A Few Questions.
1. The bunny ears will become a tonic, I believe. If you are unhappy with it being a tonic, you can apply to Support for a refund after the Apr 15 patch hits. (Don’t send the request now. Support will not be able to do anything for you until after the patch.)
2. Keep your Crystals/Stones/Splitters. When the patch hits, you can convert them to Transmutation Charges according to the following table:
3 Stones = 1 Charge
1 Crystal = 1 Charge
1 Splitter = 5 Charges
Yea, I guessed that i’d need to put in a ticket for a refund after the patch though i’ll see what happens with the tonic and how it works before i do. And awesome, i got quite a few splitters so getting a lot of charges will be cool.