68k karma looking for greatsword
I don’t think 68k karma is enough for even half of a greatsword :O
You may be able to pick one up from one of the heart merchants in the 80 zones.
Check the cultural weapons merchant (tier 3)
There’s one in every main city for each race.
Although you can’t buy cultural armor besides your own race, you can buy cultural weapons from every race.
Check each one in every race’s main city and buy the one that has the stats you like.
Hope this helps
Really? Well where’s the karma vendors that sells more expensive items? I have more than enough karma for the tier 3 greatsword (63k) but stats aren’t worth it (I’d rather use gold in that case).
I can buy from heart vendors, but those are super cheap.. like just over 1k. Stats aren’t much better than what I have unlike exotics in the trading post.
Ok, I’ll check out the other cities. I only looked at Divinity’s Reach. Although, I did see an exotic armor vendor in Orr for 42k each piece. Is there one for exotic weapons?
(edited by Metal.3826)
Yeah the cultural weapons are more for looks but the stats aren’t terrible.
Those are the most expensive weapon merchants for karma I know about