2 milion karma what to do whit it ?
Buy the boxes from Orr. You can probably make a fair amount of money by selling of the lodestones you might get! Or you could go for your legendary, the karma is useful then.
Pinkiy – 80 Warrior
Stytch – 80 Mesmer
Yes get those boxes so you can get even MORE karma!
Yeah buy the boxes. I very much doubt they’ll add anything else to be bought with it.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Save it in case you ever want to make a legendary or two. They take a million karma each.
Endless Petrification Tonic
Can these…“people” buy gifts with karma?
IM gona buy HOUSE :P seriosly iv test it on 30 boxes they drop kitten nothing good and the karma i get from those is lower totaly not worth and iv cheak their drops are isnane low i hate to gamble ill go for legendary then
I’m with the boxes people, just make sure you have all your karma buffs before you reopen the new karma items. You could make a ton of money off possible lodestones etc.
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF
http://everyonesgrudge.enjin.com/home MY GW2 Music http://tinyurl.com/cm4o6tu
Don’t spend it, instead save up 10 million karma
Save it for the 100 million karma account achievement.
I’m going to buy boxes in a few days though. I never used any of my Jugs of Karma and I have way too many now. I don’t care about the minis, but I’d rather have more gold than a stack and a half of Jugs of Karma and two stacks of the tiny Drops of Karma or whatever you get from dungeons.
Save it for the 100 million karma account achievement.
I’m going to buy boxes in a few days though. I never used any of my Jugs of Karma and I have way too many now. I don’t care about the minis, but I’d rather have more gold than a stack and a half of Jugs of Karma and two stacks of the tiny Drops of Karma or whatever you get from dungeons.
you wot m8?
in a game like this you can never be sure. They might add new karma armor skins later. There’s always the legendary issue… and they will add more legendaries to the game later on. So, save it or spend it. Just know the risks in both
make gold out of it. That’ll finance at least part of your legendary.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
As others suggested, buy orrian boxes.
I usually buy 50-75 at a time, and have received a few lodestones .Even the trash unidentified objects from 50 boxes you can vendor for +1g . The minis are useless, though. I have 3 priests of B sitting in my bank.. The obsidian shards are good if you are working on a legendary.
IM gona buy HOUSE :P seriosly iv test it on 30 boxes they drop kitten nothing good and the karma i get from those is lower totaly not worth and iv cheak their drops are isnane low i hate to gamble ill go for legendary then
Some people just have terrible luck. I buy these boxes every time I get up to 100,000 karma and usually end up making 3-5 gold out of it in lodestones, potions, and unidentifiable objects. Not a ton, but worth it in my opinion, I can’t imagine how much you’d make with 2 million.
I made roughly 12 gold from 1 million Karma from Orian Boxes. It’s all RNG but it really helped me finish my legendary.
Convert it to dosh by buying Orrian boxes.
Like other people have said, buy the boxes, sell the stuff in them and then give the karma consumables to another character that does not have all the karma gear yet
Rragar Ragehammer – Charr Warrior
Achilles Adrastos – Human Warrior
They need to add more gear/accesoires or w/e wich we can buy using karma.The current Orr boxes doesn’t cut it for me since im not a gambler.
Btw The laurels accesoires,i wouldn’t mind paying 1mill per accesoires.
Actually including 1m Karma per accessory is not a bad idea, will give another way to grab those ascended if you want them and more incentive for events at the same time! and is also a Karma sink…
more armor skins would not go a miss though (and weapons)
I would buy the boxes and save the drops/flasks etc you get out of them. This way when/if something else useful is ever introduced, you can get it on any character.
I’m a box spammer…. If you have 2M karma on one character, light off karma boosts, flatten your karma for jewelry boxes (you’ll get about 400 boxes), and spam them open. Then, burn down all the liquid karma you got back (’s why you use the boosts) and you should have about 1.5 – 1.7M Karma…. do it again….. With 2M karma, you should be able to open at least 1,000 boxes. Should net you a significant number of lodestones, + most of the obsidian shards you need for a legendary + vendor trash that will probably be worth 10g+
Fair warning, your mouse click finger will hate you!
(Oh, and expect more risen priest minis than you would ever want…. I have 9 now)
Wow…. looks like alot of people are still clueless about how to dump karma for gold… keep buying your boxes suckers.
And no im not referring to crafting a legendary and selling it.
Max your thirst slayer title.
This will cost you ~700,000 karma.
Max your thirst slayer title.
This will cost you ~700,000 karma.
There was a way to complete the thirst slayer title relatively easily without actually paying anything for it. There were drinks at the end of the game celebration party that you could continually get and max the title that way. It would take a few hours of spamming the tables though. I’m not sure if this still exists or not, so when I get another character to max level I plan on finishing the title. I got too tired the night I was there the first time.
Chloe (Version 3):
[i7 930 @ 4.1Ghz (1.3875V) w/Cooler Master 120M][Gigabyte G1 Gaming GTX 970 (stock)]
Wow…. looks like alot of people are still clueless about how to dump karma for gold… keep buying your boxes suckers.
And no im not referring to crafting a legendary and selling it.
Assuming your talking about picking up greens and mystic forging them? I always found that to be slow / cumbersome from a storage perspective. Of course, if you have portable forge access…..
Max your thirst slayer title.
This will cost you ~700,000 karma.
There was a way to complete the thirst slayer title relatively easily without actually paying anything for it. There were drinks at the end of the game celebration party that you could continually get and max the title that way. It would take a few hours of spamming the tables though. I’m not sure if this still exists or not, so when I get another character to max level I plan on finishing the title. I got too tired the night I was there the first time.
Never heard of this, if it was ever true.
I knew that Hero’s Elixirs would give you drinks (the ones you picked up off the ground)…. but they don’t anymore
Max your thirst slayer title.
This will cost you ~700,000 karma.
There was a way to complete the thirst slayer title relatively easily without actually paying anything for it. There were drinks at the end of the game celebration party that you could continually get and max the title that way. It would take a few hours of spamming the tables though. I’m not sure if this still exists or not, so when I get another character to max level I plan on finishing the title. I got too tired the night I was there the first time.
Never heard of this, if it was ever true.
I knew that Hero’s Elixirs would give you drinks (the ones you picked up off the ground)…. but they don’t anymore
This was within the first month of the game’s launch. I got tier 1 done and saw that the next tier was 6 times the amount I just consumed so I did a couple hundred more before listing it as something to do on an alt much later. The food tables and drink kegs looked a lot like the ones for feasts and what not if that helps at all.
I didn’t know that the ones off the ground don’t work anymore D= I used to drink them all the time when farming bandits in Queensdale.
Chloe (Version 3):
[i7 930 @ 4.1Ghz (1.3875V) w/Cooler Master 120M][Gigabyte G1 Gaming GTX 970 (stock)]
Wow…. looks like alot of people are still clueless about how to dump karma for gold… keep buying your boxes suckers.
And no im not referring to crafting a legendary and selling it.
I’m also curious about what this may be. Are you willing to tell us?
Buy the 42k karma light body pieces in orr, the exotics. toss 4 at a time into mystic toilet. get sellable exotic light body. sell exotic light body on trading post. rinse, repeat, cash the check.
Is spending 42k X 4 pieces so 168k really worth the money you get from exotics. I mean you could buy about 37 Orrian boxes instead and those can drop lodestones.
Live life to express, not to impress.
Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, just make your absence felt. ~ unknown
Wow…. looks like alot of people are still clueless about how to dump karma for gold… keep buying your boxes suckers.
And no im not referring to crafting a legendary and selling it.
Thanks I will And I spent the 17g I made from them already, time for round.. oh I forget lol But money is so easy to make, people like you are discouraging others from doing things that “can” be profitable, which I can’t complain about since thats making me money
Oh and bravo to the people saying Orr events aren’t doable anymore, i enjoy the free roaming events all to myself and the other 4-5 people doing them daily
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF
http://everyonesgrudge.enjin.com/home MY GW2 Music http://tinyurl.com/cm4o6tu