equipped, and as such I got smashed pretty hard. Died around 6 times I think. You want to kill the large projectile-based vine first so you don’t have to worry about constantly getting bombarded by projectiles (which are harder to avoid in melee because you can’t be attacking if you’re constantly moving out of AoE circles) but then the other vines gang up on you while you’re killing the big one. And as above, dodging the attacks from the dragon often means stopping attacks altogether when using melee.
Granted, probably my fault for going in with all melee in the first place. Always best to have a mix of the two when going into an unknown battle, but I wasn’t really thinking in terms of what’d be “best”, just playing around with weapon sets for the sake of variety (and Guardian doesn’t have much variety in the way of ranged).
I will definitely be taking ranged weapons when I try for the achieves. I know better now.
Yeah, always take ranged into these lame “Boss” fights.
Seriously, not so much difficult as tedious and boring.
Fun fact, bring a Ranger.
Even if you get downed, pet will rezz you anyway
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
I’m with the OP here. I came out naked from the place twice.
Apparently, I’m just a bad player according the the elitists here. Dodging isn’t hard, having enough endurance to dodge every time it is needed is.
I’m with the OP here. I came out naked from the place twice.
Apparently, I’m just a bad player according the the elitists here. Dodging isn’t hard, having enough endurance to dodge every time it is needed is.
That’s the first thing I thought as I read through the comments…how many of the elitists “l2p”-ers are on classes with access to vigor. Reminds me of the Mai Trin buff…“just block or reflect, noob”. Uh, yeah, I’m a Necro…