3.4 Mill Karma to Gold?

3.4 Mill Karma to Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zefrost.3425


How should I go about this? I need 600 gold more to make ascended gear for my warrior. (I was just going to buy everything. Is it cheaper to make the stuff?) I heard some stuff requires lots of clicking. I’m no stranger to clicking, because when RuneScape was popular I accumulated over 368 days total playtime and got 12 level 99 skills so ya.

Also, can I turn 120 mystic clovers into gold somehow? I kept choosing them as the rewards from the things rather than ascended materials, which I probably should have done instead.

(edited by Zefrost.3425)

3.4 Mill Karma to Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cakemeister.5792


You probably have been getting a lot of T1 snowflakes. You can double-click snowflakes to make the next tier snowflakes. Do that all the way up to T5. Then make giver’s greatswords and sell them.

You can purchase crab grabbin’ gloves from Bram Dawnrazer, forge them, then salvage for linen and either use the linen or sell it.

You can purchase sun beads for karma and make beaded weapons. There is a collection for this IIRC, you would make one of each then make all greatswords. This is super clicky, however.

Fastest, but not efficient, you can buy the jewel boxes from karma vendors (I would go to the one in Fort Trinity) and open and sell loot, consume karma, rinse and repeat.

You can also promote kitten T2 materials, this requires a favorable price spread in the trading post.

If “rewards from the things” means laurels, you should get the heavy crafting bag, not clovers, unless you want to make a legendary weapon.

3.4 Mill Karma to Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

3.4 Mill Karma to Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Buying Wintersday gifts from the vendor and either selling them or the contents while it lasts … maybe … haven’t compared it to the linen farm.

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RIP City of Heroes

3.4 Mill Karma to Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

The Wintersday vendor sells bags of mats that contain wood and cloth. You can buy those and refine for selling or crafting other items. One bag is 1,400 karma.


Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)

3.4 Mill Karma to Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Buying Wintersday gifts from the vendor and either selling them or the contents while it lasts … maybe … haven’t compared it to the linen farm.

At the moment of my post, here are the rates for converting 1,000 karma to silver:

  • First 50 wintersday gifts: 5 silver; first 100: average of 3 silver
  • Arbitrary # of gifts: 1.9 silver.
  • Orrian Jewelry: 1.9 silver, mostly from unidentified objects and a little from lodestones.
  • Cloth Crab Grabbin Gloves: <9 silver.
  • Oldgate Leather Gloves: 12-13 silver
  • First Haven Leather: 11 silver.
  • Beaded weapons: 15-30 silver
  • Unidentified Dyes (chef): 10-230 silver

The ones at the top are trivial to convert, especially wintersday gifts. The ones at the bottom require more effort and/or more careful market analysis to get rates that good.

For comparison:

  • You save 11.4 s per 1,000 karma by buying basic salvage kits or Ori tools with karma instead of silver.
  • You also save 11.4s per 1,000 karma if you want to work on the Tyrian drunkard title without spending coin.

My strong recommendation:

  • If you want to spend the least time: buy wintersday gifts for karma and sell at the best rate you can. After the update on 12 Jan, go with Orrian Jewelry Boxes.
  • If you are willing to study the markets and don’t mind a little effort, craft unID dyes or beaded weapons.
  • If you want something to do in game while watching TV, use one of the gloves-to-gold methods (forge four gloves, salvage results, sell, profit); the best choice of glove varies a bit with the market. (I think linen needs to be 35% more than cotton and twice as good as wool to put crab-grabbin on top; go for leather if that’s more valuable than the cloth equivalent).
John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

3.4 Mill Karma to Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Totally forgot that leather is worth something now. Of course cloth farms are PITAs cause armor doesn’t stack which limits turn around at a MF. Of course you could have that MF doodad so you don’t need to travel.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

3.4 Mill Karma to Gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Totally forgot that leather is worth something now. Of course cloth farms are PITAs cause armor doesn’t stack which limits turn around at a MF. Of course you could have that MF doodad so you don’t need to travel.

Yeah, I don’t recommend trying to convert more than 20-40k karma unless you have both a mystic forge conduit and a copper-fed salvage-o-matic. The combination allows you to avoid zoning to reach a forge and resupply kits — the whole thing is tedious enough without that.

FYI to convert a million karma, you need to:

  • Purchase ~4,000 gloves
  • Donate to Zommy over 1,000 times (since you’ll get some unsalvageable items along the way).
  • Salvage 1,000 times.
  • Sell a small variety of minor runes (detritus from the salvage).
  • Sell the cloth, leather, etc

That’s over 9,000 clicks! (well, over 10,000, too): 4k purchases, 5k to select & forge, 1k salvage + selling and so on.

Obviously, it’s a lot less work to just buy wintersday gifts and sell those.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”