4 POIs from 100%.
Do you have the POI inside the cave on Stormbluff Isle @ Bloodtide Coast? The inside of the cave is counted as a separate hidden area called the Chantry of Secrets (it only has 1 POI though).
Check this for more info: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chantry_of_Secrets
No idea about the other 3 though.
Have you checked all the dungeon POIs? (Not sure if they count for world completion though)
world vs world counts, as well? aw man, i thought i could get by with just PvE stuff…and that pvp was a separate thing. i have yet to complete any dungeons, so maybe i need those too, but for me, i am 3 bugged skill points from completing the zones (not the dungeons or pvp stuff)
Did you check the main cities also?
Dungeon POI’s don’t count for world completion.
Charr Ranger of the Iron Legion
2 days ago i was at same situation. I guess u should check if its 100% on WvWvW maps.
The SP u dont have it PROBLY one bugged that u forget was bugged.
TIP: POI’s dont appear you u dont have their “area” so maybe u miss some hidden caves in any map. Check GW2Codex to compare areas in the maps.
PvP and Dungeons do not count. Story POI’s do count but u can get them by the exp area as well.
So Much Blur
Chantry of secrets is the one everyone misses so that is one
As far as having 100% on all other maps that just can’t be true
PvE and WvW are the only PoIs you require