suggestion: future encounter mechanic

suggestion: future encounter mechanic

in Living World

Posted by: splat.8169


Noticed in the patch notes: “Removed the Twisted Menders from the Grand Piazza”. This is understandable as their behavior was a bit of a surprise, so given the time constraints it was probably only feasible to remove them. For the future however, it may be better to incorporate this into your planning.

By which, what if instead you had been able to make it so killing the menders had applied a debuff, particularly if it were applied in inverse proportion to proximity. So max debuff would occur if the menders were killed directly on the boss/target.

I hope this would introduce a risk/benefit to players. When surprised by the heal they’d probably begin killing as soon as detected, resulting in lower benefit. More careful analysis would show risking the heal for the debuff to be helpful. Close proximity kills are also the most likely scenario when initially surprised and no doubt a few would leak through anyway, so the close proximity kills would help compensate for the leaks.

This type of mechanic might also be applied to existing heal cycle encounters.