A little help with Scribing

A little help with Scribing

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jazz.1870


What is the cheapest way to get my scribing from 50-75? I just can’t make out what would be most effective to craft, plus I don’t know the discovery recipes

Could anyone give me a hand?

EU The Right Trolls [JiVE]

A little help with Scribing

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cakemeister.5792


With all due respect, if you need to ask how much scribing costs, you should not do it. It costs a very very large amount of gold.

A little help with Scribing

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: MasterJediSoda.5926


I made several Guild Banquet Schematics, as it seemed to be the best choice I had, with crafting boosters going. But yeah, scribe tends to be expensive to work on, and that will only get harder for you (especially if you don’t have guildies helping, sending resonating slivers, etc…) if you’re having trouble now.

Didn’t have any WvW schematics open at the time, though we have a couple now, so if any are available at that level (haven’t checked my list, and nothing on the wiki for that right now), they would probably be cheaper.

Main: Mithren Lunalit, Mesmer
Member of Legion of Honour [XIII]

A little help with Scribing

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jazz.1870


With all due respect, if you need to ask how much scribing costs, you should not do it. It costs a very very large amount of gold.

I know well enough how much it costs, I’m just wondering if there is anything better to craft other than the Banquet Schematic at the moment.

EU The Right Trolls [JiVE]

A little help with Scribing

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: soakman.7539


Guild banquet schematics seem to be the most cost efficient (though they are way overpriced for what they do)…

I’m our guild scribe, and so far, I am only lvl 60. I refuse to spend 2k gold to lvl something for the guild on my own. We love decorations.. but.. come on.

My guild pitches in when they can. Especially with resonance shards, sand, and occasionally brown pigments.

It is still going to take… forever.