80 and full exotic gear, now what?

80 and full exotic gear, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Anxiety.2054


I finally obtained the rest of my exotic gear and am now fully geared and feeling like a beast on my Mesmer. So my question to everyone is; what do you do with your fully geared toons? There is a sticky about when you hit 80, but what about when you are truly 80? In most MMOs I go looking for trouble in world PVP so ill most likely become a daily WvWvW competitor. I do want to keep making gold for new skins however. What is the best way to earn gold now? Do you guys think dungeons are worth it for an income and a better place for a fully geared toon? Or do you think Orr farming would be the fastest income being able to go even faster in exotics?

(edited by Anxiety.2054)

80 and full exotic gear, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lamarius.3201


Another option: find a legendary weapon you’ll want, and start working towards that. Should keep you busy for a while

80 and full exotic gear, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Oranisagu.3706


while I’m still working on exotics, I see them more as a goal that just gets done automatically by playing the game.

decide what you like about the game, and just do it. crafting (ok, right now its not really profitable), world completion, world bosses, dungeons, fun event chains (I love the harathi hinterlands one), jumping puzzles, wvw etc.. there’s ton to do without having any specific goal. also, don’t just do one thing, mix it up, even if it’s not efficient ;-)

If you are someone who likes to set themselves goals, either work for something already existant in game (legendary weapon) or set yourself your own goal. how about: do a hard eventchain or something without your interface (ctrl+shift+h) – maybe you’ll like the immersion. or complete griffinrook run alone ;-)

80 and full exotic gear, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


Are you a completionist? I will not be “done” until I have all 8 crafts maxed out, one of each class to 80 (except necro, I don’t do undead) and 100% world completion on each, all dungeon paths cleared etc. I will be busy in GW2 for a very long time.

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

80 and full exotic gear, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MegaBUD.2097


Well… if you wanna die over and over you can try Dungeons… if you wanna WvWvW… than have fun…

Thats about it.. you can try to get skin armor and weapon… or working for a legendary weapon… aka a super skin…

Awesome heh?

80 and full exotic gear, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Anxiety.2054


Thanks for the replies and all the suggestions. I didn’t get too into dungeons yet so not sure how those go. I was kind of waiting to be geared anyway. I really really like the human female t3 so I am hoping dungeons are a decent source of income as well. If I could run twilight dungeons and be making gold I would be working towards all the skins I want at the same time

I like to be proficient

80 and full exotic gear, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mungrul.9358


Full set?
So that’s an armour set of each kind, with supporting trinkets and full runesets, plus a full set of weapons?

Myself, I’ve got a full set of Knight’s exotic armour for my warrior along with one exotic Knight’s trinket (one yellow, 3 greens), one sword, one greatsword, one hammer, one mace, one shield, one axe.

I need the rest of my trinkets to be exotic, at least one more of each one handed weapon, exotic versions of my ranged weapons (rifle and longbow) and even then I don’t see myself as having a “Complete” set of exotics. I’d like a full Soldier’s set too, the one that givers Power, Vitality and Toughness.
That’s all before runes & sigils.

You SURE you’ve got that full set of exotics?
You SURE your equipment allows a big enough degree of flexibility?

Please note that due to restrictions placed on my account, I am only allowed 1 post per hour.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.

80 and full exotic gear, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sera.6539


I’ve been running dungeons since maybe level 70ish. They have always been a profit provided I don’t die 20-25 times – which has never happened. I prefer to do them over farming in Orr because I dread the risen.

Gelda Nebilim – Nagare [NGE] – Crystal Desert

80 and full exotic gear, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rhongomyniad.5081


I got in the same boat some time back but have found myself occupied getting 100% map completion and WvW’ing

80 and full exotic gear, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stiv.1820


1. Make a Golem and run around in it until you die.
2. Place a treb in a WvW puzzle area so it hits right where people take fall damage – farm hate posts on these forums.
3. Farm better skins.

Those a few things on my bucket list still. You make plenty of money in WvW even with repair costs.

I hope they add some stat tracking and PvP points/ranks for titles and skins as well to make endgame a bit more fun.

80 and full exotic gear, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Anxiety.2054


Full set?
So that’s an armour set of each kind, with supporting trinkets and full runesets, plus a full set of weapons?

Myself, I’ve got a full set of Knight’s exotic armour for my warrior along with one exotic Knight’s trinket (one yellow, 3 greens), one sword, one greatsword, one hammer, one mace, one shield, one axe.

I need the rest of my trinkets to be exotic, at least one more of each one handed weapon, exotic versions of my ranged weapons (rifle and longbow) and even then I don’t see myself as having a “Complete” set of exotics. I’d like a full Soldier’s set too, the one that givers Power, Vitality and Toughness.
That’s all before runes & sigils.

You SURE you’ve got that full set of exotics?
You SURE your equipment allows a big enough degree of flexibility?

Well I consider a set of exotics to be just that. 1 set that supports a specific build. In my case berserker armor (including upgrades), the weapons I use for the build (including sigils), and all the trinket slots. This gives me high power and 100% increased crit dmg. This is obviously a pure dps role but I would still say “I have my exotic set” since that is how I play my Mesmer.

I could see possibly getting a condition damage exotic set maybe.. But I’d rather just play the class which is best at that role. I would just make a necro and spend the time getting him exotic condition dmg gear. Or instead of trying to get support gear on a Mesmer, why not have it on a real support class like guardian? This way instead of swapping around to all my different Mesmer sets and having to respec traits.. I can just log into the class that is really needed and is the best at that specific role.

(edited by Anxiety.2054)

80 and full exotic gear, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kouken.8604


If gear progression is all that matters to you, and your only incentive to play games is to increase you stats, then im sorry but theres other mmos to play

If you can get past this incorrect mentality which plagues so many peoples minds, do whatever brings you enjoyment

Myself I love WvW and slowly unlocking Cosmetics without mindlessly karma grinding to the point of boredom

(edited by Kouken.8604)

80 and full exotic gear, now what?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Anxiety.2054


I never even said it was about gear progression. I’m done with stats. I can’t get anything better progression wise. I do like cosmetics so I was wondering if dungeons can bring in as much gold as Orr can. Other than than that my focus is WvW and sPvP now.