Could I make a suggestion about the final boss in hidden arcana. I see over in the bugs section people are getting frustrated because the fragility shields spawn inside aoe rings, making it impossible to get to them while at the same time having to kill summoned facets for protection from the light beam. So, could I suggest three things that could be added in that final part of the missions that would keep it challenging without the frustration of simply being unable to do anything until a shield happens to land outside aoe.
1: make all three colors of light active at all times
2: make sure at least two summoned facets are present almost constantly
3: make sure the summoned facets are of different colors and that the color of each is somehow indicated so the player knows which is red, blue, green etc.
That way when the vortex crystals spawn inside a light beam and the crystal shields are inside aoe, the player can kill a summoned facet of another color, run to the correct beam of light and get the protection, grab the crystal shield from the aoe (since they now have protection from it) then kill the appropriate color facet, grab its color aura and run to the vortex crystal/light beam to apply fragility.
Also, this would make sure that all the dynamics from the earlier bosses are being utilized (at the moment the protection from the light against the aoe is not being used because when two summoned facets do spawn, one is useless because it is the wrong color and if you grab the light protection from the beam with the votex crystal in it, you have already killed the summoned and by the time the next one spawns it is too late to use it properly.)