100% new player question
Welcome! When making a character you start with your race, gender, and profession. From there you customize the look of your character. After that the choices you make are related to your personal story. For that I suggest just selecting choices that seem interesting to you. The personal story is kind of a side quest that you can do as you play the game. The choices you make during character creation will affect the early aspects of your personal story. Keep in mind the personal story is something you can do as you play the game when you feel like it and it isn’t mandatory.
Also here is a great thread with tips for new players.
Have fun and feel free to look me up in game if I’m on I’ll help out if I can.
The questions in character creation dont affect your character stat wise in any way, you wont be stronger or weaker for chosing a certain option versus others. What they do affect is the quests you recieve for early 30 levels or so( different choices follow different story).
Play a class you think is the coolest and if you dont like it you can always make a new one.
Also races dont have any advantage over others, its mainly astetics and starting location
awesome thanks! that answers my questions (for now!) so basically just pick what seems cool and that’s it – cool! sounds good to me!
and i’ll check out that link for beginning players – thanks!
if you have friends that play make sure you get on the same server as them before you go and make a bunch of characters!
as for classes; if you like melee go warrior or guardian. a more ranged attack can be ranger, engineer, elementalist, Mesmer. or conditions with necro or thief.
of course any class can be spec’d out to do different things.
as for race; mainly whatever you think looks cool.
use this site to check out what each races armors look like so you can find something you like and can work towards
Gate of Madness
Race will determine how you look and your starting zone.
Profession will determine your gameplay.
The choices afterward will determine your Personal Story.
Races determine specific racial skills, which are of especial importance to the Engineer class as every skill is doubled in the toolbelt.
For most other classes, racial skills matter somewhat less.
The questions in character creation dont affect your character stat wise in any way
Well actually one of them does, but only if your a Ranger. That question being your starting pet.
Ranger 80 | Elementalist 30 | Guardian 29 | Necromancer 21
Another good thread for resources.
As for profession and race, the wiki is your friend.
As for the questions, they’re there to make the first few missions on your Personal Story (which is entirely optional BTW) somewhat unique by establishing a lightweight backstory. There’s no wrong answer.
RIP City of Heroes
One side note, really irrelevent but… Charr and Norn races have slower animations when running, to illustrate their larger size. By the same token, Asura get those little legs pumping pretty fast. They all move at the same relative speed in-game. The Necro gets an automatic speed buff and you can get speed buffs for any class through skills and traits but the animations may look misleading. That said, I recommend playing a number of races and classes to 10th level or so and then go with the one you had the most fun playing. Even then, you’ll find that GW2 is rich with playstyle options within each class that can reward you for playing the class a number of ways.
You start with 5 character slots. I suggest trying each of the classes for a few levels to get a feel for which style you prefer. Other than that, get ready for lots of farming, grinding and carrot chasing.
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.