2nd Character Leveling Slower Than 1st?

2nd Character Leveling Slower Than 1st?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TwoInThePink.1507


Feels like my second character is leveling slower than the 1st but I am not doing anything different. I am still using my 24 hour birthday boosters and food/utility buffs. Maybe its just psychological…

2nd Character Leveling Slower Than 1st?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


its psychological… once you have a toon with almost everything unlocked, its totally excruciating to go back to a noob toon. i was barely able to level a second of my main class without crafting or tomes. i havent been able to do it for any other class, i always end up really bored without traits or mobility or damage or all of those. i end up crafting or using tomes.

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2nd Character Leveling Slower Than 1st?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

its psychological… once you have a toon with almost everything unlocked, its totally excruciating to go back to a noob toon. i was barely able to level a second of my main class without crafting or tomes. i havent been able to do it for any other class, i always end up really bored without traits or mobility or damage or all of those. i end up crafting or using tomes.

I actually enjoy leveling different classes and races, so your experience is not universal.

Then again, I enjoy map clearing, so go figure.

What is obvious here is the difference between a player that has a “main” (you) and an alt-a-hollic (me).

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Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

2nd Character Leveling Slower Than 1st?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


After leveling 9 character the 10th does feel slower despite the account bound +24% exp gain. For me it’s probably the lack of access to traits.

2nd Character Leveling Slower Than 1st?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Once you are a tiny God, becoming a mortal again is aggravating. You will remember the last time running to Maw you two shotting those pairs of rock wolfs or taking out the Wolfmaster and him pack all by yourself in 10 seconds. Now a single wolf is somewhat challenging and a pack is suicide.

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2nd Character Leveling Slower Than 1st?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Once you are a tiny God, becoming a mortal again is aggravating. You will remember the last time running to Maw you two shotting those pairs of rock wolfs or taking out the Wolfmaster and him pack all by yourself in 10 seconds. Now a single wolf is somewhat challenging and a pack is suicide.

Yeah but it didn’t seem as bad the other 8 times …

2nd Character Leveling Slower Than 1st?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: funkyfuzz.9142


It’s most likely perceptual. not just the difference between a more powerful toon and a new powerless toon (which does make a big difference), but also the perception…on your first toon everything is so new, you often get swept away in the story and the views and so on, and just the interest in new discoveries. The second time or beyond those discoveries (for most) aren’t as interesting…so the actual grond to level is far more noticeable. add to that the new toon doesn’t have all the old waypoints, so travel is reduced back to that crawl once again…

I have severe alt-itis, so it’s not as much of an issue to me. Plus im one of those sadists that actually enjoys streamlining my leveling process, so leveling the same class but faster now that i know all the paths and points to hit can be enjoyable. But I still noticed that I see and feel the grind a bit more when im going over old ground…

2nd Character Leveling Slower Than 1st?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Don Zardeone.8730

Don Zardeone.8730

I got my 8 80s a long time ago, before the NPE. I maxed 80 on my first char around 3 days after release. The second char took so much longer. The third one went faster and I got a system and then I 80ed every new char in 24 hours each char.

My system probably doesn’t work any more due to the NPE.

It also differs between professions. Ranger was slow until I went full on melee cleave. Mesmer was slow and stayed slow. Engineer wasn’t my style with too much button pressing.

Melee cleave weapons are great though, you get a bit of aoe at point blank and can tag a lot of mobs in events. Large mob count events is how I made my exp.