A few diverse questions

A few diverse questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiriwar.7382


1) If I use a tray of food with a level requirement of 75, does that mean the requirement only applies to me so that I can put it down and anyone of any level can pick up the food? Or does this requirement mean that the people who try to use it have to be level 75 in order to get the benefit?

2) I haven’t read much about this Living Story event and I know it just came out (and to my knowledge hasn’t appeared yet since yesterday?), but are these one-time event type deals? I’m really hoping they’re not because I can only play for a few hours every night because of work and I don’t want to miss the world event thing.

3) About “Quaggan Backpack” from gem store, it says it can be applied to any back item, so does this mean that the items that do not have visual models will become the backpack?

Thanks in advance.

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A few diverse questions

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


1. I believe they must be the level of the food.
2. Events like this are complicated! The beginning which is meant to happen today (jan 29th at around noon PST) will most likely be here for a while, if it’s anything like their other events, probably 2 full days or so. There will then be other events that show up. Whether these will erase the old ones, or simply be additions to them I do not know. But if I were to hazard a guess? I’d say the old ones will continue to exist until the event ends officially. As for the event ending, they traditionally have ended them with a large 1 time event, this one is only 1 time, and you will miss out on it if you cant play during the day that it’s ongoing. However they may change how it works due to the feedback they received from the last 1 time event.
3. Yes. Backpacks that have no visual model can become the quaggan backpack through the transmute. Transmuting order is Quaggan, old backpiece, old backpiece. This will give you the visual model of the Quaggan, with the stats and gem of whatever backpiece you just transmuted it with.