when is cantha ?

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: caveman.5840


so ya just wondering . will we ever see chntha ?

if so when ?

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: Cole Eyre.8471

Cole Eyre.8471

Hold on, getting some popcorn…

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: Rognik.2579


Soo- no, that’s not right.

When it’s read- probably not, I think there’s more to it than that.

When we need to? Getting across the ocean to get to Cantha is going to be near impossible, at least as long kitten -dragon is around. Even defeating it might not be enough to get us across the ocean. And the Ministry of Purity probably kept the asuras out, so no portals to get us across the sea… even if such things are possible.

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


People do keep to bring up going to Cantha now and then.
But do we actually have any real reason to go there, or is it simply a case of: “It was in Guild Wars 1 so we should have it in Guild Wars 2 as aswell!!!”?

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: Randulf.7614


That seems more than a good reason to me. Cantha has a huge potential in storyline given the history and given that gw2 exosts because people want more of what they enjoyed from gw1, it makes perfect sense

But not right now. We have a storyline in progress and pulling people away with a new continent would not be sensible at this time.

For the op. There is a massive thread on the general discussion forum if you wish to search for it and lend your opinion.

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Oh, I understand the out of game reason for it.
But the IN-GAME reason? Do we have any sort of reason to actually go there from our characters point of view?

As of yet nothing have been added without an actual reason for us going there after all.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: Ayakaru.6583


Anet doesn’t want cantha due to the fear of politically resistant China, even though half of China’s playerbase also loved Cantha -.-

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: Ayakaru.6583


Oh, I understand the out of game reason for it.
But the IN-GAME reason? Do we have any sort of reason to actually go there from our characters point of view?

As of yet nothing have been added without an actual reason for us going there after all.

In game reason:
three things, apply any you see relevant

A) A dragon is resting in the middle of the sea that divides kryta and cantha. No ship has managed to succesfully cross it, let alone a retour.

B) Canthan Ministry is a slave to new xenophobic empress. The main city is walled off against any and all races that aren’t human. In retrospect, there is an open hunt on the kurzick and the luxon, and since that bounty was erected over a 100 years ago they may well be extinct already. Naga, Tengu, Krait (yes, naga and krait aren’t the same thing), Yeti, Warden, anything that isn’t homosapien is being slaughtered there.

C) Although Factions emperor was considered ‘nice’, it is a common belief that the average emperor would put the entire continent on lockdown and burn half the map if necessary if so much as a little problem would arise. (poverty not included, though after the plague there was a huge mass extinction of the slums to prevent spreading)

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


And basically all those things are reasons for NOT going there.
Most of the player races are not humans, and as such, if they still have the same way of thinking as around the Ministry of Purity time most of the players would basically be killed on sight.

There is more than enough threats on Tyria (the continent) to have us fighting for years and it is quite unlikely we would suddenly decide to ship off to an island where most of us wouldn’t even be welcome before that is over. Much more likely that we will go towards Elona around the time we work against Kralkatorrik.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: Belenwyn.8674


S. will destroy Cantha completely. The land will sink to the ground of the ocean. The few survivors will flee to the continent in the far west called Arid on the map in the priory. We will support them to establish a totally new society without emperor, ministers, Luxon and Kurziks.

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: Mental Paradox.3845

Mental Paradox.3845

I’m so tired of these silly arguments of why we can’t go to Cantha. The most common are:

1) “But… the deep sea dragon!!!11”

My answer: we have airships now, genius. Why not send a small fleet of airships to Cantha?

2) “We have no reason to go to Cantha!”

My answer: No? Humanity is going to kitten, all hiding in their city while getting hammered by centaurs, bandits, and and my barber’s grandma.
I think it would be a good idea to re-establish contact with a continent that is known to be controlled entirely by humans, and may have technology that far exceeds anything on continental Tyria.

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: Wizzlock.3492


People do keep to bring up going to Cantha now and then.
But do we actually have any real reason to go there, or is it simply a case of: “It was in Guild Wars 1 so we should have it in Guild Wars 2 as aswell!!!”?

I do love how You complain when people speak for other (“we actually have any real reason”), while You do the same all the time.
If You don’t have any bussines in Cantha, it’s Your own problem.
Me? Personally? I do have business there. I have at least 1 toon with heritage from cantha, I have all that Anet giberish shoved in me with “Winds of Change” and there are many reasons lore-wise to go there:
-Dragon to kill
-(probably) only (I hope still) livig dragon that is (I do belive) friendly – Kuunavang
-Tengu were strong there, so parts of Dominion of Winds lore probably is heavily linked to Cantha exodus
etc. etc.

The only reason why we don’t getCantha is because Anet is focusing on different content. Their choice, not mine.

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: Randulf.7614


If the dragons were to overwhelm tyria, then seeking help from cantha would seem relevant. We arent at that point yet, but that would feel like the natural way to introduce cantha in a few years time.

I agree that elona would be a more likely venture considering Kralks presence, but again, not imminently.

I hope to see both though. They would look stunning and be so much fun to explore

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: Sariel V.7024

Sariel V.7024


takes a drink

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


When? Probably sometime in 2006. April, I’d guess. The 28th.


The table is a fable.

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: One Prarie Outpost.4860

One Prarie Outpost.4860

I’m so tired of these silly arguments of why we can’t go to Cantha. The most common are:

1) “But… the deep sea dragon!!!11”

My answer: we have airships now, genius. Why not send a small fleet of airships to Cantha?

2) “We have no reason to go to Cantha!”

Cantha… Elona… whatever. Not going to happen for a while.
My answer: No? Humanity is going to kitten, all hiding in their city while getting hammered by centaurs, bandits, and and my barber’s grandma.
I think it would be a good idea to re-establish contact with a continent that is known to be controlled entirely by humans, and may have technology that far exceeds anything on continental Tyria.

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


The issue with opening up Cantha and Elona is that it would draw players away from existing content in Tyria and detract focus from the dragons that we already know about. Arguably Mordremoth does the same thing, but I think it’s quite likely that Mordremoth was the answer to bringing in a new dragon that could be defeated without creating discontinuities on the existing maps.

Yes you can go on about the DSD – but the reality is that we don’t know WHERE in the ocean it is, there is absolutely nothing indicating that it is between Tyria and Cantha. The reason we couldn’t sail to Cantha is because of Zhaitan’s dead ships. Yes Zhaitan has been defeated and his minions numbers reduced, but his minions aren’t gone and presumably that means the dead ships are still there as well (and the lore suggests that his power is leaching out into the world and making his leftover minions stronger). And sure you could take some airships and go over to Cantha. But as lordkrall has pointed out there is no substantial reason to do so.

Last we knew Cantha was completely xenophobic, so if you were hoping for their help in defeating the Elder Dragons then you’re probably out of like. There is zero chance of them working with the other races. And yeah, we could march off down into Elona – but Kralk is in the way (I suspect that when they eventually decide to let us go after Kralk parts of Elona will open up), and Palawa Joko pretty much has the entire area enslaved. So on top of fighting the Elder Dragons that are already terrorising Tyria, you want us to go off and add another incredibly powerful enemy to our list of things to deal with?

I know people really want Cantha and Elona, I REALLY want them as well. But Arenanet hasn’t been doing so great with the storytelling in GW2 (in my opinion), and rushing off out to other continents when we have threats here that already need immediate attention is just going to turn the story into even more of a clusterkitten than it already is. So guys, can we just be patient. All signs point to them eventually wanting to open up Cantha and Elona, but there’s plenty of content for them to release between this point and a time when that is going to make sense.

(Also connecting with a xenophobic group of humans isn’t going to strengthen humanity. The humans of Tyria have strong and invaluable bonds that have been forged over a large period of time with all of the other races – even the Charr; encountering humans who completely disagree with those bonds is more likely to start a war, at the very least Canthans wouldn’t want the other races coming anywhere near Tyria, and they probably wouldn’t want to go there either. So what are you going to do? Open up an entire continent that has gameplay that only human characters can play? I don’t think so. Also what on earth makes you think that Cantha has technology that exceeds anything on Tyria. I would actually say it could be quite likely that the opposite is true. The Kurzicks and Luxons were dissolved and had their culture oppressed and eradicated by the Canthan ruler, so any technology they had is gone. And the Charr and Asura are incredibly adept scientists and engineers; there is absolutely nothing that points to Cantha having superior technology to Tyria. Your point is completely baseless)

(edited by FlamingFoxx.1305)

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: Ayakaru.6583


I’m so tired of these silly arguments of why we can’t go to Cantha. The most common are:

1) “But… the deep sea dragon!!!11”

My answer: we have airships now, genius. Why not send a small fleet of airships to Cantha?

2) “We have no reason to go to Cantha!”

My answer: No? Humanity is going to kitten, all hiding in their city while getting hammered by centaurs, bandits, and and my barber’s grandma.
I think it would be a good idea to re-establish contact with a continent that is known to be controlled entirely by humans, and may have technology that far exceeds anything on continental Tyria.

The dragon is causing huge storms, hurricanes and eveything. A storm is never limited to the area BELOW the surface. If you got some nasty thunder going on there

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: Mental Paradox.3845

Mental Paradox.3845

I’m so tired of these silly arguments of why we can’t go to Cantha. The most common are:

1) “But… the deep sea dragon!!!11”

My answer: we have airships now, genius. Why not send a small fleet of airships to Cantha?

2) “We have no reason to go to Cantha!”

My answer: No? Humanity is going to kitten, all hiding in their city while getting hammered by centaurs, bandits, and and my barber’s grandma.
I think it would be a good idea to re-establish contact with a continent that is known to be controlled entirely by humans, and may have technology that far exceeds anything on continental Tyria.

The dragon is causing huge storms, hurricanes and eveything. A storm is never limited to the area BELOW the surface. If you got some nasty thunder going on there

I would love to see some evidence for these “huge storms, hurricanes and eveything”. I’ve never seen Anet say anything like that. Bubbles it a water dragon. Fly high enough and you’ll be fine.

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: neilug hyuga.5634

neilug hyuga.5634

Oh, I understand the out of game reason for it.
But the IN-GAME reason? Do we have any sort of reason to actually go there from our characters point of view?

As of yet nothing have been added without an actual reason for us going there after all.

In game reason:
three things, apply any you see relevant

A) A dragon is resting in the middle of the sea that divides kryta and cantha. No ship has managed to succesfully cross it, let alone a retour.

B) Canthan Ministry is a slave to new xenophobic empress. The main city is walled off against any and all races that aren’t human. In retrospect, there is an open hunt on the kurzick and the luxon, and since that bounty was erected over a 100 years ago they may well be extinct already. Naga, Tengu, Krait (yes, naga and krait aren’t the same thing), Yeti, Warden, anything that isn’t homosapien is being slaughtered there.

C) Although Factions emperor was considered ‘nice’, it is a common belief that the average emperor would put the entire continent on lockdown and burn half the map if necessary if so much as a little problem would arise. (poverty not included, though after the plague there was a huge mass extinction of the slums to prevent spreading)

A) Wrong.

That was deadships and everythings linked to Zhaitan who cut the link with Cantha. The “DeepSea Dragon” is …“deepSea”. Only the Largos had to manage him, and the Karkas, maybe.

B) Right. The emperor became really xenophobic, and cut all links to “his” country, when the firsts dragons awoke.

C) Right again.

BUT, don’t forget that first, there were really BIGs links beetween the human of Cantha, and the human in Krytia. A really deep commercial (and more) relation.
In order to save the humanity, to discover and learn more about Dragons, we actually need to go in Cantha.

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


In order to save the humanity, to discover and learn more about Dragons, we actually need to go in Cantha.

Where on earth did you pull that from. There is nothing to suggest that Canthans have any knowledge of the Elder Dragons – and given that it is a continent populated by Humans and Humans came to the planet of Tyria WELL after the Dragons fell asleep after their most recent rise they’re unlikely to have any knowledge that will help. And as I said in my post they’re incredibly unlikely to aid Tyrians in their fight against the Elder Dragons because they are xenophobic and aren’t going to want to have anything to do with the other races who the humans of Tyria rely incredibly heavily on in the fight against the dragons. Tyrian Humans need the Charr, Asura, Norn, and Sylvari a lot more than they need the Canthans…

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: Ayakaru.6583


Oh, I understand the out of game reason for it.
But the IN-GAME reason? Do we have any sort of reason to actually go there from our characters point of view?

As of yet nothing have been added without an actual reason for us going there after all.

In game reason:
three things, apply any you see relevant

A) A dragon is resting in the middle of the sea that divides kryta and cantha. No ship has managed to succesfully cross it, let alone a retour.

B) Canthan Ministry is a slave to new xenophobic empress. The main city is walled off against any and all races that aren’t human. In retrospect, there is an open hunt on the kurzick and the luxon, and since that bounty was erected over a 100 years ago they may well be extinct already. Naga, Tengu, Krait (yes, naga and krait aren’t the same thing), Yeti, Warden, anything that isn’t homosapien is being slaughtered there.

C) Although Factions emperor was considered ‘nice’, it is a common belief that the average emperor would put the entire continent on lockdown and burn half the map if necessary if so much as a little problem would arise. (poverty not included, though after the plague there was a huge mass extinction of the slums to prevent spreading)

A) Wrong.

That was deadships and everythings linked to Zhaitan who cut the link with Cantha. The “DeepSea Dragon” is …“deepSea”. Only the Largos had to manage him, and the Karkas, maybe.

B) Right. The emperor became really xenophobic, and cut all links to “his” country, when the firsts dragons awoke.

C) Right again.

BUT, don’t forget that first, there were really BIGs links beetween the human of Cantha, and the human in Krytia. A really deep commercial (and more) relation.
In order to save the humanity, to discover and learn more about Dragons, we actually need to go in Cantha.

I can see where you’re coming from, but consider this. Zhaitan rising rose Orr, which caused the flooding of Balthazar’s Isles, and a severe portion of LA and its surroundings. However, This was very close to Kryta, the water dragon is far more south in middle of the sea/ocean (not quite sure). We call him the water dragon but we don’t even know that yet. He could very well be a dragon of storm and thunder or something ridiculous. Jormag and Zhaitan were also resting underwater (although in a frozen sea/lake).

And the Largo’s are similar to the norn, they answer to the promise of pride and honor. So some would follow and some would reject the water dragon.
And zhaitan isn’t cutting the link between the two lands, even if he were, that problem would be gone know as all the remaining risen orrians are on auto-pilot now. The water dragon is causing quite a stir. Even if the storm doesn’t work, the remaining krait who worhip the dragon like a god would take any survivors down.

(edited by Ayakaru.6583)

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: Vesuvius.9874


Merge with existing Cantha thread maybe?

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: locoman.1974



Disclaimer: Soon: “Soon” does not imply any particular date, time, decade, century, or millennia in the past, present, and certainly not the future. “Soon” shall make no contract or warranty between Arenanet and the end user. “Soon” will arrive some day, Arenanet does guarantee that “soon” will be here before the end of time. Maybe. Do not make plans based on “soon” as Arenanet will not be liable for any misuse, use, or even casual glancing at “soon.”

It’s a pile of Elonian protection magic, mixed with a little monk training,
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


I’m so tired of these silly arguments of why we can’t go to Cantha. The most common are:

1) “But… the deep sea dragon!!!11”

My answer: we have airships now, genius. Why not send a small fleet of airships to Cantha?

2) “We have no reason to go to Cantha!”

My answer: No? Humanity is going to kitten, all hiding in their city while getting hammered by centaurs, bandits, and and my barber’s grandma.
I think it would be a good idea to re-establish contact with a continent that is known to be controlled entirely by humans, and may have technology that far exceeds anything on continental Tyria.

The dragon is causing huge storms, hurricanes and eveything. A storm is never limited to the area BELOW the surface. If you got some nasty thunder going on there

I would love to see some evidence for these “huge storms, hurricanes and eveything”. I’ve never seen Anet say anything like that. Bubbles it a water dragon. Fly high enough and you’ll be fine.

What makes you think Bubbles can’t fly? And doesn’t have a bunch of dragon champions who can also fly?

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: FlamingFoxx.1305


Olvendred has a point with the dragon champions. Dragon champions come in varying shapes and sizes. Zhaitan has had Norn champions, Tequatl, the Eye of Zhaitan. Jormag has had the Drakkar lake dragon/leviathan thing, the Nornbear, and the Claw. So there is nothing stopping the DSD from having some terrestrial or aerial champions who could cause some major issues.

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: Ayakaru.6583


To all the above, “A yet unidentified dragon has awoken in the depths, driving all aquatic life into submission or forcing them to flee north towards risen armies. The awakening has not yet triggered a worldy destructive event, but canthan refugees have claimed to have seen tentacled horrors”

While the dragon awoke beneath the sea, people were a bit a too quick to assume it’s a water dragon. I mean, wouldn’t that kind of make it a second jormag? In any events, I haven’t seen anything yet that could identify bubbles as a water dragon. He says he is even still underwater, he could be flying above the sea now.

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: Ayakaru.6583


Olvendred has a point with the dragon champions. Dragon champions come in varying shapes and sizes. Zhaitan has had Norn champions, Tequatl, the Eye of Zhaitan. Jormag has had the Drakkar lake dragon/leviathan thing, the Nornbear, and the Claw. So there is nothing stopping the DSD from having some terrestrial or aerial champions who could cause some major issues.

Even kralkatorrik who is supposed to merely resemble a mountainrange has wings. So nothing stops the others from flying.

when is cantha ?

in Living World

Posted by: Cole Eyre.8471

Cole Eyre.8471

Blah blah blah Bubbles but, I don’t remember Bubbles being the problem in that last GW2 novel. I remember passage being blocked to Cantha by Zhaitans navy.