[spoilers?] Wild guesses: Omadd's machine.

[spoilers?] Wild guesses: Omadd's machine.

in Living World

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I just realized something.

Omadd’s mind-opening machine shows things to you when you use it… but Ceara was changed a lot by the process.

What if it just doesn’t show you the Eternal Alchemy, but the process actually alters you mind, kind of that Lawnmower Man movie.

Things like being able to see a bit beyond the veil, across dimensions. See the Eternal Alchemy, and Spirits that have not materialized as ghosts. Demons slipping from the mists. Creatures out of phase with the physical plane. Whispers that no one can hear…

What if what this machine actually does is forcefully Ascending the subject?

If that was the case, he have just underwent the Trial of Ascension, became Weh no Su without even knowing it. And since we didn’t go crazy, we passed the test.

Keep your eyes open. If you start seeing things others can’t, you may be Ascended, and more things than just some Mordren may be cooking around Maguuma.

No exceptions!

[spoilers?] Wild guesses: Omadd's machine.

in Living World

Posted by: Ronin.7381


If I were Taimi, I’d be kittened.

[spoilers?] Wild guesses: Omadd's machine.

in Living World

Posted by: Iarkrad.8415


Perhaps Omadd’s machine is the first part of the GW2 varient of Ascencion / Weh no su.

No more non cosmetic world event rewards. We haven’t forgotten the Ancient Karka.

[spoilers?] Wild guesses: Omadd's machine.

in Living World

Posted by: Nilkemia.8507


An Eternal Alchemic/asuran method of becoming Ascended? Eh…interesting, but nothing to imply that so far. It also makes me question what role the Pale Tree plays in ascending, seeing as the Asura have been around far longer. The asura and sylvari probably don’t consider the concept of Ascension the same as hmans would.