59/60 Orr explorer

59/60 Orr explorer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Praetorian.3948


Ok so I have map completion done but cant get one lat zone for explorer. Attached is the zone I believe I need. I don’t know how to get to it though. Thank you in advance.


Bjorn The Greatwolf 80 Warrior
80 – Warx2/Guardx2/Necro/Ranger/Thief
Principality of New Katulus [PiNK]

59/60 Orr explorer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


While you do seem to need it, I don’t think it’s your missing zone.
shows no white area name there. Scan my linked map to see if there is a white text area name you’ve missed. That’s how I did my map completion (world completion is a different thing, for that I used the interactive maps site which does not have white names but does show all hearts pois etc).

I got the map via link from http://pandemos.org/forum_threads/1243823 which is a little outdated now but still highly useful.

59/60 Orr explorer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: zargnath.9524


That could be the heart of orr that you mean the passage way should be found somewhere around north of the melandru temple.

Gnarl Blackfur – Charr ranger
Bob – Four legged shapeshifter
HeXagonis [HeX]

59/60 Orr explorer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


If you haven’t finished the Personal Story yet then it is probably “The Artesian Waters”, also known as the heart of Orr. It is directly east of Penitent Waypoint but the entrance is in the water between Winterkell Isle and Penitent Path.

The location you highlighted does not get revealed even with 60/60.

There is also an explorer achievement associated with the entrance to that location along with a small chest. The explorer achievement is Forgotten Stream.

59/60 Orr explorer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Safari.3021


That area is not on my map and I have been there done that.

I would try the “sea of Elon” in the very south east of straits, I know several people that missed that one completely

59/60 Orr explorer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


That area is not on my map and I have been there done that.

I would try the “sea of Elon” in the very south east of straits, I know several people that missed that one completely

A quaggan helped me find that one.

59/60 Orr explorer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


The Artesian Waters and the Sea of Elon were the two I missed my fist time through as well.

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59/60 Orr explorer

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Xfile.3598


Sea of Elon did it for me after reading this. Thx!