About DR...

About DR...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ShadowMaster.5708



So, i am going for a legendary, so i farm ALOT!

So, my question about DR is the following:

1. Does DR affect monster drops aswell? If its not connected to an event or dungeon, just farming monsters?

2. If so, How do i know i hit DR? Do i get worse loot, do i get less loot or what happens?

3. If yes to number 1 again, how long does it take for me to hit DR? Is it 1 hour? 2 hours? And does it have to be no break, just farming? Or can i farm for 1 hour, then take a 1 hour break and start again, does this affect DR?

If some of these question is unclear, just ask me, i will try to explain


About DR...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Platypus.7831


That is the age old question. I hope someone can help you find the answer you are looking for. There is no way to know for sure as a.net keeps that info in the dark so that botters cannot find a work around.

Yes DR effects the drops of mobs. There is DR for everything. No it does not have to be tied to an event or dungeon.

But from just my experience I can give you a few tips.

Lets say we are at cursed shore farming shelt/pen. Once you are there for about an hour or so you will start seeing your loot go from greens and yellows, to blues and whites. That is how you know you have hit DR. You will not get less loot, just lower quality.

As far as getting rid of it goes, there are many answers to that as well. Usually I will go to another area for around thirty mins or so and that will get rid of it.

I hope this helps you.

About DR...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ShadowMaster.5708


That is the age old question. I hope someone can help you find the answer you are looking for. There is no way to know for sure as a.net keeps that info in the dark so that botters cannot find a work around.

Yes DR effects the drops of mobs. There is DR for everything. No it does not have to be tied to an event or dungeon.

But from just my experience I can give you a few tips.

Lets say we are at cursed shore farming shelt/pen. Once you are there for about an hour or so you will start seeing your loot go from greens and yellows, to blues and whites. That is how you know you have hit DR. You will not get less loot, just lower quality.

As far as getting rid of it goes, there are many answers to that as well. Usually I will go to another area for around thirty mins or so and that will get rid of it.

I hope this helps you.

Aha, i see Thanks