3 More Mastery Points! (Maguuma)

3 More Mastery Points! (Maguuma)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Update: 2 left!

So I just need 3 more points to max everything out. The goal of this is just wanting Spirit Shard but I wanted ideas on how to sneak out some Mastery Points I could do to get them. Id rather avoid the adventures because at this point it’s a hopeless cause (you can go on about how easy they are but I’ve really had enough of them. >.>)

4 possible points from Story Mastery
I have done 14/18 out of Act 1, not very close on the other ones at all
(Missing: Conservation of Resources, Dug In, My Friends, the Smiths, Stick the Landing. and Sylvari Solidarity— wait why are there 5 available?)

1 Point from Out of the Shadows— Grief Counseling

5 Points from Verdant Brink
Shooting Gallery (Silver/Gold)
Bugs in the Branches, Flying Circus, Tendril Torchers (Gold)
I really don’t like any of these especially when they’re locked at night, getting silver was already a pain. Haven’t really tried for Flying Circus. I hear that Shooting Gallery was made easier.

6 points Auric Basin
A Fungus Among Us, Sanctum Scramble (Silver/Gold)
The floor is lava, Fallen masks (gold)
These are even worse, watched videos, still hopeless

6 points fromTangled Depths
Beetle Feast, Haywire Punch-o-matic, Scrap Rifle Field Test (Gold)
Always come up a bit short for these
Chak Crusher (This is the one boss it seems nobody ever does. I’ve used a tag to lure people to the others but this is just ignored.)
Lore Untangler (Currently 9/20. Guides on this seem incomplete)
Master Mushroom Spelunker (Okay, so I heard it was a Jumping Puzzle and didn’t even try. Maybe?

I didn’t include any raid ones (I got 2 from that), but that’s an unlikely possibility to get anymore

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

(edited by ArchonWing.9480)

3 More Mastery Points! (Maguuma)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


Story — Acts 1 and 3 have the easiest achieves to solo. Dulfy has an excellent guide to both. My Friends the Smiths you just need to rez each of them (they do spawn mobs when you approach the body on several). Stick the Landing you land in the white circle when gliding down, also fairly easy especially once you have Lean Techniques. I’d have to look up the others to remember which they are.

Out of the Shadows — Grief Counseling — do the ghosts event chain. At the very end the last ghost, the one you’ve been escorting, will ask “am I dead?” or something like that. Do a /yes at that point. I got it by having her targeted and doing /yes @

Adventures — yeah, I don’t have the ones you list either in VB. Fungus Silver isn’t that hard (for me) after seeing a good video that showed me a couple of key spots to use the long jump skill. The trick is to long jump past a lot of terrain, and to use the speed mushrooms after the waterfall. The hardest leap for me is the one across the lacy branches before the final approach, and then getting my long jump targeted correctly for getting up to the last gate. No, I’ve never made gold, but as I say silver is doable.

In TD — Beetle Feast gold mostly takes learning to distinguish between the tasty golds and the untasty poisons. Also figuring out your skills on the run; I often flub a first run as I forget which skill is my burrow to get through the gate. It can help having non-beetles clearing out mushroom mobs for you. Lore Untangler only takes patience as the holograms reset after a while (10 minutes per question?). Learn how to get to a few of them, answer as many of their questions as you can (there are a lot more questions asked than you see on the wiki, and you only have seconds to answer so there’s not time to look it up anyway), then go on to other things and circle back to do more.

Master Mushroom Spelunker — it’s worse than a JP, it’s a timed one because if you stand still you get poisoned and slowed down. Dulfy’s guide at least tells you which mushrooms to aim to land on, and if you get to the midway ledge (and kill the mobs on it) then you have some time to breathe and consider the next series of jumps. I did it by pairing up with someone. Once one of us made it to a place to stand still, or to the end that one stayed put and the other used a tele to friend.

Chak Crusher — this does get done now and then, though everyone doing it needs poison breathing to be able to get into the area. Don’t just tag, call out in Map. “Chak Crusher is up! It gives a mastery point! You get there by going NW in Nuhoch lane to the wallows and going through the wallows!” Do this right after the lanes are ready but before everyone leaves for an hour before Gerent. If that doesn’t work, try about 20-30 minutes before Gerent as people start coming in to organize for that.

You have 2 more from raids than I do and I maxed non-raid mastery. I have faith in you!

3 More Mastery Points! (Maguuma)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: hornswroggle.8023


First: Sylvari solidarity does not count towards the Act 1 Meta-Achievement. That’s why there are 5.

Shooting gallery Silver is very possible. I’m also not the besst at it but one may get it within a few tries. The first -15 dummies are always in the same places; memorizing them will get you the head start you need. Gold? Don’t ask me: No idea!

Bugs in Branches and Flying circus gold are also a question of memory and practise. Tendril torchers requires a little luck and he jump shroom behind the ship on top, but it’s possible.

Same goes for Sanctum Scramble and Fungus Among us (both silver).

TD adventures I don’t know enouh about to give advice. Edit: just looked up Mushroom spelunker and had it confused witha hero point. Whoops. My B.

Hope that helped. Good Luck.

(edited by hornswroggle.8023)

3 More Mastery Points! (Maguuma)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


You can get gold fairly easily in beetle feast if you know which mushrooms to get.

You can just about get gold in haywire by spamming either the # 2 or 3 skill. It may take a few attempts.

Lore Untangler can be done over time. I’m not sure at what interval the consoles reset.

Master Mushroom Spelunker isn’t too bad. The only issue that I had was finding the correct path where my character would actually land on a mushroom and not just hit the side near the top.

Grief Counseling is probably the easiest. It’s after the champs during the night.

3 More Mastery Points! (Maguuma)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


Aha, someone was offering help with Spelunker almost immediately after this thread was made. With 2 left, I will probably focus on Lore Untangler slowly and also read the posts above carefully to snag the last one. Of course, since I imagine there will be more masteries added in the future that it wouldn’t hurt to try some more.

Thanks everyone!

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

3 More Mastery Points! (Maguuma)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: onevstheworld.2419


Have you killed Mayatl in VB? It gives a MP that isn’t listed on the achievement panel.

3 More Mastery Points! (Maguuma)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Menadena.7482


Congrats OP! Once I get around to finishing off the last instance in BF or grief counseling I will be 3 points away from getting all my ‘nice to have’ masteries. After that the rest are just for the sake of completing things.