A grueling decision.

A grueling decision.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cenixx.2594


Well I’ve leveled engineer to 52 and I just plain out don’t like it. I could go on to say why but that’s not the point here.
I absolutely can not decide which class I should take with me all the way to level 80.
So players, I am asking you. What should I play? Or simply even just give a try.
Please help! Thanks!

Adepts – Engineer – [IvI] I Vs I Me Bro – Isle of Janthir

A grueling decision.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mangarrage.1062


I don’t think anyone can answer that for you tbh. If whatever it was that lead you to the engineer, I don’t think you are going to find, which maybe good, but they are the most unique GW2 class imo. I play mesmer and elementalist and I love the mesmer personally but it depends what your main goal is and how effective you want t be doing it.
The ranger is the default class. It is the easiest to play and is w/o question the class that easily can be useful in all phases of the game. Elementalist can be too with a water base build. But I just think the mesmer class is the most fun I have had playing a toon for a long time

A grueling decision.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Veracor.9175


My recommendation is to roll any classes you’re considering and take them to Heart of the Mists, where you can fool around with level 80 builds and all the skills. PvPing is optional, but it helps to know whether or not you like how the class builds or deals its damage.

I was a backline player in GW1 and I’m loving playing a Warrior at 80. No class can do everything, so don’t let a lack of something discourage you. I realize and accept my ranged options are lackluster, that I can’t tank like a Guardian can in high level dungeons, and that I can’t siege terribly well in WvW.

A grueling decision.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: UnderworldSkull.1863


If you’re not having fun, reroll. I mean, it’s the point of playing the game is to have fun? It may take a bit to get back to level 52, but look at it this way. Once the game has been out for a while and you’ve started your new character and got it to level 80, you may want to give the Engineer a second try. You’ll already have started it and can continue from there! Even if you’ve make 3 level 80 characters, he will always be there.

A grueling decision.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Samf.5423


Don’t keep a character you’re not having fun with. This is my number one rule. I have remade a couple characters quite a few times just because I didn’t like the profession I chose for them. It only takes me 15 levels or so (not that difficult) before I come to a solid decision that I DO NOT like a certain profession. I find that it’s best to reroll before level 20, because that’s when you really start investing in time and gold.

Things to Consider
#1: Learn all the abilities with ALL the weapons.
#2: Find what weapon sets work for YOU.
#3: Don’t forget about utilities.* They can sometimes turn your frown upsidedown!
#4: Have FUN!

I can tell you straight out that the Mesmer and Necromancer DO NOT fit my play style. I’ve given each quite a few chances to get on my good side, but I ultimately had to let them go because I just couldn’t have fun with them. On the other hand, I absolutely LOVE the Elementalist, Warrior, and Engineer. It’s all player preference. You not liking Engineers doesn’t mean Engineers are bad, and me not liking Mesmers doesn’t mean Mesmers are bad. I just can’t have fun with their abilities, and there’s no harm in that.

If you really don’t know what to play, I would suggest that you make one of each profession (and yes, you may have to delete a couple, especially if you only have the five character slots that ANet gives you). There are SEVEN other professions for you to try out, so don’t give up hope! It might take some time, but when you find the class that is right for you, you will be happy you put in the effort!

I hope this helps!

(*I didn’t like the Engineer class until I finally unlocked Bomb Kit. That’s when things started to pick up!)

Veera Whisperveil, Charr, Engineer, 23
Ronya Owlskin, Norn, Ranger, 23

(edited by Samf.5423)

A grueling decision.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Maverick.6485


I am in love with my elementalist. I think so much that I may have spoiled other classes for myself.

The reason I say this is because instead of pressing a button to switch my weapons, I switch between 4 elements, and have 5 skills for each element.

Then I switch my weapon when out of combat, and have yet again the 4 elements with 5 skills for each element.

So many skills! I worry now that I will get very bored with any other class. I hope I’m completely wrong though. :P

Anyway, I would highly recommend the Ele if you haven’t tried it out yet. They are VERY versatile, (I know all classes are, but I personally feel Eles more so), ranging from long range support/aoes/dots all the way to close ranged agile dps.

I haven’t tried fooling around with a tank build yet, but if it were possible, it’d be more of an avoiding attacks rather than sucking up damage (Could be wrong but that’s my experience) using shields, turning into mist thus taking no dmg and breaking out of stuns, etc.

So! I guess that’s my opinion, but as you can see I’m a little biased. I hope you end up really enjoying whatever it is you choose! (unlessitsnottheele)

Oh yeah, and elementalist dungeon armor looks AMAZING!!!

Also, the end level utility skill, needing 30 skill points to unlock, turning into a tornado and shocking/blinding mobs while knocking them down if you get too close!! Amazing!!

shuts up now _