726/727 poi.. I really need your help
You can get the giant drill. Just swim up to it on the surface. Don’t swim into the drill that ends badly. Other ones it could be are the Aetherblade JP in Gendarran, the Marionette one or one of the others introduced through the living story.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.
thanks !! I got the achievment “Been there done that”
but I didn’t get my World exploration chest <_< what is this supposed to mean? I just checked my achievments.
could someone help me with this?
I don’t quite understand how this is possible.
The explorer achievements are for uncovering parts of the map. For example in Shiverpeaks I’m guessing it’ll be something like forsaken halls in Dredgehaunt Cliffs. Basically you need ot “unmist” all the areas.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.
alright, to get my gift of exploration do I need to “un-mist” all the ares?
btw. I have the forsaken halls :P
you do not. you get gift of exploration when you get 100% map completion (all wp, all poi, all vista). If you didn’t, I suggest you submit a support ticket. There have been a few recent posts about that reward being bugged recently.
double-check that you have all of them: go to the map, in the top left it will tell you how many of each you have discovered.
also – you do not need to visit every area to confirm you have all of them. just go to the map, mouse over the name of that area, and it will tell you what you have completed in that area.
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Try entering the chantry of secrets and coming out again. That worked for me, for some strange reason.
ty kind sir, it says I have 272/272, so it should work now. but it doesn’t. so i’ll just submit a ticket
Try entering the chantry of secrets and coming out again. That worked for me, for some strange reason.
as I said, I’ve tried doing that :P
Try entering the chantry of secrets and coming out again. That worked for me, for some strange reason.
as I said, I’ve tried doing that :P
Sorry, I should read more closely.
alright, to get my gift of exploration do I need to “un-mist” all the ares?
btw. I have the forsaken halls :P
Ah sorry no I thought you wanted help to get all those achievements done. My bad.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.
Mouse over individual map names to display a table of map contents. Find which map you’re missing a point on. That’s really all anyway can tell you.