thoughts on Caithe?
I’m a Sylvari I have no problems with her at all and am sorta confused as to why my own character is so hateful to her. If anyone is going to understand the pressures of following the dream and interpreting its going to be another Sylvari. She wasn’t corrupted either so I don’t get the distrust I even took her along for the final battle if we hated her this month then why allow her the option to fight the final boss in the first place?
I’d be alright with Caithe, Canache, Ritlock, and Tiami plus Zojja is she wakes up and tossing out the rest of the characters. I may have missed season 1 but Canach and Tiami seems alright enough.
Caithe is my favorite character in the game. The view of this character looks different in personal story, ls2, HoT and ls3:
Personal Story- she is the mentor, she really didnt like courtiers and this is good, because they are traitors. If you didnt make story as Sylvari, you cannot say anything about Caithe, because someone who says something bad about her, should make a Sylvari first, and then should judge her.
LS2- she was a bit absent in the story, but suddenly she escaped with the Egg. The Wyld Hunt is the most important part of the Sylvari and this call is so powerful, that Sylvari cannot say “no” to this call. So I understand Caithe, because you cannot escape from something, what the heart is saying to you.
HoT- I love the scene, when Caithe said “no” to Mordremoth(I mean Mordremoth as a corrupted Faolain). And in the Bitter Harvest she was bullied by the Commander, and the fact, that she didnt scream at the commander is really amazing.
LS3- Caithe is really clearly showed in this LS. She told to the Commander about everything what happened and she was full of understanding. This is interesting, that she is really humble. The Commander attacked her in the Dragon Vigil, but she was like: “I understand you, Commander, but please: give me the last chance” and I am glad, that she got this chance. In the first chapter of epizode 3, she showed her meekness again. She is not like Braham “only me me me, I will go my way” etc, she is the voice of all of Sylvari and she is really modest.
I don’t trust her and would never appoint her to the role my character was forced to do by the writers.
Between the Taimi being used as little more than a ‘know-it-all’ plot device and Caithe being handed the one thing she should never be given, I’m convinced the story board for the living world is a mess.
Stop writing every single NPC as a clichéd as they are. Give us a few actual choices that mater instead of forcing us to forgive and forget what is unforgivable.
(edited by Blockhead Magee.3092)
Caithe is really important to the Sylvari player character. I agree with Doam that it feels odd for the PC not to have the option to treat her more sympathetically, at least in the scene where we’d just explored the memory where she’d killed Wynne. I would have loved a dialogue option to try and console her.
Caithe’s behavior comes at the worst/best time, depending on how you look at it. The Pale Tree is gone, your only superior in the pact is MIA, and your mentor just abandoned you. Your team is wary of you, Canach you can’t especially afford to bond with because of the politics afoot— he’s a classic “bad actor” in a situation where the sylvari have to look their best, and the development between the two is awesome. (Whoops, this is a Caithe thread.)
What I mean to say is, removing her as a pillar for the player character to lean on was a great choice because it reinforces that they have to come into their own. But ultimately, I feel like she deserves more compassion, because we know what she’s been through, and that she was acting out of a genuine desire to do good.
Which is why I loved that dialogue we get with her in the recent living world episode. In short, poor Caithe! When do I get to hug her?
(edited by Komodo.7058)
I would never give Caithe the job she was given. It makes no sense giving her such important task after her betrayal. I would want her dead, but at least get her out of that chamber away from Aurene.
I would never give Caithe the job she was given. It makes no sense giving her such important task after her betrayal. I would want her dead, but at least get her out of that chamber away from Aurene.
To be fair, she didn’t exactly “betray” us. She was just following what she thought was her wild hunt and doing it with good intentions in mind (though it’s since been hinted at that Mordremoth might have been playing mind games).
Now that Mordremoth is dead, there’s actually no risk of Caith being influenced anymore. Trusting her is no more risky than trusting anyone else in our supposed new guild, given each of them seems to have their own agenda except maybe Taimi, and there’s no guarantee that their agendas won’t clash with what we perceive to be the greater good.
At least with Caithe we can say we know her better than we know some of the others (given that we lived through key points in her past) and so can make a better guess at her motives than anyone else’s. Someone who can kill their own friend and turn against their lover for the greater good of their race, has surely proven that at the very least, they are looking at the big picture and not just their own personal desires.
My problem with caithe is:
PS: oh, we need to stick together, lets help each other
LS3: hey, commander, what’s new?
I’m sorry, but we’re constantly asked to trust her, but when it comes down to it, she doesn’t have a shred of trust in us. You want someone like that play a role in the fate of the world?
(edited by Amaimon.7823)
I think there’s a bug. My F-command shows “Interact” instead of “Finish Them”. Anyone else getting this bug?
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I think there’s a bug. My F-command shows “Interact” instead of “Finish Them”. Anyone else getting this bug?
Yea. And there was this weird glitch where the Forgotten didn’t attack Caithe when she was in the auric catacombs. Anyelse noticed this?
I don’t trust Caithe one bit. Her little “dream quest” has been completed so she has nothing to lose and nothing really to gain which makes her dangerous.
Something that really hasn’t been addressed post-Mordy is fate of the sylvari. There have been many fantasy and sci-fi books written about God dying and man finding out and all sorts of hell breaks loose – loss of morality and sense of purpose, etc.
I think we should have seen a fair number of raving Sylvari madmen/women/chia-pets by now as the ones who 1) couldn’t accept the fact that Mordy was their ultimate creators and 2) can’t accept that their creator is now dead (or at least in a long term slumber since the dragons can’t really stay dead forever, if I recall the lore correctly and they’re part of the natural system of the world anyhow)