if you're going to finally add new zones...

if you're going to finally add new zones...

in Living World

Posted by: darkace.8925


do them proper. I’m glad we’re finally going to get a chance to explore more of Tyria, as I’ve been clamoring for new zones for a while now. But I’d rather you not bother if you’re not going to do them right. I’m talking vistas, points of interest, things to do, places to see…the works. What I don’t want is a small or empty zone where there’s nothing to but form a giant blob of players and zerg around the map hours on end. God knows you’ve done more than enough to appease the farmers, it’s about time us explorers get some.

if you're going to finally add new zones...

in Living World

Posted by: NEOCROM.8957


Well, Tyria i think have some desert zones, so dont expect too much if those zones are released, desert always was kinda ugly, full of almost nothing beautiful.
Mordremoth is near the Deldrimor front i think, so maybe that zone will be released, well, personally i dont care which map would be, i just want new map, new story and content.

if you're going to finally add new zones...

in Living World

Posted by: Treebeard The Swift.9620

Treebeard The Swift.9620

You’re expecting a new zone? heres hoping.

if you're going to finally add new zones...

in Living World

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

Well, Tyria i think have some desert zones, so dont expect too much if those zones are released, desert always was kinda ugly, full of almost nothing beautiful.
Mordremoth is near the Deldrimor front i think, so maybe that zone will be released, well, personally i dont care which map would be, i just want new map, new story and content.

M is nowhere near Deldrimor front. He’s in the west of the current lands, in the Maguuman Jungle.

One – Piken Square

if you're going to finally add new zones...

in Living World

Posted by: NEOCROM.8957


Well, i think he is under the Infinite Coil Reactor and since the closest map to that is the Deldrimor Front, then maybe that map will be next, but i just think, dunno sure.

if you're going to finally add new zones...

in Living World

Posted by: CaptainVanguard.4925


Mordremoth’s awakening was clearly, blatantly implied to be in the Magus Falls region as we saw the lay line energy trail from Gendarran to the Thauma Nova, and to the further west, it goes directly west of the reactor which is the Magus Falls area.

The Deldrimor Front is in the exact opposite direction, its miles off course, if anything that’s where Primordus would likely be now post his awakening in GW1 since that’s where the Stone Dwarves are fighting him.

if you're going to finally add new zones...

in Living World

Posted by: Cormac.3871


I hope that what they do is that when each map is introduced they make it quite difficult to survive but once Living Story moves on it will be more like a standard map in terms of difficulty (with a few resources unique to the area). Otherwise it will be like Southsun which only ever gets visited when a big Zerg wants to do Karka Queen.

if you're going to finally add new zones...

in Living World

Posted by: radiantglyph.9085


Besides, it’s already pretty easy to deduce the new zones are going to be in the west. When Belinda mentions her new assignment investigating black market connections in Brisban, it’s quite likely her assignment has something to do with the impassible bandit fort in Vandal’s Claim. There’s also an active visible zone portal on the other side of a broken bridge in Lionshead Outcrops. The leyline clearly passed through Thaumanova, so it’s also easy to presume Mordy’s out the same way somewhere.

All conjecture of course but it is dreadfully convenient that a sibling of one of the main characters would just turn up at The Dead End while we were there and just casually talk about going out in the direction of the Maguuma Wastes at the beginning of a new season and in the wake of a dragon awakening.

if you're going to finally add new zones...

in Living World

Posted by: Aedelric.1287


Belinda is a dead `fat´ lady walking, her talk in the bar might as well ended with everyone painting a target on her back.

I would not get too excited over Arena Net adding new zones, last year we only had two and one of those was small and temporary.

“I am Evon Gnashblade and this message is acceptable to me.”

if you're going to finally add new zones...

in Living World

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

Belinda is a dead `fat´ lady walking, her talk in the bar might as well ended with everyone painting a target on her back.

I would not get too excited over Arena Net adding new zones, last year we only had two and one of those was small and temporary.

And the other is pretty empty compared to the original zones. I’m also hoping for a fully fledged zone, but fearing for another empty wasteland like southsun.

One – Piken Square

if you're going to finally add new zones...

in Living World

Posted by: Kingkiller.9645


I’m HOPING they’ll add another few zones for the new dragon, but I highly doubt it.
I actually really want some zones for the crystal dragon. Come on, we’ve beaten Zhaitan (worst fight ever ANET btw, could have soloed that easily), add a continuation of the living story where we can fight more dragons! And make the boss fights actual BOSS fights instead of movies. Because it literally would not have made a difference if 4 of my team had just gone afk as soon as we boarded the giant airship.

I’m not a hero. Heroes are not meant to survive, and I’ve lived far too long for that.

if you're going to finally add new zones...

in Living World

Posted by: Caveth.3268


Belinda is a dead `fat´ lady walking, her talk in the bar might as well ended with everyone painting a target on her back.

I would not get too excited over Arena Net adding new zones, last year we only had two and one of those was small and temporary.

We only got one new zone in 2013 – Labyrinthine Cliffs.
Southsun Cove was added in November 2012.

if you're going to finally add new zones...

in Living World

Posted by: Moshari.8570


Belinda is a dead `fat´ lady walking, her talk in the bar might as well ended with everyone painting a target on her back.

I would not get too excited over Arena Net adding new zones, last year we only had two and one of those was small and temporary.

We only got one new zone in 2013 – Labyrinthine Cliffs.
Southsun Cove was added in November 2012.

Except Labyrinthine cliffs went away. made me so sad. I thought for sure the docks would stay and the Zephyrite Airships would fly away (to a beautiful cut-scene that you could view at the top of the cliffs)…but no….for some reason, we lost the waypoint coordinates of a dock that is still there somewhere when the zephyrites left.

if you're going to finally add new zones...

in Living World

Posted by: Aedelric.1287


Belinda is a dead `fat´ lady walking, her talk in the bar might as well ended with everyone painting a target on her back.

I would not get too excited over Arena Net adding new zones, last year we only had two and one of those was small and temporary.

We only got one new zone in 2013 – Labyrinthine Cliffs.
Southsun Cove was added in November 2012.

True, perhaps I should have said last living story season. Regardless the way you put it made the whole likelihood of a number of new zones seem much more improbable and the prospect of season 2 much less exciting.

“I am Evon Gnashblade and this message is acceptable to me.”

if you're going to finally add new zones...

in Living World

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


Who know, they did completely miss the opportunity to add a connection/small zone in between Southsun and Sparkfly (you can visually see the pathway on the leftside of Sparkfly that would lead directly to Southsun, instead it just looks like endless ocean)

They have done a mediocre job adding zones, Lab Cliffs was amazing..but for some strange reason, temporary, yet they keep the !$@# southsun area as permanent.

I am still hoping they add a small zone between Sparkfly and Southsun anyways >.>


Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

(edited by Zietlogik.6208)

if you're going to finally add new zones...

in Living World

Posted by: Gregorius.1024


What I’m hoping is that it’ll take us no less than 3 new zones to encounter the dragon. Let Season 2 be like an expedition. The early episodes involve Belinda and the Sinister Triad and then after that we decide to push west to see what else is new. In the second zone we find clues to the leyline Mordremoth was feeding on and that leads to the next zone and so on. Basically I want us to explore and have a sense of mystery when going west. And encountering a Bloodstone is a must. White Mantle and Lazarus the Dire is icing on the cake.

if you're going to finally add new zones...

in Living World

Posted by: Aedelric.1287


We do have a lot of good old GW1 locations that we could visit if we were to get new maps.

Ventaris Refuge, Temple of Balthazar, Bloodstone Fen.

I am still not optimistic, but if they added new Maguuma zones and these locations were not included, it would be severely disappointing.

“I am Evon Gnashblade and this message is acceptable to me.”

if you're going to finally add new zones...

in Living World

Posted by: bremy.1390


Well guys, wiki is our friend :p
I quote what Gw2Wiki says about Mordremoth:
’’Mordremoth’s existence did not become apparent to most Tyrians until early 1327 AE, when Scarlet’s Alliance invaded Lion’s Arch, drilling directly into a ley line intersection beneath the city using a giant airship-drill, the Breachmaker. This resulted in a magical chain reaction, culminating with the awakening of an Elder Dragon somewhere west of Thaumanova Reactor, across an arid plain in a vegetated area presumed to be MAGUS FALLS.‘’
sooo we can imagine that we’re going to look for the famous dragon west of Tyria :>

if you're going to finally add new zones...

in Living World

Posted by: JGBarbarian.3579


I don’t expect a new map until the end of season 2. I think that we will have a lot of stuff on already existing maps in the beginning. Invasions on Brisban and stuff like that. Speculation of course.