5000 killing with shield...
i never really paid attention to it...but if you don’t get a shield-kill with your mainhand weapon nd also don’t get one if you just deal damage once with a shield, give a mob the final blow with skill 4
shouldn’t be that hard with regular enemys
look how much you drain of the enemys lifebar with the shield skill 4
keep a good eye to the enemys health and if he’s almost dead, finish him off with your shield
you can make a personal challenge out of it whenever you fight something :P
you can also try to get this achievement with another class able to wear a shield
achievements are account-wide...but i don’t know if such classes have damaging shield-skills
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
Critter kills count towards the weapon killing blow achievements. Just run around with sword and board forever on your warrior and use 4 on cooldown whenever you see a critter.
Definitely the worst weapon to get the 5k kills on, though, yeah because that is the only damaging shield skill in the game.
Critter kills count towards the weapon killing blow achievements. Just run around with sword and board forever on your warrior and use 4 on cooldown whenever you see a critter.
Definitely the worst weapon to get the 5k kills on, though, yeah because that is the only damaging shield skill in the game.
Almost exacly what i was thinking.
So…does anybody knows a good place with lots of critters around >.<?
Engi Shield 5 is a damage skills.. so not the only damage skill, just one of the few lol
The guardian shield 4 also deals damage (and buffs allies).
So…does anybody knows a good place with lots of critters around >.<?
There was a personal story quest for my Norn (Vigil Order) whereby I had to wander through a sewer system. There was a never ending train of rats coming towards me. I sat there for a good 30 minutes racking up the achievement for critter kills.
Sorry I don’t know the name of it.